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Posts posted by N.O.R.F

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/apr/08/britain-land-margaret-thatcher-built


    I wasn't a fan but I wasn't against her either. I was too young to understand what was going on anyway. In those days there were government owned telecom, water, electricity, gas, train, bus, plane companies and getting on a bus for an adult cost just 2 pence. On the other hand the influx of Somalis into the UK and the sympathetic nature of the then government were under her watch.


    One fact I gleaned today is that up until 1986, foreign ownership of UK companies wasn't allowed.

  2. One doesn't need a law degree to scrutinise the constitution and see where there may be areas of contention saxib. A discussion on the articles and their implications should be encouraged. I haven't seen anyone arguing for or against based on the constitution. What has become apparent is that the rushed constitution that many didn't want to be reviewed has brought difficulties to initiative they support today. I'm not really interested in the political side of it as its the same old tribal stuff.

  3. The way that I understand it is that it could be one of two.


    1. The clauses state the process of federal state building 49 (4) and the rubber stamping process 49 (2). It may be the case that 49 (4) can occur before 49 (2) which is what is taking place at the moment but, whether a federal state admin is created before or after 49 (2), 49 (2) will always be required to rubber stamp it through a commission's recommendations and/or a parliamentary vote.


    2. 49 (2) and 49 (3) are to provide the framework that the federal state creators to follow. Once this is done through the process involved with 49 (4), parliament approves.

  4. Illyria;934444 wrote:
    More to the point, the debate about the Juba initiave is about the type of federalism Somalia will have: central favoured by the current gov't and its allies vs decentralised embraced by federal member states. The dialogue should have been of a political nature - shape, process and procedure - instead of a constitutional, 'cos the thorny issues are around the political configuraiton of the federal member states, their relationship with the federal gov't, and the influence the federal gov't has over and with the FM states. Unfortunatley it has taken a detour 'cos the federal leaders are amatuers new to the game whereas those heading the Juba initiative (not the visible actors but those pulling the strings from behind the curtain) are heavy weights with much better comprehension of the Somali politics.

    Agreed for the most part but the constitution is the legal basis for the creation of the federal states and should but the first point of reference to avoid discepancies between it and the federal state building proceess. This being the first attempt at the creation of a federal state problems and grey areas were innevitable (but solvable). What has transpired from both sides is a level of suspicion and mistrust that is now derailing the whole thing.

  5. Afternoon all.


    Wyre these people don't know how to drive. They don't know because they have not been taught how to and the rules are not being enforced. Its the government who needs to wake up and do something about the problem but it looks as though they just don't care.

  6. Timely thread Gabbal. This all started the day after the president was elected. The urgency, the endless opinions and SOL threads where, for the Jubbaland supporters at least, nothing else matters in Somalia at the moment. The meddling from Kenya doesn't matter today but yesterday they were all for Somalia's sovereignty.


    Waaba yaab.

  7. Illyria;934001 wrote:
    Actually I was extending a compliment to your ability to capture in those 3 lines the crux of the issue. Something others sidestepped or ignored.

    I see. Apologies.


    It is being ignored because its not in their interest to discuss it.

  8. xiinfaniin;934015 wrote:
    ^^NORTH has greatly refined his argument ---he now appreciates the fact that it
    may be
    the government that could be in the wrong here

    Probably due to the government doing the same as the Jubbaland initiators in being unconstitutional in their decrees and naming of temporary admins. That happened AFTER my thread on what the constitutional says about federal state building. With all this jumping around and endless threads I can understand why you're not keeping up :D


    I suggest you simply update this thread from now on.

  9. Just as I was thinking about the shouting/slanging matches I see/hear on a daily basis on Jeddah roads I hear a 'beeeeeeeeeeeeeep' and tyres screaching behind me. I was absent minded and didn't indicate as I was parking. I won't repeat what was said (none of it from me). :D

  10. JB, when I'm back home it usually takes me 2 or 3 days to realise I have to speak Somali for 100% of the time. So, don't take my first few days as my af somali. Laba wiig ka bacdi anoo shubaaya alaabtii Hadraawi ayay dadku yaabaan :D