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Everything posted by N.O.R.F

  1. its just another opportunity being exploited by a capitalist company in a capitalist state, simple! and yes it is discrimination, why pay extra, imagine taking an older relative to the airport and finiding this out, then she says lacagtay shaygayan mahaye, bal iga bixi, u cant really say no can u?
  2. thanx for the warning, will do!
  3. Liverpool! All Man U fans, always look on the bright side of life, we havnt done much this year so i'm gonna make the most of this!
  4. alot of ppl say pac was the gr8tst for the simple fact of all the hype. i bet none of yall knew pac before he was jailed and came out on deathrow and all that????? dont get me wrong he was an ill mc and rated him very highly but for me, back in 92,93,94,95 (before all the 2pac hype) that was the tru hip hop era! ppl like Nas, Wu, Mobb, Big, Naughty, where in my sony hi fi non stop!
  5. alot of ppl say pac was the gr8tst for the simple fact of all the hype. i bet none of yall knew pac before he was jailed and came out on deathrow and all that????? dont get me wrong he was an ill mc and rated him very highly but for me, back in 92,93,94,95 (before all the 2pac hype) that was the tru hip hop era! ppl like Nas, Wu, Mobb, Big, Naughty, where in my sony hi fi non stop!
  6. alot of ppl say pac was the gr8tst for the simple fact of all the hype. i bet none of yall knew pac before he was jailed and came out on deathrow and all that????? dont get me wrong he was an ill mc and rated him very highly but for me, back in 92,93,94,95 (before all the 2pac hype) that was the tru hip hop era! ppl like Nas, Wu, Mobb, Big, Naughty, where in my sony hi fi non stop!
  7. alot of ppl say pac was the gr8tst for the simple fact of all the hype. i bet none of yall knew pac before he was jailed and came out on deathrow and all that????? dont get me wrong he was an ill mc and rated him very highly but for me, back in 92,93,94,95 (before all the 2pac hype) that was the tru hip hop era! ppl like Nas, Wu, Mobb, Big, Naughty, where in my sony hi fi non stop!
  8. lol@kebab- mines a large donner with salad and chilli plz mate! shujul, i'm the kind of person who it takes time to really appreciate a player, i dont believe the hype, from what i have seen, except for one game- Italy vs France Euro 2000 final, he has been good but not that good. ps too much pasta and gino ginelli is not good combination!
  9. sister ameena, i agree with you 100%, but think of this. In our youth centre we have 7 youth workers, 4 blacks and 3 somalis, the somalis are all at uni and are therefore at uni everyday except for one who is both at uni and on placement at the same time. Every mon, wed, thur and fri the youth centre is open so we need to be present between 7-10m. We have sessions such as drug awareness, law-police topics etc, sex and in general just be there for them for any advice. These are good kids, most of the troublesome ones have problems at school at home and all. We take them on trips and even foreign trips. I feel that we are providing a vital support system for the youths in order for them to have a vision and hopefully aspire with our help. I'm just saying alot more need to take the advantage of having such a youth system available to them!
  10. I was mainly refering to laguages being taught as a second language after somali. As for english being offered for stricly economic reasons, who will decide who can learn english. I think ppl should get the choice if they want to learn the english language or not. After all we want a democracy right? Somali is the language of the country, the other two are bit more in use i think!
  11. I'm gonna change the topic to the most under-rated player! Abide Pele- Marseile and Ghana, top class player who never got the exposure he deserved!
  12. Why not teach both ie, english classes after a certain age (when arabic is pretty much mastered)!
  13. I dont think we are blaming any one more than the other, the point of this post is to discuss! I also work with the young ones regularly thru my youth work. Alot of the kids are in a bad situation, as in, no school qualifications, smokin, chewing etc. They are good kids but when they get together who nows what might happen. You try to talk, encourage but as soon they leave that door they feel no one will listen to them so they just give in and do the same old sh*t. they can not interact with the white ppl when they need to e.g jobs, college etc cos they are always in the same circles. So that needs to be sorted to!
  14. Totti is the most over rated player, ok hes is good, but the italians think he is some thing extra. He does not compare near the like of roberto baggio who was very consistant and took the italian 94 team to the world cup final. I may just be a bit bias cos i hate italian teams, except for JUVE, but we shall see. Italian teams have not done very well in recent yrs so this may be a disadvantage to them!
  15. i would'nt go to lenghth of saying we are not proud ppl. but many of us are proud just for the sake of being proud, kids are not tought their history, where they came from, how the country was formed and the expected behaviour of a proud somali male/female! i feel that these fundamental issues must be addressed!
  16. this is a common problem in all cities in the uk. I feel its a combined result parents not being there when their kids need them most, ie from 14yrs to 18yrs, for guidance on certain issues such a qaad, wrong type of freinds etc. Ok some may not have parents to fall back or rely on in certain situations. We are slowly but surely adopting the english mentality of not really knowing who we are, how to stay in touch with family and family freinds etc. Kids see this and think ef it, i'm with my boys/crew i will deal with family when i have time! There are not many role models for kids to look up to and think, yeah i can do this, supposed role models are sitting in the merfish talkin siyaasad back home instead of thinking where are my kids today and what did they achieve today and where do they wanna go! Its a re-occuring trend now and ppl are just accepting it! I'm not one of them1
  17. Bush, blair and crew will do what ever they plz cs they dont give a damn about anyone as long as they can have access to the oil they need to maintaine their economies in order to be able to run sh*t in this world. they will bribe, kill, bomb etc u name it they will do it. U know why thy will do it? because they can, u know why they can? cos they have been doin it for years, u know they have been doin it for years? cos ppl hve allowed them to, u know why they were allowed to? because they finance the currupt leaders of they world! allah be with the muslim ummah and especially the iraqi ppl in these bad times, aamin!
  18. Your first name of ......... creates a serious, thoughtful nature, shrewd, efficient, and business-minded. You are one to make your own decisions, and not be influenced by others. You desire independence and freedom from the authority and interference of others. I'll take that!lol
  19. winger, yeah good result, but lets see if u actually win it!!! i personally dont think so!
  20. Hold on hold on, what going on??? Why are u all against this topic? i dont see why anyone should get offended. If those who are offended would discuss the issue in hand like adults and put forward their arguments. Or shall we just be somali about it and run from any potential disagreements. And those are the ppl who wish to re-unite somalia now? plzzzzzz AS for the person who stated that the political parties are formed along clan lines, have u actually done any research as to whos who in each party? If u did u will be mistified to find out that there is a huge mixture of clans in each party as they are all geared towards breaking the clan barriers that has plauged us all this time. Anyway i'm tired of arguing over such an obvious issue with ppl who will probably tell me the sky is green! If u disagree with Somaliland seprating etc then give me reasons why we should'nt and i will give a 100 in favour of why we should!
  21. damn, is'nt it boring in midweek when there no matches? waiting 4 sat at 3pm is too long!
  22. even with the camera there, if the machine is spewing out money, yr not stealing, so they cant charge u, If you found money on the floor with no one there would u keep it or write an article in the local paper stating yr looking for the owner?