Alpha Blondy

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Everything posted by Alpha Blondy

  1. Xabad, if you happen to see this post, i'd like to hear your thoughts on this video. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  2. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> I head there are also a number of Oromo clans of Somali origin. oh yeah? well i reckon you ought to keep your comments to yourself cos its going to hurt someone. no one likes been insulted. as per my new years resolution, i'm now very keen to better myself and refrain from making jibes against people. i think you should consider changing your ways.
  3. whaaaaaaaats up! Atlanta is such an amazing city. it surprises all the time.
  4. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Alpha. I don't care what you say that man is Oromo. When did SL tribes start assimilating Oromos? There are many Somali tribes of Oromo origin. Xabad. I think he's the father. The man is mentally ill. you're right, i don't care. the man is an ethnic Somali. a task force of special officers and caseworkers were trained in Af-cushitic in order to infiltrate the Oromo community. now we are reaping the benefits of their excellent work. lol@There are many Somali tribes of Oromo origin. why don't you tell us who these tribes are. what's your point of reference? have you ever read a book caled Dirkii Sacmaallada?
  5. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Where the parents of this murdered child, Alpha. presumably behind bars in the case of the child's father. the mother, is probably too afraid to mourn her child for fears of reprisals. Oromo women know their place and are quite deferential. strange people.
  6. almost at the 2.5 miles target. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  7. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Is it true or is he just the fall guy? this story is true. the murderer was an Orom. he killed his child markuu isku buuqay. it cannot be confirmed nor denied that he sucked the blood of the child. the investigation is still on-going. see below for the pic of the mutilated child. viewer discretion is advised. getting reports that 7,000 oromos have been deported in the last two days.
  8. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> Is it true or is he just the fall guy? It's funny seeing Oromo guy with Qaldaan accent. always quick with the involuntary comments, Che? the translator is not an orom, he's a civil servant from the interior ministry/immigration. SL has its own civil servants who are well versed in the Oromo languages.
  9. Somaliland: Child Eating Cannibal Arrested in Burao By: Yusuf M Hasan BURAO (Somalilandsun) – The Mutilated body of a young girl is under examination by pathologists at the Toghdeer Regional Hospital Mortuary. The deceased girl whose age is yet to be disclosed by Family or police died from an act of cannibalism perpetrated by a blood drinking man at Wadhan village in Burao district of Toghdeer region in Somaliland. According to the regional police commander Colonel Ahmed Mahmud Guutale the blood sucking man is currently in custody at the Burao central police station where investigations are ongoing before arraignment in court. "Police can confirm that the body of a mutilated girl is currently at the Regional hospital's mortuary in Burao while the suspected perpetrator of the crime is also in custody" said Col Guutale. Briefing the press in regional force command offices Col Guutale revealed that the man now under investigation on suspicion of being a cannibal was from the Oromo tribe from Ethiopia while his presence in the country is related to illegal immigration. "Being a country governed by laws neither illegal stay in Somaliland status or Oromia lineage of the child killing and cannibalizing perpetrator shall be a fact during his imminent arraignment in court" committed the regional police commander while thanking area residents who made possible the arrest of the cannibal. Though he committed to ensure that the accused is availed a fair court hearing despite his lineage the police commander was quick to point out that the country is currently engulfed by a large number of foreigners either transiting illegal immigration or in illegal stay for work. Stating that law enforcement agencies in the country are in a rejuvenated human traffickers and the trafficked flush-out campaign Col Guutale stressed on fact that the large number of illegal's from Ethiopia especially Oromo's transiting to Bosaso for trafficking is worrisome as ascertained by strange acts like the current one of cannibalism. "This is a strange act unnatural to Somaliland and residents of the entire Toghdeer region are on trepidation" said the police commander as he promised a hawk-eyed approach by his officers. --- --- what's going in Burao. im getting information that the cannibal was off Oromo descent. they are now eating our children. ive been warning against illegal immigration but the Somaliland authorities are ill-equipped in defending its citizens against cannibals.
  10. Canno Geel, your thread was deleted. you are duly invited here to make your concerns against freedom of speech abuses iyo wax yaabo la mid ah.
  11. bored! bored! bored! who's up for a bit trolling to past away these long hours! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  12. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> look at them being Persian slaves. lol. Iranians are mostlikely looking at these singing negros with amuse. iran has a complex and it is taking advantage of poor people everywhere niyoow. at a time when Iran's diplomacy is faltering, why doesn't Puntland establish strong cordial relations with Iran? both entities are failing, so it might be in your best interest to make as many friends as possible, ya Mooge?
  13. why is Ayan pretending to be a celeb when she's not a celeb herself? its pitiful when Somalis in the west, who have no sense of themselves, forsake their own ethnic origin and cultural heritage in the hope of finding acceptance. does she think she'll find a vantage point in pretending to be a black woman...?
  14. people like this woman make a mockery of our values. the hijab is a 24/7 full-time job, not to be removed when it gets dangerous or for the that matter when it suits career progression. if she's not serious about the hijab, she ought to not politicise it. what benefit did she accrue with this inclusive diversity nonsense.
  15. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Trying too hard eh! what? trying too hard maxaad ka wada?
  16. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Somalis are becoming an ugly sour even in small matters. I could not go anymore to Tim Horton coffee shops for little chats with friends. A group of five to eight Somalis are sitting their for hours with loud noises for everyone to hear. There is no one to tell them about discreet conversation. i could relate to this cringe-worthy maybe you ought to tell them to keep it quiet. its up to all of us to correct the wrongs in the community. unless, of course, you are happy to let them embarrass us? people generally have no problems accepting critiques, if its done right, maha? i know from experience as a self-appointed corrector of manners. lol.
  17. Galbeedi, siyaasadaadu wa maqaney jooga. there are certain types of people who are opposed to ''Habro'', whatever that means, it isn't only Warab or you, who are qurbo-joke warlords intent on destabilising the peace. the people have had enough of the protracted warfare. there's a silent majority but they hardly throw around tribal euphemisms. when was the last time, you were there in person? at least Beyle went there and made a nice song about the world's first failed state. he called Somalia a mashruuc lol. that's exactly waxay tahay.
  18. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> I am surprised the workers couldn't work with the managers to come up with a prayer plan if the production line can't handle complete shutdown. dadkaan wa lazy. they ought to be deported, if they're not willing to accept the American way of life.
  19. Somali Somalia or anything, whether prefixed or suffixed with the Somali term.
  20. i wonder how many of those who boycotted the shift 'to pray' process swine meat in the factory? Somali's are hypocrites. its very unlikely they all pray, specially so in America, where people quickly assimilate and have no qualms about having an alcoholic beverage after work. lakinse waxa yaab ah, that 600 Somalis can work in single factory, according to the report. that is probably the single largest number of Somalis employed by a single company in one location, anywhere in the world - except maybe in the oil fields of Alberta. caajib. its so easy to see why so many people are moving to North America.
  21. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Tallaabo, I just inserted the last line about me to attrac some attention. I will not join, and if I did , will fight to the finish. When It comes to money , I am always a giver not a taker. horta whatever happened to Suldaan Wabar? he could do with your donations, maha?
  22. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Happy New Year. This year, I need to solve all of Africa's problems. That is my resolution. Africa is a waste of everybody's time. it seems hardly worth the effort. dedicate yourself to something with more tangible outcomes. lol.