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Posts posted by Liban

  1. MustqbalRadio is reporting it too.


    War deg deg:- Xasan Daahir Aweys oo isku soo dhiibay dowladda KMG



    Afgooye-MMC: War aan*si rasmi ah loo *xaqiijin oo naga soo gaaraya degmada Afgooye ee gobbolka Shabelaha Hoose ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi uu isku soo dhiibay Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo kamid ahaa saraakiisha Xarakada Al-Shabab.


    Warka* ayaa tilmaamaya in halkaasi uu ku sugayey taliyaha hey’ada nabad sugida ee dowladda KMG Soomaaliya Axmed Macalin Fiqi.


    Ma jiro wax war ah oo wali ka soo baxay dhinaca dowladda KMG Soomaaliya oo lagu xaqiijinayo hadalkaasi basle waxaa la filayaa in saacadaha soo socda masuuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda iyo Xasan Daahir ay si wada jir ah ula hadlaan saxaafadda.


    Ma jiro dhanka kale wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dhinaca Xarakada Al-Shabab ee ku aadan amurtaani.




  2. Wiil Cusub;837668 wrote:
    Yes it could been written longtime ago before Independence. Every body understand lost of greater Somali (somaliweyn) and you do nt want wake up from that dream.

    Who are the Dreamers here? I thought all the hopes for Somaliland independence were thrown in the toilet in UK conference. Then in the Turkey conference, they just flushed the toilet on y'all dreams. And both times, Somaliland ministers signed the agreements. It is better u guys focus ur energy on hatching out Somaliland demands from TFG, rather than wasting it by finding articles from 1960s. I mean those articles helped ur cause in 1990s. Trying to play those same records from 1990s just show how desperate u guys are getting.

  3. Wiil Cusub;837648 wrote:
    Balaayaduba halkan ayay ka bilaabantay ama indhaha ha laga laliyo ama xaqiiqada ha la wajaho.

    I don't remember Somalia fighting Ethiopia for Somaliland. Somaliland was always part of Somalia. The author of this article is trying so hard to fight for a lost cause. Give it up, and join as one the Federal States in Somalia. Don't worry u will still be able to call Silaanyo, Mr. President. President of Somaliland State of Somalia that is. ;)

  4. Carafaat;837647 wrote:
    Liban, Hiilqaran HQ is based in Muqdisho and the Secretary General who runs everything hails from Bay/Bakool and based in Xamar. There are members of the leadership in the other parts of Somalia, Bosasso, Hargeysa and southern Somalia, etc.


    Hiilqaran is not a one man nor a clan based party, its a movement from Somalis in Somalia and abroad who have ideas how to help rebuild their country and correct some of the mistakes we made it the past.


    the 11 founders have sworn they will never hold any political office, but solely want to advice the younger generation to learn from their mistakes.

    Thanks, for the clarification. Funny u mentioning folks from Bay and Bakool are in some type of leadership post in Hiil Qaran. Looool, where did I mention anything about Hiil Qaran is one clan or one man based party. Let me guess, u probably think I hail from Bay/Bakool coz I defend Shariif Sakiin.


    U coming out to that conclusion only cements my idea that Anti Shariif Sakiins are mostly folks who are still not able to think outside of the tribalism box. While at the same time advocating others to do so.

  5. Coofle,


    Dude u are dreaming. Leadership is not learned, it is a trait. So ur intellectuals are not fit to lead a country by reading a book. At least Shariif Sakiin is honest and didn't fake It like many of the folks who are in politics arena. I mean are u trying to convince me that Faroole is a doctor. Come on dude, I am not gonna sit here and lie to u. But truthfully if u open ur heart, think outside the box of tribalism, and get over this intellectual bull sh**. U will end up agreeing with me that Shariif Sakiin is the best in the Somalia political game and most fit to lead Somalia.


    The main thing most people are against the idea of him running the country is because he hails from the tribe which in the unwritten rules of Somalia politics can not dare to think beyond the chair of parliament Speaker.


    Shariif Sakiin comes from a small tribe and a tribe pretty much respected by many people. He will unite everyone, and is the only man if he comes to power the chance of Al Shabab putting their arms is almost guaranteed. Why? Simple, 80% of Al Shabab military hails from Digil and Mirifle, and the others.


    Shariif Sakiin For President 2012

  6. Hiil-Qaran, Tayo Party are not in touch with the real political situation in Somalia. They are just bunch of so called intellectuals with non what so ever experience in current Somali politics, looking for Kursii. First move from the comforts living in the west. Live in Mogadishu few years and start from there, if u guys seriously care about Somalia, and not just some Kursii in the gov't.

  7. If u ask me, I will tell you that Liibaan is hiding Khatuumo Members pose with the conference headphones, when he is showing all those wesley snipes pictures. I mean those headphones that khatumo delegates are posing with are ultimately meant for translation purposes, not posing with them in pictures. Liibaan, teach ur delegates some conference manners, it is really embarrassing man.

  8. Wow, so all the talk about Puntland oil was a complete Hoax. Shame on U Faroole. Well it is the trait of Puntland folks to hype up anything that is Puntland. They are pretty good. Where is Dr Osman and his Puntland fever when u need a news spin off.