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Everything posted by N.O.R.F

  1. click on gol at the top of the page then enter the games section, click on submit and sign in as a guest!
  2. http://www.robertobaggio.com there is this free kick game on there, i'm addicted already! [ April 06, 2003, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  3. US backs troops over checkpoint killings US troops fear fresh suicide attacks at checkpoints American military commanders have defended the right of their soldiers to open fire in self-defence. They were responding to the deaths of seven Iraqi women and children, who were shot in their vehicle by soldiers at a checkpoint. Two other Iraqis were wounded when the vehicle they were all travelling in was fired on after it reportedly failed to stop at the road block near the city of Najaf, south of Baghdad. US commanders said they would investigate the incident, but the first reaction was to back the troops. Click for map of coalition advance on Baghdad The soldiers involved "absolutely did the right thing", General Peter Pace, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said. "Our soldiers on the ground have an absolute right to defend themselves." And at US Central Command in Qatar, Brigadier General Vincent Brooks said there would be no change in the rules of engagement at checkpoints. "We're trying to get some separation between a potential threat and the force that is being protected," General Brooks told reporters. "There will be occasions where civilians will be put in harm's way," he said. This is sick,they have been kiling innocent civilians left,right and centre and now they are saying that it was the right thing to do! This conflict has gotten me depressed sooo much walaahi, i have actually been losing sleep, allahu akbar!
  4. too right@nova! what annoys me most at the moment is these silly kafur ppl who are surprised that u have grown a beard and keep askin why or point it out like u need to shave it off!
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. i was just watching this guy on ANN, has alot to say, proof yet again that freedom of speach is a nothing!
  7. Somalia was part of the Otoman empire which spread all over the middle east, asia and africa. Haystak, the arabs did not create an already existing ppl. they came, inter-married etc and the rest as they say is history!
  8. veru interesting topic kool kat! As some of u have put it,being content with yr achievements and being fearful of Allah (swt) must come first. Just being HAPPY as a person will do me! Happiness is the combination of all the aspects concerening my life ie deenta, family, career, financially stable etc! Insha Allah
  9. intersting topic Mad! U know yr too stressed when turn up at 9am for a lecture, walk into the theatre and there is no one there, ie it just dawned on u its actually saturday morning!
  10. i think the question murefu was trying to put forward was, do the young generation understand the importance of time? we have all said to ourselves and others we will do such and such a task "soon", soon becomes ahh another time, another time is then forgotten. As the saying goes 'time is of the essence'and what we need to do is let ppl, young and old, believe in this saying and helping to achieve their personal goals instead of wasting time and waiting for something to happen!
  11. Totti this and Totti that, like i said before all i hear is ppl talking about Totti but i dont see nothing special, do u guys like that hairband he wears or somthing? anyway its international week, 2004, who will win it???? The French, The Spaniards, The Dutch (my tip), , The English, The Turks, The Ceques, the Welsh,????? The Portugues, the Italian (wont qualify), The Germans,
  12. not really an expert on this field how about puttin more grenades on? the armour of the Iraqis is nothing compared to that of the USA and UK, like Farraris Vs Nissan Sunnys! so i think brain power will be needed alot more than who has the best armour!
  13. They are losing the propaganda war and they dont like it, they want ppl to be hidden from the truth, just like the western media is designed to do so. One of the main objective of the Zionist entity is to control the media and hide the truth, but not on this one, no way. One of these british sergaent/spokesperson types had a go at Al-Jazeera for showing what he called "bad taste and indecency" in showing dead and captured troops. Check out Al-Jazeera's response below!WAR OF WORDS WITH AL JAZEERA Mar 28 2003 From Bob Roberts At Us Central Command, Qatar A FURIOUS Al Jazeera reporter lashed out yesterday at America's "dirty war" after the station was criticised for showing pictures of dead British soldiers. In a live TV clash Jawad Omari told the commander of British forces, Air Marshal Brian Burridge, they would not be stopped from showing the realities of war. As pictures of the press conference at Central Command in Qatar were flashed around the world, he said: "Britain and America said this war would be a clean war. We will inform our audience even if it is dirty. "We in Al Jazeera are not part of the coalition. We are not part of the Iraqi regime. We are independent media." The outburst came when the commander publicly rebuked Al Jazeera for showing the corpses of two British soldiers lying in the sand. After the outburst, Air Marshal Burridge said: "I know Al Jazeera management want to produce a station of which they can be proud. "They want to produce a station which produces balanced reporting. That report was not balanced. No one should take any pride in it - take it from me." Air Marshal Burridge said the Iraqis had "flagrantly" breached the Geneva Convention and said the decision to broadcast the pictures was "deplorable". He added: "Any media outlet must be aware of the limits of taste and decency and be wary they do not inadvertently become tools of the Iraqi regime." Afterwards an Al Jazeera spokesman said Mr Omara had not been speaking for the station. He said: "This was not an authorised statement. He was speaking for himself. "If Al Jazeera has anything to say we will hold a press conference and say it." There was outrage at the British forces' headquarters after the pictures of the two dead soldiers were shown. It is thought the two men, who so far have not been identified, were known to many of the British staff at Central Command. Al Jazeera have been criticised across the world for showing pictures of the bodies of dead coalition soldiers. The have also shown a series of pictures of captured prisoners of war looking beaten and terrified. The Arabic language station was set up with the help of Qatar government. It insists it is an independent Arabic news channel and not a supporter of any government or group in the Middle East.
  14. I recived some astonishing information today and thought that i would share it with u all! Plz read Dr Tariq Al Swaidan dicovered some verses in the Holy Quran that mention one thing is equal to another, i.e men are equal to women. Although this makes sense grammatically, the astonishing fact is that the number of times the word man apaers in the Quran is 24 and the number of times the word woman appears is also 24, therefore not only is this phrase correct in the grammatical sense but also true mathematically, ie 24=24. Upon further analysis of various verses, he discovered that this is consistent throughout the whole Quran, where it says one thing is like another. See below for astonishing results. The word number of times mentioned in arabic Quran: Dunya (one name for life) 115. Aakhirat (one name for life after this world) 115 Malaika (angels) 88, Sheyteen (satan) 88 Life 145 Death 145 Benefit 50, Corrupt 50 People 50, Messengers 50 Eblees (king of devils)11, seek refuge from eblees 11 Museebah(calamity) 75, Thanks 75 Spending (sadaqah) 73, satisfaction 73 People who are mislead 17, Dead people 17 Muslimeen 41, Jihad 41 Gold 8, Easy Life 8 Majic 60, Fitnah( dissuasion,misleading) 60 Zakat (taxes muslims pay to the poor)32, Barakat (increasing or blessings of wealth) 32 Mind 49, Noor 49 Tongue 25, Sermon 25 Desire 8, Fear 8 Speaking puclicly 18, Publicising 18 Hardship 114, Patience 114 Muhammed pbuh 4, Shareeah (muhammed's teachings pbuh) 4 Man 24, Woman 24 And amazingly enough have a look how many times the following word appear: Salaat 5, Month 12, Day 365, Sea 32, Land 13 therfore land+sea= 32+13=45 %sea= 32/45*100=71.111% %land=13/45*100=28.8888% =100% Modern science has only just proven that the water covers 71.111% of the earth,while the land cover 28.888%. Is this a coincidence? Question is that who taught Muhammed (pbuh) all this? Reply automatically comes in mind that Almighty Allah taught him this. plz email to frends!
  15. i can get to any location within the city within 20mins!!!!!Not that its a small place, just got good transport and road links!
  16. all the news channels together with the brits and usa are now backtracking on this uprising crap, so dont believe sh*t ppl, Al-Jazeera be the one!
  17. tony-balaayo(as the somali women call him)aint winning another term, (IA)
  18. lets just hope it wont come to that in the 1st place! having said that, things like this dont surprise me, been done before and it shall continue well into the future!
  19. looool@mujahid there is always one isnt there?
  20. depends on what industry yr going into, whether its in the public or private sector. from a personal point of view, doing a placement yr has proved to be invaluable, so 4 year sandwich courses do have an advantage over the straight 3 years!
  21. depends on what industry yr going into, whether its in the public or private sector. from a personal point of view, doing a placement yr has proved to be invaluable, so 4 year sandwich courses do have an advantage over the straight 3 years!
  22. Hes a very brave man for making such a statement, just wish others would follow suit!
  23. i always thought rupet murdoch was a jew, anyway thanx for the insight bro!