Alpha Blondy

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Posts posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. <cite>


    Waraa Qowdhan, gabadha waa Reer SOL ee ka xishoow.


    Tan Hodan Naaleeye la dhahaayo magacyada Soomaaliyeed maxee si carab la'nimo ah ugu dhawaaqdaa. Awal ayee magaceeda Hodan ugu dhawaaqi jirtay 'Hothaan', hadda magaca Caydiid ayee 'E-did' ugu dhawaaqeysaa. Carabgajo waaxid dheh.


    waraa aboowe,


    i don't know who this chick is. what's her nick on SOL?


    she does have a striking resemblance to Sharna Bass from Clean Bandit's extraordinary vid.







  2. what is authenticity horta?


    what is the difference between a Diaspora Somali, trained in the cadaan's methodologies and who probably has a limited grasp of their native tongue and the so called cadaan who can probably speak Somali?


    authenticity can only come from those on the ground, who've been emasculated by Somalis from aboard, who've in turn, been emasculated by caadaans. there is a hierarchy. there's no difference between so called qudun-joog academics and their white counterparts. they are the same. they are both voyeurs and detached from reality.




    please don't hijack this for your own end. you're just as fake as those you criticise.



  3. <cite>

    Waaryaa Alpha, where are the pics though. You don't update your garden photos anymore either. Has that place bored you or what? Hope you're having a wonderful time,man!


    Hi Gheele,


    doing great, mashallah.


    the garden died sxb. it looks terrible now. all the diverse plants have died, i kinda lost interest in the project loool. but the rains, i hope will replenish their roots. i don't know why but the rains make everyone happy for some strange reason here.





  4. Somalis these days eh....


    they complain about being called terrorists. whether called terrorists, fraudsters, criminals or pirates, i take pride in that because it at least implies we have personal agency....although most of those acts of savagery are almost all the time committed by reer xamari people and other somalis, not Somalilanders.


    we were called all sorts of names including but not limited to.....refugee, starvin marvin etc.... my personal do you kill a 1000 'Somalians'? throw some bread crumbs off a cliff. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL..CLASSIC. again, the famine didn't occur in Somaliland but we had to bare the brunt of these silly jokes. years later, i'd use these disparaging terms for reer xamari folks because i was a self-hater. now, i am not.

  5. m60897_20101005023000_392171719192.jpg


    The final months of Bobby Sands, the Irish Republican Army activist who protested his treatment at the hands of British prison guards with a hunger strike, are chronicled in this historical drama, the first feature film from artist-turned-filmmaker Steve McQueen. Davey Gillen (Brian Milligan) is an IRA volunteer who is sentenced to Belfast's infamous Maze prison, where he shares a cell with fellow IRA member Gerry Campbell (Liam McMahon). Like most of the IRA volunteers behind bars, Gillen and Campbell are subjected to frequent violence by the guards, who in turn live with the constant threat of assassination at the hands of Republicans during their off-hours. Campbell and Gillen are taking part in a protest in which they and their fellow IRA inmates are refusing to wear standard prison-issue uniforms as a protest against Britain's refusal to recognize them as political prisoners, a move that is complicating their efforts to pass information among the other prisoners. As the protest fails to get results, one IRA member behind bars, Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender), decides to take a different tack and begins a hunger strike, refusing to eat until Irish officials are willing to acknowledge the IRA as a legitimate political organization. However, while Sands' protest gains the attention both inside prison walls and in the international news, not everyone believes what he's doing is right, and Sands finds himself verbally sparring with a priest (Liam Cunningham) who questions the ethics and effectiveness of the strike. Hunger received its world premiere at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, where it was screened as part of the Un Certain Regard program.



  6. Coofle caadi iska dhig, abti.


    Somali politics is made for you. quitting is not an option. anyways, if you quit, you'll only quit as a commentator. i would advise you actually get involved in it. but it'll taint you because Somali politics is so primitive. there are no guarantees. agreements aren't respected.....if your position isn't safe, you'll always be ducking and diving, robbing and pillaging. there is no qowl, abti.


    its all aan amir waa aanta amir.

  7. let_the_right_one_in_poster.jpg


    A 12-year-old boy befriends a mysterious young girl whose appearance in town suspiciously coincides with a horrifying series of murders in director Tomas Alfredson's adaptation of the book by author John Ajvide Lindqvist, who also wrote the screenplay. Oskar is a young boy who can't seem to shake off the local bullies, but all of that begins to change when a new neighbor moves in next door. After striking up an innocent friendship with his eccentric next-door neighbor, Oskar realizes that she is the vampire responsible for the recent rash of deaths around town. Despite the danger, however, Oskar's friendship with the girl ultimately takes precedence over his fear of her.



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    Inside Llewyn Davis follows a week in the life of a young folk singer as he navigates the Greenwich Village folk scene of 1961. Guitar in tow, huddled against the unforgiving New York winter, he is struggling to make it as a musician against seemingly insurmountable obstacles-some of them of his own making.

