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Everything posted by Libaax-Sankataabte

  1. Gabbal waxbuu ogyahaye bal aynu suqno. Sarreeye update us.
  2. ^^Waryaa Naxar, awoowe I haven't seen much of the city but the little I saw was an eyesore at the time. I visited a family few years back and It is possible I didn't explore the city well enough to give a better judgement. My visit was short (just 3 days). It seems you know the city better tthan I do. But then again many Somali who visits Columbus come away with same feeling. I am not alone.
  3. Use google streetview and get a feel for it. Never been there but I don't think it is worse than Columbus (another Ghetto).
  4. ^^ BN, waan ka seexday threadkaan. I hope to revive it sometimes soon Insha Allah.
  5. Great thread indeed. Let us post all "wadahadal" related news and opinions here.
  6. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto Beeldaaje, samir iyo iimaanna ilaahay ha ka siiyo shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo qoskiisaba. Madaxweynaha Puntland Oo Ka Tacsiyeeyey Geerida AHN Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje Cabdilaahi Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland ayaa ka tacsiyeeyey geeridii ku timid AHN Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje Xaaji Cabdilaaho oo habeen hore ku geeriyoodey magaalada Al-ceyn ee dalka Imaaraadka Carabta. Madaxweyne Faroole ayaa tacsi tiiraanyo leh u diray dhamaan shacabka Puntland, gaar ahaan Isimada iyo qoyskii iyo qarabaadii uu marxuum Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje Cabdilaahi ifka kaga tegey. Dr. Faroole waxa uu tilmaamay in Beeldaajuhu uu ahaa shakhsi hufan, samaha iyo horumarka dalka iyo dadka Soomaaliyeedna jecel kaas oo ay Puntland in badan tebi doonto inay hesho qor u buuxiya booskii uu ka baxay. Madaxweynaha Puntland wuxuu dhinaca kale ka sheekeeyey aqoontii uu Beeldaajaha u lahaa isagoo xusay inay isaga si gaar ah isu yaqaaneen islamarkaana ay in mudo ah soo wadashaqeynayeen. Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa sheegay in AHN Beeldaaje Faarax ay mudo 40-sano ku siman aqoon isu lahaayeen ayna kasoo wada shaqeeyeen Bangigii dhexe ee Soomaaliya. Geerida Beeldaaje Faarax Beeldaaje Xaaji Cabdilaahi oo ahayd mid dadka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan kuwa Puntland ay si aad ah uga nexeen ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ka tacsiyeeyey mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareeya dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya. Horseed Media
  7. Oba, saxiib waa la ii sheegay afartaas dhalinyaro oo shaah cabaysa sawirka labaad ku jira, midkood waa wiilka shariifka. Awoowe sawirada aad gelisay ma soo baxahayaan because that website disabled hotlinking. This is what I see when you post a picture form Just incase you are seeing something different on your end.
  8. And Mogadishu's journey forward continues ...
  9. Abwaan, waa runtaa. Dhib weyn ayaa Soomaali haysta si looga baxana lama oga. Waa suurtogal in sida qubta iyo qacda loogu jiro wax walba iska toosaan. In dhibku sii bato oo aan waxba hagaagina waa wax dhici kara. Awoowe, ilaahay ha u naxariisto Faysal iyo intii dhimatay. Waad u jeeddaa mar walba oo wax la qarxiyo waxgaradkaa ku go'a meesha.
  10. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. This is a great loss. Mowliid was an outspoken and fearless MP. Samir iyo iimaan.
  11. Abwaan, awoowe warbixin hoose miyaad haysaa? There seems to be a confusion as to what really happened.
  12. Abwaan;815545 wrote: SubxaanAllaah...This guy is a friend of mine ilama qurxoona inaan magaciisa sheego....I know he works at the PM office but I didnt even know that he was injured.....there are other friends whose photos I saw at the earlier pictures and I am still trying to know whether they got injured too....The whole incident is shocking and even more shocking when someone you know for most of your life is involved....Ilaah ha caafiyo inta wax ku noqotay oo dhan....inta dhimatana Ilaah ha u naxariisto...Kuwa ka dambeeyey iyo kuwa taageerayna Ilaah haka jaaseeyo. Abwaan, Illaahay ha u fududeeyo saxiibkaa. This was a small hiccup in a long process of bringing stability to our country. Waa haraatidii cadaw sii dhimanaya oo laga adkaaday. Cabdi Xaaji Goobdoon is indeed a legend. Ilaahay ha caafiyo si dhaqso badan. Inta dhimatayna Illaahay ha u naxariisto. Insha Allah Kheyr bay ku dhaaman.
  13. It looks like the patient got emotional seeing the PM standing by his bedside. I am glad the PM made the effort to visit the injured. This was needed.
  14. The experience acquired by the African continent shows that separatism is of no help in settling problems – if any. We see that the emergence of the Republic of South Sudan has not led to the cessation of violence. On the contrary, it has intensified there. I agree that it is necessary to take into account the lawful and well-substantiated demands of the Tuaregs concerning their security and the settlement of social and economic difficulties that emerge, showing respect for their traditions and customs. I believe that the best way for settling the problems of the Tuaregs is the broadening of their autonomy, which will lead to the peaceful coexistence with the other peoples of Mali, as well as with the peoples of the neighbouring countries of the Sahel." wise word. source:
  15. Apparently there are Somalis in Brussels. Judging from this event, It is much bigger than I thought PICTURES HERE lol@chocolate. I am a nomad for God's sake. NGONGE, I'll stop over for few days in London. if you are still hiding, let us go for a quick nacnac tea. For once in your life come out of your hiding basement. It is not healthy ninyahow.
  16. ^^ The troops not being paid every now and then has nothing to do with Abdiweli. Even the Ugandans haven't been paid. Somalia is a beggar nation. Troops get paid when the money arrives from the donor nations. Let us stop spreading misinformation. You are making it sound as if someone is hiding money in trailers. Xaalado Mushaar la,aan ah oo soo wajahday ciidamada midowga Africa ee AMISOM Xaalad lacag la,aaneed oo soo wajahday ciidamada midowga Africa ee AMISOM kuwaas oo aan wax mushaaro ah aysan garin mudo 5 bilood ah inkasta oo ay gaareen goobo ka baxsan gudaha magaalada Muqdisho . Arinta mushahar la,aanta ah waxaa wax ka qorey wargeysyo reer galbeed ah oo wax kala socdey xaalada dhaqaale ee heysata ciidamada midowga Africa ee AMISOM waxaana arintaa u fududeeyey oo xiriir xaga taleephonka ah qaar ka tirsan ciidamada mushaar li’ida ku dhacday qeybta Uganda ee AMISOM. Warkaan ayaa waxaa sii buunbuuniyey ilaa xaaladu cirka isku shareertay xubnaha ehelada ciidamada joogo gudaha dalka Somaliya waxayna ku doodeen in wiilashoodu aanay helin dhaqaalihii loogu talagalay ayna soo wajahday xaalado dhaqaale waxayna gaarsiiyeen in wiilashoodu qadan wax mushaaro ah mudo bilooyin ah.
  17. Innaa Lillaahi Wa Innaa Illeyhi Raajicuun. I knew Cismaan Cawad Cali. I know his family. This is a great loss. May Allah have mercy on his soul. Edit
  18. lol@the picture. JB is on serious duty weeding out suspect saboteurs of the young republic.
  19. It is possible that the purpose was to change the narrative? The narrative that our beloved capital is slowly rebuilding? But then again I do wonder if Al-Shabaab would be that media savy to be sending this sort of message in light of what the Gray Lady (NYT) was publishing yesterday. Regardless of what the plan was, this is how some in the media are headlining. Remember yesterday's nice story about Mogadishu's turnabout? If anything, this cowardice act would only garner more support for the beleaguered TFG. May Allah have mercy on the dead. This is truly heartbreaking for every Somali.
  20. To be fair, I will continue with "T" if I can. Sidaad mooday maahee, Abtigiis ha talax tegin Talo-xume ha noqonine, Ka tilaabso tuhunkaas Tiiraanyo ma xumee, Maxaa keenay tacadiga? Tolnimo haday tahay, talo saartay adigiyo Inta doontay taakulayn Balse taadu ma cadee Turxaan bixintu waa see? Tusbax go’ay sidiisii Ma in lays tilmaamoo, Tuhun laysku toogtoo Cay layska buuxshaa? Cidii hoy tiraahdana, Candhuuf lagu tufaa baa? Juxa, waan ku salaamay inadeer.
  21. This is a shocking video. That must have been a huge blast. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay. Inta dhaawaca ahna Ilaahay si dhaqso ah ha u caafiyo.