Alpha Blondy

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Posts posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. its almost they all have a sense of entitlement about their persons. almost like they expected to be included in this list of successful. each one has established a nice niche. they all look smug and rather proud of their efforts, ma itidhadeen?


    female reproductive health, maternal clinics and shaah and sheeko rehabilitation centres aren't really impressing anyone. i like the environmental activist, though.


    where are Somali businesswomen, inventors, entrepreneurs, construction workers and homemakers/housewives?


    the selector should have included a greater sample of women.

  2. #jooji colaada for sure.


    i was watching some of the fighting on the Somali TV stations, earlieer in the week. it was shocking. for goodness sakes, its 2015, almost 2016. the enemy is not us, its Gabre and the fufus. despite the protracted and constant troubles in southern Somalia, its really sad to see Somali vs. Somali tribal clan warfare on the rise again.


    its really disgusting these communities are constantly at each other's throat. if they were both inflicted with Ebola or a large scale influenza pandemic, it would be in everyone's best interest.

  3. 81fnY9rIAyL._SL1358_.jpg


    Set during the winter of 1981 -- statistically one of the most crime-ridden of New York City's history -A Most Violet Year is a drama following the lives of an immigrant and his family as they attempt to capitalize on the American Dream, while the rampant violence, decay, and corruption of the day drag them in and threaten to destroy all they have built.



  4. calvary_ver2_xlg.jpg


    Father James is a good priest who is faced with sinister and troubling circumstances brought about by a mysterious member of his parish. Although he continues to comfort his own fragile daughter and reach out to help members of his church with their various scurrilous moral - and often comic - problems, he feels sinister and troubling forces closing in, and begins to wonder if he will have the courage to face his own personal Calvary.



  5. 1.jpg


    Caleb Smith, a programmer at an internet-search giant, wins a competition to spend a week at the private mountain estate of the company's brilliant and reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman. Upon his arrival, Caleb learns that Nathan has chosen him to be the human component in a Turing Test-charging him with evaluating the capabilities, and ultimately the consciousness, of Nathan's latest experiment in artificial intelligence. That experiment is Ava, a breathtaking A.I. whose emotional intelligence proves more sophisticated and more deceptive than the two men could have imagined.



  6. hi guys,


    bal waraama. how comes this thread hasn't been updated?


    i've been lobbying the Admin to delete this thread. i wrote a long email explaining why it ought to be deleted but they ignored me. shame, really. in that case, it's quite fine. i'll occasionally post on here to share stuff.



    --a short excerpt, if will.


    Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while,

    Heaven can wait we're only watching the skies.

    Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst,

    Are you gonna drop the bomb or not?


    Let us die young or let us live forever

    We don't have the power, but we never say never

    Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip

    The music's for the sad man.


    Can you imagine when this race is won?

    Turn our golden faces into the sun,

    Praising our leaders, we're getting in tune

    The music's played by the madman.


    Forever young,

    I want to be forever young.

    Do you really want to live forever?

    Forever, and ever


    Forever young,

    I want to be forever young

    Do you really want to live forever?

    Forever young.


    Some are like water, some are like the heat

    Some are a melody and some are the beat

    Sooner or later they all will be gone

    Why don't they stay young?


    It's so hard to get old without a cause

    I don't want to perish like a fading horse

    Youth's like diamonds in the sun,

    And diamonds are forever


    So many adventures couldn't happen today,

    So many songs we forgot to play

    So many dreams swinging out of the blue

    We'll let them come true


    Forever young,

    I want to be forever young.

    Do you really want to live forever,

    Forever, and ever?



    when you realize how short life is and how fast you begin to fade away in age,

    you have a better understanding of life and how to take it, enjoy it, and appreciate it with all its sad moments and frustrating times along with all the adventures and happy times.


    the young people who trolled on this thread are now old men and women and they can no longer do the things they used to and they will continue to fade away like me, Alpha, you, and everyone else.....



  7. i watched a few youtube vids. excellent stuff. well done to Ahmed Hussen.


    this guy looks sensible, speaks responsibly - he exudes reliability and has a ''very hands-on approach to life'' demeanor - based on my personality of cult test. i'd vote for him, despite him being a cadcad/bravanese. at least in Canada, they're not some useless minority. overlooked and underrepresented.


    Xildhibaan Ahmed has very much the political look about him. the sort that has been incubated, groomed and polished from long ago. he's Canada's Xi. this guy has perfected the image aspect of things. his tone is on-point. i bet he can't wait to use his deluge of ''grassroots, community based and people-centric approach to long term community relations and its sustainability'' buzzwords in parliament. even has people skills, by the looks of it. i even like the way he spelt his surname to get away from the Islamically sounding name 'Hussein'. Hussen isn't offensive at all. its good for integration. it'll get you votes. if only his actual name was Alan Hussen - you'd think he was non Muslim.


    he makes you feel proud to be Somali. if there were 5 like him, we wouldn't be in the situation we're collectively in today. but he wouldn't survive the nastiness of Somali politics. he's too good for that. he has qowl.



    good luck bro.

  8. the easiest way for SL to get recognition is by attacking Garowe. SL should then attack the rest of the former Somalia and take it all.


    did anyone come across Nicholas Kay analogy of the situation in Somalia? funny stuff. he said 'Somalia' is like a house without a ceiling. LOL.





    in the original video, which was posted on facebook last week, she was promoting dinta Christian-ka, now she's saying she was drugged. this woman is from Sweden, has been masiixi for 15 years.


    of all the excuses she could muster, she's saying she was drugged. that is ridiculous. what's even more ridiculous is she is/was a xidhibaanad in Puntland or Xamar or Konfuur Galbeed or one of the half dozen regional admins in Somalia. with elected officials being incredibly corrupt in such places, it doesn't surprise, she attempts to lie herself out of this situation. her accent is very annoying as well.



  10. Mooge,




    some folks can't keep their opinions on all things Somaliland. yet as Gabre and Nicholas Kay continue to colonise Somalia, giving orders to arrest journalists and threaten vocal parliamentarians.........all you guys can talk is Somaliland and Xidigaha Geeska.


    i don't support violence in any form. i'm all about dialogue and peaceful resolutions.

  11. <cite>

    The people of Somaliland have been fed anti-south rhetoric and it has gotten out of control. They despise/hate/suspect the rest of the Somalis. I was in Mogadishu for 8 months until August this year with only short one week breaks and no single time was I asked my clan or treated differently. People there are generally relaxed about it and they appear more civilized. The attitude of Somalilanders towards the rest of the Somalis in general and Southerners in particular is very dangerous and the sooner something is done about it the better.

    This incident only reflects that. Its not a government issue. Its a much bigger issue that needs to be addressed.



    sadly this is a prevailing attitude from Somalilandiidist folks who are uneducated, uninformed and hate-preachers bent on hurling unnecessary insults. they continue to denigrate the great strides, development and overall progresses made by the Somaliland people and government.


    Somaliland is self-aware and doesn't hesitate to reflect on its direction and actions. the fact the people of Somaliland are actively engaged in such democratic discussions about this latest incident is proof of our democratic credentials.


    Somalia, with its porous borders, disputed territorial waters, land grabs by occupying forces and untrained immigration officials tends to have an open door policy on people movement. with its long history of letting in foreigners, be it Italians, Islamic terrorists or Bantus, who continue to abuse the Somali people by raping Somalia women. unfortunately, in the tribal enclaves of Southern Somalia, its not surprising to hear of tribal motivated murders and hutu-inspired-machete-wielding-clan militias randomly killing people - e.g -Mogadisho, Galkacyo and Kismayo.


    Xamar and the entire Somalia is a xenophobic epicentre of moral corruption and degeneracy. we know this, and you know this, too. please do not let the qurbojoke folks and their nostalgic yearnings for Somalianimo, peace and stability lead you into believing that such mono-tribal settlements are post-tribal.


    tribe is a fact of life. to deny this, is to deny the reality of life. the Somaliland people are peace-loving, diverse populace who are actively bettering themselves. there are various organisations, individuals and government supported efforts which are successfully engaged at the grassroots levels to eradicating and educating people about qabyalaad and its vices.