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Everything posted by Libaax-Sankataabte

  1. Omar Jamal takes post with Somali Mission to UN November 17, 2009 Minneapolis (AP) — A well-known advocate for Somalis in Minnesota has taken a new job with the Permanent Mission of the Somali Republic to the United Nations. Omar Jamal, 36, is in New York City this week, getting credentials and getting to work. Somalia's ambassador to the United Nations, Elmi Ahmed Duale, says Jamal was appointed about a week ago to the position of first secretary. Duale says Jamal will represent Somali interests on various U.N. committees. Jamal says Somalia is under siege by al-Shabab and he'll make an "urgent appeal to save the country from al-Qaida." As many as 20 young men have left the Minneapolis area to possibly fight with the terror group in Somalia. Jamal, who has led the Somali Justice Advocacy Center since 2001, says he'll ask board members to appoint a new executive director. Minnesota Public Radio
  2. ... But the fool in the video did it under a peace treaty. It is a whole different ball game.
  3. loool@val. That made me laugh . War wuxu maxay ahaayeen.
  4. Quite a few nomads have complained about someone else using their name in the chat room. It has become a trend now. Two way to verify someone's identity in the chat room. 1. Public Ask the chatter politely to announce himself on the forum's chat thread if he/she is truly the person whose username is being used. 2. Private Ask the chatter to send you a private message through the forum if he/she wants to stay anonymous to everyone else. That is how things were done in the past. It works!!
  5. Originally posted by NASSIR: Burtinle-landers are core P-landers. loool@ Burtinle-Landers. NASSIR has just coined a new term.
  6. Yes, that looks like Cismaay Diyaano, the head of PIS, in the background. He looks slightly rested in the new picture when compared to the other picture which was taken right after his rebel militia arrived from Ceel-Afweyn, Somaliland.
  7. Many nomads have asked for the chat room to be re-installed. It should now be working. There is also an option for VOICE CHAT. If you would like to moderate the chat room, please do send me a private message.
  8. Originally posted by me: Wiilka uu dhalay C/raxmaan Faroole Madaxweynaha Puntland, oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Bishii hore wuxuu joogay Laascaanood, wuxuuna la kulmay niman badan oo Somaliland ah sida nimanka jooga halkaas, wuxuuna ku dhuumanayey sidii uu yahay Saxafi, wuxuuna waday farriino, Cismaan Afdhillo Carruurtiisu waxay joogtaa Garoowe”. Actually Faroole's wife (caruurtiisa hooyadood) is from Ibrahim Egal's sub-clan. Wiilku haduu abtiyaashiis la soo shiray may iska daayaan.
  9. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Hadde kuligeen dad carfaayoo Dhulkii Fooxa kasoo askumay ma noqon karno, xoogaa qurun iyo shiir waaloo baahan yahay saanan naloogu dawaqin... :cool: loool. Oday Nugaal-Gibin caan ka ahaa oo aan qaraabo nahay oo la odhan jiray Xaaji Kheyr (he actually has a whole town named after him) ayaa intuu noolaa laga hayaa tix yar: Qardho yaa ka qarmuun, oo qariib yaa uga liita Marka Kool, walaalkeen Sayid meel udgoon lagu ammaanay markii horeba ma sheegan inuu ka yimid. Buuralayda Karkaar haduu sheegan lahaa, wax dhan bay ahaan lahayd. Sayidoow, wixii aad xadgudub ku aragto inay wadaan, u nasteexee adigoo isirkooda wax ka sheegin.
  10. Originally posted by Sophist: JB, Shankaroon nin waalan uun baa iska celin kara Classic.
  11. Abtiqiis waa geesi la xumeeyey ee daa runta ha sheegee. Abtigiis, Awoowe, Faroole micno badan ma samayn hadalkiisii, ee waa sidaad sheegtaye hala isaga gudbo. Awooweyaal xaal qaata, ummaddaan walaalaha ah ee aan caloolxumadu dhex oollin cuqdad aan jirin yaan lagu kala beerine, maslaxad walaalnimo ka taliya oo yaynaan sii fogayn shacabka. Halganka yaan shacabka la nacsiin. Weli ma arag qof Puntland ka yimid oo ku raacsan Faroole hadalkiisa ama ka soo horjeeda kacdoonka walaalaheena Habashidu xoogga ku haysato. Ummaddu waa wada taageersan tahay halganka, ee bal nasteexada badiya oo yaan shacabka dhegta wada taagaya lagu sii fogayn hadalo qalafsan. Waa iga talo mujaahidiineey!!!!!!
  12. ^^ Aw Tusbaxle isagoo madaxa xiinaranayaa la ii sheegay. Dagaal balaaran oo aan loo kala harin oo internetka ah ayuu u diyaar garoobayaa.
  13. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Waar there is a sub-clan called Kings ,,,, Cowke says he is from that sub-clan and Sharmarke is his cousin ,,, Cowke is a "mole" from Galmudug according to General Duke.
  14. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Nin u dhashey Buuhoodle oo ka qowleysta hargeysa ayaa maalin dhaweyd si dhuumasha ah isugu sawirey Garoonka oo howl laga wado,
  15. Gabdho, arooska waa loo duceeyaaye gacan adayga jooojiya oo mashxarada badiya.
  16. Waryaa bootaale AT&T, nimanka Walwaal, Geladi, Wardheer, Bookh, Qaloocan, Caado, Maaneed, iyo Mirafadle dega oo dhibta badan bal marka hore iyaga soo baabi'i iyagaa ZONE 5 dega oo kuu dhow eh, Nugaal intaad u dhaadicin. Waxaan u malaynayaa nimankaas ayaadanba soo dhaafayn marka hore. On a serious note, I feel your pain, but let us not revile a whole community as Jafe01 has been doing in the last few days. This exploit, if confirmed, is a catastrophic new low for Puntland. Citizens fleeing Habasha cruelty whose desire to find liberty takes them to Puntland should not be handed over to Meles. I am optimistic Faroole will speak on this in the future, but let the entire facts surface. There is scores of suspicion that this latest indictment from the ONLF is based on nothing more than mere half truths.
  17. saxaafada “SSDF” waa siduu hadalka u dhigayee Koore, awoowe anigu waxaan qabaa Taliye Dabaq sidaa uma hadline wariye Maxamed Xasan ayay u dhowdahay inuu hadalka yara xarakeeyay. Army commanders are normally much more disciplined than the average farax. But I do get your point about websites/clan issue in general. There should be no argument on that.
  18. Any pics of lava at the scene?
  19. It seems the minister is wearing Suldan Shire's signature haramcad hat. I am wondering if the lord came into his name/last name as suggested (landlord) or if it meant something else. Great stuff NASSIR.
  20. Awoowe peasant, don't advise the good sister to do that. The system is there for a reason.
  21. The struggle must continue I say. Insha Allah one day the young mujahids will free the oppressed people of that region from the daily humiliation of Tigre/Amahara fascists. This is not a war of a whimsical choice. It is rather a case of desperate necessity.
  22. The greatest nicknames of all are those of my granfathers Migarayshan Buurhaad Libaax-Sankataabte Nageeye Which roughly translates into The travel minister who jumped off a cliff, touched the lion's nose, and brought a peaceful settlement. Waxa kale ee aad meesha ku haysaan waa iska been been.
  23. Farax, it is only $90 dollars. Unless the economic downturn has reduced you to penury, the last time I knew, you were a big baller.
  24. Warkani war la hubo ma aha ee yaan lagu degdegin. Hadiise ayba dhacday oo tuugada loo yaqaan PIS ay lacag ku raadsatay dhallinyaradaan dhibaatayntooda, yaan shacabka reer Puntland lagu eedayn falxumada arxandarrada ah ee ay PIS maalin walba ku samayso shacabka reer Puntland iyo walaalahooda ONLF. Mr. Somalia, awoowe you need to calm down.