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Everything posted by Libaax-Sankataabte

  1. Bush will win ofcourse. The Reps are on a roll for now.
  2. Gediid iyo Baashow, anigu waxaan islahaa xagaa iyo wadaadada ku biir markii hore. Muxuu ahaa dikrigii Xerta Timoweyta ...."Wadaadadu beerka xayrta leh waa cunaanee, Ilaahey may ka yaabaanoo na siiyaan." Hadiise xagaa iyo Teens section loo bato, magacyada in la casriyeeyaa wanaagsan. Usernamekaygu waa ThuG-Killer-BEAST-Rap Guru maanta laga bilaabo. Waa inoo iyo halkaa.
  3. Illmatic, saxib, madowga maalin walba xabbad baa laga dilaa.
  4. To work for one of the 5 big chemical dogs like Dupont, BASF, Degussa, 3M or Dow Chemical as a senior engineer or researcher. I am tired of working for mid-sized campanies. They aren't a challenge anymore. lol Soon I will Insha Allah.
  5. Nino Brown, good luck with Medical school saxib. I am very sure you won't be the first Somali doctor in London after you finish Emperial. You Brits are a bid ahead of us I mean education.
  6. Any behaviour towards opposite sex that you can't normally show infront of your partner.
  7. Ameenah, apparently there is a huge drought in London.
  8. lol@Lander, It would have been really nice if my file was in the CIBC corporate office with a "SCAPED THE COUNTRY" label on top.
  9. "Generally, a personal attack is committed when a person substitutes abusive remarks for evidence when examining another person's claims or comments. It is considered a personal attack when a person starts referencing a supposed flaw or weakness in the poster's personality, beliefs, lifestyle, convictions or principles, and use it as a debate tactic or as a means of avoiding discussion of the relevance or truthfulness of what the person said. It works on the reasoning that, by discrediting the source of an argument, e.g. the person making it, the argument itself can be weakened. This line of "reasoning" is fallacious because the attack is directed at the person making the claim and not the claim itself. The truth value of a claim is independent of the person making the claim. After all, no matter how morally repugnant a person might be, he or she can still make true claims." I know many of you folks here avoid to get into polemics, but there are (or atleast were) those who enjoy the diatribe and the repudiation of their opponents with pejorative comments. Is such behaviour becoming the norm for Somalis on the internet? Should the voices who are prone to deride others and goad them into ridiculous qabiil arguments be heard on Somalia Online? Or is there an obligation on the staff of Somalia Online to uphold our values as Muslims, and never allow for any deleterious comments to be posted. Give your thoughts nomads. Thanks in advance.
  10. These are all cool very original names. Entre, thanks for posting this.
  11. Barwaaqo, looooool. one of my classics. lol my wife will crack up on this piece . I should go back to Hawd huh? Hopefully the trees are still green and the lions still roaming. lol peace, serenity, caano geel. I thought you were heading there sometime soon. Did my story scare you?
  12. lol Is the guy holding the gun Bari_Nomad? Mise waa kan ookiyaalaha qaba. Dantay1, couldn't you find Riyaale's picture?
  13. Originally posted by LANDER: Libaax, I believe the canadian social system is far more even handed and presents better oppurtunity for young somalis to get ahead. I used to think so Lander. Not anymore. You would have to come to the US(Minnesota) and see it for yourself. You would be amazed how many Somali students are going to the best schools here for almost free with goverment grants, interest-free loans and easy scholarships. Students also have far more job opportunities in the US. Don't get me wrong. I am one of those who benefitted from OSAP(student loans) when I was studying at U.of T, but I think the opportunity for government grants and scholarships is far more available here than in Canada. Student loan is also available in the US to any Somali who needs it.
  14. will become an original: the first Canadian-trained medical doctor in the country's largest African community. As much as the success story of another nomad makes me happy, it sadens me to see how Canada hasn't been good to the Somalis there in general. In the US where I call home now after I scaped from the Canadian drought, it is much more easier to see Somalis studying at the best schools like Harvard(One of the nomads here actually has a fiancee that goes to Harvard medical school), Somali professors at the best universities, regular students at Ivey League schools or MIT graduate students for that matter. I don't know, Canada hasn't been good to the Somalis somehow. A whole generation of Somalis is waiting to be rescued there. Something seriously went wrong with the Canadian formula. I think I know Fahima. I am wishing her all the best. May Allah make her even more successful. Aamiin.
  15. lol. deeroow who? Madaxweynihii oo madaxweynenimadii lagala wareegay. loooooooool
  16. For the last couple of weeks, things have been getting quite tense for the people of Ceerigaabo. It seems that the anarchy that ripped the rest of the country apart might be heading for peaceful Ceerigaabo. The same old clan disputes are resurfacing again with much vigor this time. Let us pray for peace. Dhul Muran ka taagan yahay Ceerigaabo - Thursday, June 12, 2003 at 12:29 Ceerigaabo -- Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Ceerigaabo ayaa sheegaya in uu sii siyaadayo muran xoog leh oo beryahaanba ka taagnaa magaalada Ceerigaabo, murankan oo salka ku haya dhul la isku hayo. Heshiis dhulkan iminka la isku hayo ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in la gaaray sanadkii 1993dii, hase yeeshee sida weriyaha Midnimo ee magaalada L/caanood noogu soo waramyo waxaa heshiiskan fulin waayey dadka degan Waqooyiga magaalada, tanina ay dhalisay in dadka degan Koonfurta in ay ka muujiyaan caro fara badan. Shir balaaran oo arrintaan looga hadlayey oo lagu qabtay magaalada Ceerigaabo oo ay ka qayb galeen odayaal iyo waxgaradka deegaankaas, iyo cuqaal ka tegay magaalada L/caanood ayaa looga wada hadlay sidii arrinta dhulkaas loogu soo dabaali lahaa nabadgelyo. 45 maalmood ayaa guddi loo saaray in arrintan ay kaga soo baaraan degaan go’aan kama danbeys ahna ay ka soo gaaraan. Labada Beelood ee dhulkan isku haya ayaa ciidamo fara badan oo Maleeshiyooyin ah soo dul dhoobay magaalada maalmihii la soo dhaafay tanoo cabsi looga qabo in arrintu faraha ka baxdo. Source: Radio Midnimo Magaalada Ceerigaabo oo lagu soo rogay bandoo. June 16, 2003 Ceerigaabo -- Magaalo madaxda Gobolka Sanaag ee Ceerigaabo ayaa bandoo lagu soo rogay xaaladda ammaanka awgeed, kaddib markii iska horimaad ku dhexmaray maalintii Jimcaha laba ardaa ka tirsan beelaha reer Ceerigaabo degaanka Ceel-la-qoday ee duleedka bari ee magaaladaas. Iska horimaadkaas oo ka dhashay beer lagu muransan yahay waxa uu dhexmaray laba malleeshiyo oo ka soo kala jeeda ardaayada ******* iyo ******* kuwaas oo isweydaarsaday tacshiirado rasaas ah, lamana sheegin cid ku dhimatay iyo cid ku dhaawacantay midna shaqaaqadaas, balse waxa ka dhashay dareen cabsi geliyey dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Ceerigaabo iyo degaanada ku xeeran. Taas oo sababtay in maamulka Gobolkaasi ku soo rogo bandoo magaalada Ceerigaabo ilaa inta xiisadaas la dejinayo. ?Sida aad ogtahay degaanka Ceel-la-qoday wuxuu ku yaallaa duleedka magaaladan [Ceerigaabo], dadkuna waa wada hubaysan yahay, markaa waxaanu is nidhi si aan dhibaato u dhicin in aanu bandoo saarno magaalada, iminkana marka aanu derisno xaaladda waa qaadaynaa,? sidaa waxa yidhi Badhasaabka gobolka Sanaag Cali Cabdi Hurre, oo shalay u warramayey weriyaha Jamhuuriya ee gobolka Sanaag, Cabdirashiid Xasan Cabsiiye. Warku waxa uu intaa ku daray in ciidamo ka socda dawladda isla Jimcihii la geeyey degaanka shaqaaqadu ka dhacday, si ay u kala dhexgalaan labada ardaa oo khilaafkoodu muddo dheer soo jiitamayey, meel xunna uu hadda marayo. Guddiga Nabadgelyada Gobolka Sanaag, Guurtida iyo Waxgaradka beelaha reer Ceerigaabo ayaa iyaguna sida weriyuhu sheegay labaatankii maalmood ee u dambeeyey ku mashquulsanaa sidii loo qaboojin lahaa xiisaddaa ka dhalatay muranka beerta iyo weliba dhul kale oo ay ku muransan yihiin laba ardaayo ka mid ah beelaha reer Ceerigaabo, kuwaas oo kala ah Buntland iyo Somaliland. Source: Jamhuuriya Let us pray for peace.
  17. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Emirates is really a real-pro airline. Even competing with the reputed British Airways. Darn! MMA, I heard it is actually much better. I am looking forward to abandoning the ICELANDAIR box for the more lexurious Emirates "suites".
  18. Originally posted by Sophist: Perhaps a moist would have been a better choice of word! Then again that would have given whole lot different meaning- that is if you get my drift lol. Sophist waad iga qoslisay. moist? absolutely not a good choice. Sophist, saxib, I thought the "Salafi Circles" focused on "true friendship" with God.
  19. Salaam, Sophist and co. Sophist, I do concur with your above sentiment on its mere dry form but let me take you out of your "sophist" eccentricity and ask you your thoughts on the adage that "friendship is evoked by a deep passion for own-self", meaning one's sole purpose of having one is of either surviving today or succeeding another day. I am one of those who try to negate the above arguement and base the true essense of friendship on altruism and a sacrosanct love for another Being without any gratuity, but sometimes I find my thoughts to be riding on nothing but a quixotic premise. sorry for hijacking the theme.
  20. Lander, Mobb_Deep has stated before that he doesn't accept the 1960 borders of Somaliland so he is out of luck to get anything from Maandeeq. The goverment there might even try him for many counts of high treason. I wouldn't be surprised if a military tribunal became an option for him.
  21. The US knew what it was doing. The US planned this war and it got it. The UK, on the other hand, has been decieved. Notice how Bush and his neo-cons aren't appreciative of Tony Blair's help. Some of the neo-cons even went as far as blaming the whole "intelligence failure" on the UK. lol