Alpha Blondy

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Posts posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. <cite>

    Waaryaa Alpha, sideebaa caasimada looga dabaaldegay oo loogusoo dhaweeyay sannadka cusub. Have you seen the tower inferno in Dubai? Thanks to that untimely accident a lot of eagerly anticipated one night stands due to happen in that hotel were cancelled. But I admire the spirit of the Dubai ruler, for him a minor nuisance like a major fire will not get in the way of his grand party.


    wara Tallaabo,


    weli ma nooshahay? i thought you would've hanged yourself by now. lol


    inaar, i'm not in Hargeisa anymore. i left a while back back. im now in Atlanta, Georgia. i moved here almost 5 months ago now. i always wanted to move to America and its been really great so far. we had a get together for new year's, it was ok. hope you had a great time.


    i saw that terrible fire sxb on the news. some 16 people were apparently hurt. i was very surprised to see it, they finally slipped up, the UAE. maybe, like you say, it was divine intervention. although, one of my friends was saying it was because the Burj Al-Arab and Burj Al-Khalifa flew the French flag after the Paris Attacks. lol.


    11820736_1063600530340648_1202146250_n.j - ignore the top pic.

  2. dhamaan All,




    happy new year and a prosperous new year.


    pray for a better world. prayer for a better you. prayer for a better year. pray for the Muslims who are suffering. prayer for world peace.


  3. hi D.O.C,


    great to hear back from you. great to see you're well and making the most of your holidays. i didn't know you were from the UK, i would've never guessed lol. the cantarabaqash thread was a joke. i've been emailing Admin to have it removed though. i've sent various PMs, as well as email, since i sourced their details from whois. but they didn't get back in touch with me. i wasn't surprised nor disappointed. im doing well bro. things are moving so quick over here and 2016 is just around the corner, ma garatay? it'll be a decisive year for so many reasons, im sure you'll agree. hope you have a great one inshallah.


    i shall occasionally send you a private email to see how you are.

  4. <cite>

    Sax, saasaa la rabaa. Hala mamnuuca, gaalo iyo gaaloraac haku dhigtaan feestooyinkooda meelahee ka soo jeedaan.


    Waligeed Soomaaliya laguma dhigin laakiin kuwa wareersan oo reer dibadjoog ah oo hay'ado diimo kale faafiyo u adeego ayaa watay inay xaflad Muqdisho ka sameystaan 25ta bisha. Taas mid laga yeelaayo ma'aha. Sanadka cusub ha dhigtaan haddee rabaan oo qof u diidaayo maleh.


    i didn't understand your comment because its peppered with af-maay, a locally spoken variant of the Somali language. MMA, if you're not happy with Christmas, why don't you just leave north America? im quite sure they need your skills in Koonfur Galbeed's various institutions.

  5. <cite>

    What are the Christmas? And what kind celebrations they do?

    What is the meaning this two words from allah su.wa
    غير المغضوب ولضالين

    Who is المغضوب

    Who is ضالين ?


    We read fatiha seventeen times a day and night and even more, no needs to witness charcoal pork and alcohol in our own country let them hide under the tent.


    Christmas inst necessarily a Christian tradition, ma garatay? who says its to do with pork and alcohol only? such prejudices only reinforced your innate hatred for non-Muslim people. for the vast majority of Christians, its about observance of Prophet Issa's birthday and spending quality time with their loved ones and not the consumption of alcoholic beverages and overfeeding on swine meat. are you against this? i needn't remind you that Christianity is one of the Abrahamic religions.


    did you see they were celebrating Mowlid ul Nabi in Somalia? isn't that an innovation too?

  6. <cite>

    Co-workers were asking me why Somalia banned Christmas. I told them it was banned by a rogue tribal leader, which is exactly what Culusoow is. He doesn't speak for all Somalis.


    good on you for distancing yourself from their draconian and medieval ways. i can only imagine the shame you felt having to justify yourself for their inexcusable and rogue ways.

  7. <cite>

    Imagine Kenya banning


    imagine the condemnation they would've received, Obama would've phoned Uhuru immediately, Kerry would be on the plane next day to Nairobi.


    Somalia, Tajikistan and Brunei have banned Christmas celebration, no condemnation from the world.


    Such a tolerant religion.


    this is disgraceful. the world is laughing at these brutal dictatorships and emirships.


    if Eid, Ramadan or any Islamic traditions were banned, the Muslims will be up in arms, possibly even resorting to terrorism and killing people. but the hypocrites, they are.


    in Arabia, the prophet Mohamed (p.b.u.h) safeguarded the religious rights of minorities, but in Somalia, they are happy to execute them, without any regard for human rights.

  8. <cite>

    Did they think Al-shabaab will give them a break because they ban charismas?. It is in almost every major newspaper around the world. The only country in the Muslim world banning charismas.


    This leader is incompetent. Over half million Somalis are scattered around western Christian nations seeking refuge, yet , he decided to put his ugly for all to see. Does anyone guess what they trying to gain?. Maybe they were trying to answer to warlord Dahir Alasow who accused them something about NGO or what not, I do not remember.




    Happy Holidays sxb,


    not entirely surprised at Somalia's incompetence. this is a shame. sadly as the world progresses and moves on, reer Somalia are continually stuck in the medieval ages. their empty threats and bravado isn't impressing anyone.


    if the international calaami and deeqbixiyaasha folks are celebrating Christmas inside the heavily protected international community airport, and the AMISOM occupying forces are celebrating privately in their compounds, who is this Christmas ban meant for?


    the entire incident is a PR disaster for this nation of degenerates and failures. there are several different spokespersons for this useless government, all operating independently. there's a decentralised communications policy. the unregulated ulama of Somalia ought to be held to account for their fatwas, punished and sentenced accordingly.


  9. Somalia has issued a ban on Christmas celebrations in the Muslim-majority country after the Southeast Asian sultanate of Brunei announced a similar prohibition earlier this month with the threat of five years in jail.


    Sheikh Mohamed Khayrow, director general of Somalia's religious affairs ministry, said on Tuesday that Christmas and New Year celebrations threatened the country's Muslim faith.


    "There should be no activity at all," he told reporters, adding security forces had been ordered to break up any such festivities.


    "All events related to Christmas and New Year celebrations are contrary to Islamic culture, which could damage the faith of the Muslim community."


    Sheikh Nur Barud Gurhan, of the Supreme Religious Council of Somalia, also warned against celebrations, saying they could provoke al-Shabab "to carry out attacks".



    Last year, the armed group launched a Christmas Day attack on the African Union's heavily fortified headquarters in the capital Mogadishu, killing three AU soldiers and a civilian.


    Somalia, which issued a similar ban in 2013, follows the Islamic calendar that does not recognise January 1 as the beginning of the year.


    There are almost no Christians left living in the country, although a bombed-out Italian-built Catholic cathedral remains a city landmark Mogadishu.


    Foreign diplomats, aid workers, and soldiers living in the AU compound are permitted to mark the day privately.


    read more here:



    as if Somalia wasn't already a place of intolerance , its now officially banned Christmas. being the world's only failed state, Somalia, has been besieged by terrorism, foreign occupation, poverty, instability, protracted clan warfare and now its banned Christmas to allegedly 'protect Islam'. pathetic.


    Somalia's savage clans have been engaged in a protracted and aimless war against each other, while their country is annexed between Ethiopia and Kenyan forces, supported by AMISOM Christian forces. the Ethiopia expeditionary forces based in Somalia needn't worry about this banning because they celebrate Christmas around the 7th of January, by which time the Somalia government will have forgotten its banning of Christmas.


    its quite tragic that Somalia's Christians cannot celebrate Christmas in their own country because its banned. pathetic.

  10. <cite>

    Hey Alpho, sup niyoow.


    what if the test comes back i am 98% Mbuti Pygmy. that will be devastating niyoow. i want to be unique like Kalasha people but no test for me because of the unpredictability in the situation niyoow. i don't want to have doubts in my pure highborn Eagle lineage niyoow. looool.


    shaki shaki yeah? lol.


    you're right about these tests. they've often come back with strange results. who cares if your results come back as Mbuti Pygmy. Abdulahi Yusuf looked like he was from Papua New Guinea, ma garatay? he deserved a proper ritual burial, maybe even cremated as per Papuan customs.


    we are one sxb but politically diverse, ma garatay? Nicolas kay and General Gabre are dividing the Somali people and we are foolishly falling for their agenda. lol

  11. she was probably wasn't Muslim. muslims are incapable of performing a selfless act, if it doesnt benefit their personal interest or their pan-global islamic khaliphate agenda. she could've been Catholic or Jewish, these people also wear veils on their head. i highly doubt this 'Hijabi' was muslim. she could've been an actress and the whole thing was probably staged to humanise and portray Muslims in a positive light as per political correctness rules. Muslims and Islamic groups have a stranglehold on the free media. you can't express your opinions and freedom of speech without being killed, maimed or beheaded by folks addled by Islamist jihadism.


    the truth is Muslims are quite selfish people, let alone heroic.



    check this funny youtube vid. its funny.

  12. <cite>

    ^ i guess this the trial phase, in the future they would offer substantial money to induce refugees to go home.


    They can afford it; Norway has the largest sovereign wealth fund in the world courtesy of North sea oil.


    Norway isn't even first choice for the tahribbed, nor does it welcome refugees, as well as Germany. Germany seems to be the ideal destination for refugees. Angel Merkel wa rageedi. she might even win the Nobel prize this year or the next.


    i wonder how much folks would be willing to accept to return voluntarily. the potential earnings and the high quality of life in these Nordic havens are invaluable, even if you end up speaking Norwegian.


    western passports ought to have a monetary value placed on their worth sxb. this will make it easier for the tahribb folks to decide where to go. i wish i ended up in America.


    Thanks for the info on the Sovereign wealth fund. interesting, that.



    hi DOC,


    how are you sxb. some might mistake you for Alpha, for creating this dedication thread.


    bal waraan. maxaa inoo kala dambeeyey? im doing great. all is well. waan furay inanti and she's received her papers years ago.


    where are you in the world these days? last i recall you were in Ṣalalah. warka so daa, ma garatay?

  14. the entire thing was a poorly thought out integration ploy. nothing impressive here.


    the majority of them are black, asian and ethnic minorities and the offspring of islamic immigrants. they might as well ban Christmas at this rate. these sorts of gestures make a mockery of ethnic difference. everyone is different and we must celebrate diversity.


    also, most of the kids weren't even singing but were probably miming.