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Everything posted by aaNiL

  1. Lool>> Somalis are related to Garang's folks!
  2. The top picture clearly shows those people are Somalis. The women dressed in Guntiino and the necklace known as Kuul or something like that. Maybe Christian missionaries proselytized them and brought them to Chicago. A simple research can be done in Chicago's main library and trace them and see how they ended up. There were two kinds of slaves in America one works on the field and the other(light skinned and good looking slave) in the white masters house.
  3. Hats off for brother Nur. You're one educated brother. I've been trying to dig your previous topics and they're an outstanding masterpiece of Dac'wa ingenuity. Wonderful job i might add. Keep the good work and may Allah bless you.
  4. aaNiL

    Allahu Akbar

    Surely,Allah guarded him to the light of Islam. Allah will continue to uphold and spread this great religion even though we, the Muslims of today are nothing but weak and passive bystanders. Welcome to Islam brother.
  5. aaNiL


    Not only date but we kill each other too. It's sad.
  6. Congratulation. I said heck i don't want to be an outsider. I'm sending my congrats to you and your family,thou i don't know you. It seem to me that alot of members know each other or maybe are related. Best wishes man.
  7. Thank you bro Jumatatu. Nice nick bro.
  8. Hi As far as i know, Noriega the Ex-president of Panama was captured and put into American Jail for same fake charges (Dope Dealer) while he was serving his country. So anything can happen man. Wish him the best thou.