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Everything posted by Libaax-Sankataabte

  1. That is very interesting Macruuf. We had an orderly society with rule of law.
  2. I am not sure why Atom who has no prominent role, would be on that list. Could it be someone else? This would only make sense if Sheikh Atom now lives in Qatar.
  3. Maakhiri, great point! Mooge was not entirely accurate with his description. I believe the restaurant is called "Camel Cafe". It is part of a business center (meeting rooms, etc) advertised as "Target Center". I would assume, the owner is from Minnesota. Target center is where Minnesota Timberwolves play basketball. Target Corporation, which is an American discount store retailer, purchased the naming rights.
  4. Last time I read, Oodweyne was going to Somaliland for an election monitoring exercise or a "democracy watch" if you will. One would rightfully conclude our esteemed nomad is not happy with all the allegations of fraud under his eyeful watch.
  5. Macruuf sawirka labaad ayuu ku jiraa. Hint: Cirka fiiriya iyo geedka korkiisa.
  6. Hamda is a bright young woman. All the best to her.
  7. I think I recognize some of the folks sitting at the back. Thanks for sharing Mooge. The restaurant looks good.
  8. I am a meat eater and I know eating excessive amount of meat is detrimental to my health, so I try to moderate. I don't know if I can achieve the "once a week" frequency though. Perhaps I should try.
  9. Maxay oran jireen reer Barigu? Kanu galbay, ku kale mooyee ...
  10. Mr. Biixi masuuliyad ayuu qaaday. Qofka masuul intaas le'eg qaadayna waxaa looga baahan yahay inuu tanaasul badan iyo xaq-dhowr sameeyo. Shacabka Somaliland waa shacabkiisii. Waa inuu raadiyaa sidii beelaha Somaliland ee aan isaga u codayn loo soo dhaweyn lahaa, oo cabashada jirta loo turxaan bixin lahaa. Haduu reerka uu ka dhashay hoosta ka galo, xoogaaga dakhliga aha ee Somaliland soo galana u qaybiyo nacamleyaashiisa, haddee ha ogaado wuxuu ka tagayaa dhaxal lama-xasuustaan ah oo mandaqadii Somaliland (gobol ahaan) dib u dhigi doonta waqti dheer. Somaliland horumar ayay u baahan tahay iyo in shacabkeeda dhibaataysan wax lagu soo kordhiyo. Uma baahna boob, xamaasad qabiil iyo maamul-xumo raagta. Mr. Biixi, Ilaahay ha ku garab galo masuuliyaddaan weyn ee uu qaaday. Wanaagga iyo waddada toosanna Ilaahay ha tuso. Aamiin.
  11. I so very well remember the late Meles Zenawi's famous couch. If you were a Somali politician and you didn't sit on it, you didn't get the "respect" you deserve.
  12. I don't know where you can buy the book, but you can read a great deal of its content here
  13. Indeed! The current parliament is incapable of conducting a fully transparent and thorough investigation with clear recommendations. This "investigation" was an exercise in futility. Qawda maqashii ... sort of whitewashing. But I do like Odawaa's speech. Hadday ogaayeen iyo haddaanay ogaynba, labaduba waa masiibo.
  14. Galbeedi, that is probably the next great leap for Somaliland. The process of broadcasting results live on TV and letting Somali TV pundits pour over the results district by district is something I am waiting to see in my lifetime. Can you imagine hearing these words on live TV (in Somali of course) "We are now seeing a shift in the voting habits of the Oodweyne camel belt" or "Berbera has decided this election, my friends. The coast region has completely abandoned Kulmiye"
  15. Che, the Turks have a good reputation in the Engineering/Construction industry. I believe that this particular company's lack of deep resources and the minimum funds allocated for the project created the situation in Garowe. Under this situation, the Chinese company may have performed better.
  16. Galbeedi, waan ku salaamay Awoowe. When do we expect an announcement to be made about the winner? How likely is it for Cirro to come out on top after all these allegations against Kulmiye? Awoowe, adigaa Hargeisa warkeeda hoose hayee, xogta hoose noo taataabo!
  17. Throwing your child's clothes in the washing machine or making a sandwich for yourself doesn't take that much effort. It is making canjeero that I would never be good at. However, my cooking isn't that bad, and I contribute much of that to my university days. I became a warrior as I learned how to make baasto and suqaar very well.
  18. It is about time indeed. Mugabe has single-handedly run Great Zimbabwe into the ground.
  19. For good or bad, the NEC's delay tactic is taking the spark out of what has otherwise been a tantalizing drama.
  20. Suldaanka, the multi-purpose ID card makes economic and logical sense. It is very efficient. Thanks for the updates.
  21. This is a very interesting development. It is the beginning of the end for AMISOM in Somalia. It is a good thing.
  22. Indeed, this feels like a movie we have seen before. Did Shariif graduate from the Boston university he was attending?
  23. Congrats to our friend Abdi Warsame. It was a difficult fight. Gheelle, this is what happens when the Somali vote is divided. It turns into a dogfight. Noor lost this round and there should be no reason for him to question the legitimacy of the process in such a manner. If I were him, I would lick my wounds and congratulate my brother.