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Posts posted by N.O.R.F

  1. Baashi;928501 wrote:


    At issue is pure politics. Locals -- the main branch of D-block who happen to be the architects of the Federalism -- want to use their constitutional right to peacefully organize and assemble political gathering in order to weigh and ultimately determine whether it is their interest to form a federal state of their own making or have central government dictate how they run their local affairs. The government is young and weak. It's now or never.
    Gobteydu waa jidhaa goonyohoo idile, Annigu waxaan goosan kadho waa gurubsanayaa e
    Pretty much that's the gist of the drama over Kismayo gathering.


    Government is not merely dragging its feet but it's actively playing hardball and pretty much sabotaging the whole effort. The prime minister is from Galgaduud and as the highest official of the federal government there was political calculus that he could be employed in stopping the D-block's determination in fully implementing the brilliant (from clannish sense) formulated political game Garowe Principles succeeded to advance in the wee days of the roadmap as part of the Kampala Accord.


    There are concerns from Gedo folks. Yes. The concern stems from the confusion and lack of solid leadership that speaks for and on M clan's behalf. Majority of the Gedo as well as Cabudwaq wings are on board. The business class and known personalities are also on board.


    Majority if not all MPs of Gedo block are also on board. There are no disagreements on delegate allocation or power-sharing scheme as far as I know. At this point you might be scratching your scalp and saying gee what is this drama all about then!! Good question. I would have reached the same conclusion too.


    Well the problem lies with the PM Saacid. He contradicted himself three times on the question of Kismayo. First he welcomed the gathering and pretty much endorsed the state-building effort. He then sat on the invitation from the Jubba leadership council for eight days. He then offered counter invitation and as if he is a dictator "summoned" the council to Mogadishu.


    His ministers endorsed a fake gathering held in Mogadishu and pushed a different narrative. His office finally and quietly released a press release pretty much dismissing local and peaceful gathering in Kismayo that hasn't produced anything (has not even formally started) as unconstitutional. In other words he condemned a peaceful gathering by free citizens "intending" to form a federal state.


    This line of thinking center-periphery power dynamics where center dictates how periphery should run their local affairs should bother every Somali. This is one of the most important item of the "lesson's learned" list.
    Awoowe caqligu waa inuu talliyaa


    As to the troops moving to Kismayo, that was a blessing in disguise for the state-building effort. These were 132 soldiers and most of them belonged to non D-block clans. These were soldiers trained, equipped and supplied by Kenya. They were supposed to fight alongside Kenyan soldiers when the latter attacks AS strongholds in the area. They vacated their positions in the middle of the night, somehow managed to bypass the very opponents they supposed to help defeat and made to Kismayo's gates without notice.


    All of this coincided with the Kenyan elections when high command orders their flock to stand down. To complicate the matter, the clueless officer leading the platoons told AMISOM that he's been ordered to report to Kismayo by the top brass of SFG military high command.


    I guess you can see the ramification of the whole episode. Questions have been asked who ordered whom and why! Is Mogadishu admin committed to take the fight to AS or the admin wants to give AS a chance and let them fight another day. Needless to say, changes were made at the top brass.


    Could this “thing” set back the clock? Depends. By “this” if you mean the platoon incident, absolutely not. But Gedo folks and the prime minister have the capacity and wherewithal to complicate things for the emerging state.


    As all things Somali, new unforeseen conflict could pop up anytime.

    Thanks for that Baashi. Understand the situation better now.


    Aar ninkii Xiin maxaa ku dhacay? :D

  2. Baashi;928337 wrote:

    Folks waht is happening in Kismayo is a legitimate gathering of local residents in the region. It is a peaceful gathering aimed at building federal member state and insha'Allah the locals' effort will succeed.

    Agreed yaa Baash. Nothing wrong with the aim of the meeting. But what are the issues? Is it only a question of the government dragging it's heels or are there also concerns from the Gedo folks (troops moving to near Kismaayo)? Are these concerns legitimate? Can this set things back?

  3. Rodgers makes the same mistakes and doesn't see the obvious lack of strength/composure/passing against teams who press us and play at 100mph. His signings have been rubbish for the most part and Sturridge seems to be going the same way.

  4. xiinfaniin;928079 wrote:


    ...and there was an innocent small boy slaughtered in Hargeysa last night as well.

    As predictable as ever :D


    Why don't you just tell us you don't want to 'discuss' but prefer calaacal :D


    Mintid, Kismaayo is the new caravan since the day after the new president was elected. It wasn't important back then as Xiin said but this issue is all he seems to have posted about for the past 4 months :D


    When one questions the whole process he and others think you're against it :D

  5. The Jubbaland obession continues :D


    Xiin, there was a suicide bomb in Xamar today killing at least 10 in case you didn't hear. The security situation hasn't improved, AS are still armed and active (they moved into a town yesterday) but but the most important thing to you is Jubbaland.


    Ps, this still doesn't meet the full requirements under the constitution for it to be a federal state :D