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Posts posted by N.O.R.F

  1. NGONGE;949199 wrote:
    ^^ Err..did you take into account that we reached TWO cup finals last season and got to a decent stage of the Europa league? Rodgers got us knocked out from both cups against average teams. He only managed to beat any of the six teams above us ONCE (and that was a late goal against Spurs). He got his tactics wrong on more than one occassion and has been talking rubbish all season.

    He only managed to beat teams above us once yes. He got his tactics wrong on more than one occassion yes. He has been talking rubbish all season yes. But, we have scored 23 more goals, have 6 more points (with a game left) and we will finish the season a place better off. Waar give the man some credit.


    Cup runs come and go (Rafa didn't do much better with a better squad in 09/10. Naga daa dee :D


    As for Rafa, Barca were not Barca in 01 and 03. He is a top manager but could be even better if he didn't decide to settle for draws in the 75th minute (our downfall in 09).

  2. Ngonge and Bob,


    Carrying on our fb conversation on Brendan Rodgers, you really don’t have a leg to stand on. We have done better this season than last season when King Kenny was in charge. We have scored more, won more, are higher up the table and he has done this with half a squad in the first half of the season when got rid of dead wood like Carrol :D . He has his flaws tactically but I think he has improved over the season. See stats below badaowyahow.



    Scored: 70

    Conceded: 43

    Won: 15

    Draws: 13

    Lost: 9

    Goals per game: 1.89%

    Points: 58 (1 game left)



    Scored: 47 (that’s terrible)

    Conceded: 40

    Won: 14

    Draws: 10

    Lost: 14

    Goals per game: 1.24%

    Points: 52






    Now that we have put that to bed, give the guy some credit. With some decent summer buys who knows, we could challenge for a CL place next season.




    The problem with Arsenal fans (and Ngonge) is that they don’t really watch games live. They rely on highlights. We have been passing better and creating more chances than the previous 3 seasons.


    Waar bahasha barta :D

  3. Oman has a reputation for sixir (I think its unwarranted). A collegue invited us to his village for Eid celebrations but warned us not to talk to the old men of the town. It didn't register until I had plenty of conversation and a full stomach (I thought he meant something else).

  4. Its hard convincing someone they need help. It will take a while and much work. Slowly convince whoever it is that what he is doing is wrong. An incentive to stop like a trip to see other family members in Europe, Midde East or back home to get out of the cycle might make them think differently.

  5. Oodweyne;947337 wrote:
    ^^^ And how nice it is to meet you Mr Yaya Toure. Also as I recall you were also fast on your feet particularly if a ball was what been chased around the pitch. ..


    Hence you will have no difficulty in making our Xiin run for his money, since in turn it seems that he is trying to pull a fast on you in here...



    Don't worry, I didn't expect Xiin to address the MAIN issues. He is happy with being the linesman and not the referee :D

  6. Illyria;947447 wrote:

    I am not familiar with your interest in all of this, but I will assume you want what is in the best interest of the country, and if so, then you would not be surprised to learn that the overriding narrative for months now has been to secure capital investment for Somalia, and to bring an end to the war language, therefore my earlier enthusiasm, but having listened to Burns, I retreated.

    My interest is irrelevant. Who is going to invest into a country that is still grappling with insecurity? Logic dictates that the conditions on the ground need to be right before any kind of major investment is sanctioned by the major powers. Walk before running and all that.

  7. xiinfaniin;946855 wrote:


    Revenue is not an issue. Jubbaland recognizes federal government as a legitimate national government. As soon the parliament puts in place revenue sharing clauses (remember this was postponed during the run up to the Hassan's election), it shouldn't be an issue.


    Kenya is not an issue here. Why would Kenya be accused for securing the city from Alshabaab? Uganda did the same for Mogadishu, did it not? Other than fadhi ku dirir talk, Somali government is not (and will not be) making such a claim awoowe.

    and my name is Yaya Toure :D


    Regardless of what they did or whether or not the government publically claim Kenya's involvement, the boys from Nairobi have been a scheming.

  8. Illyria;947314 wrote:
    By listening to Bill Burns, US Deputy Secretary of State, who stood in for Kerry, I am growing less hopeful than I were before. Security, which replaced the infamous war on terror under Obama, seems to STILL be dominating the theme. Granted no other country commits more than the US in these efforts from Japan in the 40s to Germany in the 90s to Iraq to Syria in 2013.

    Less hopeful about what exactly? Isn't security the biggest issue in Somalia today and for the past 20 years?


    Mintid, apparently Kenya's finger prints are no where near the Jubbaland issue (good analysis by the way).

  9. Baashi;946986 wrote:
    NORF, what did he say?

    Who? The reporter? He covered the issue quite well I think and put the PM on the spot. He also covers the belief that there is involvement from Kenya. Watch it when you get a chance saxib.

  10. NGONGE;946865 wrote:
    I don't know about you Norf, but I found the reply of the Somali PM very amusing there. He is admitting that his government are making it up as they go along.

    I noticed that slip of the tongue. But its the same shabby constitution, that many didn't want to discuss last year.

  11. xiinfaniin;946840 wrote:
    ^^Where you see a problem , I see progress NORTF.


    But the political objections from Mogadishu can easily be overcome. Once a president is elected, parliament is in place and an administration is selected, Jubbaland will submit its charter to the parliament. The parliament will examine the charter to ensure federal constitution superiority over national matters and will respond accordingly ...


    That is the process President Hassan worked overtime to politicize ...it is simple in concept and not difficulty at all in execution either

    This is Africa saxib. Although the government is opposed to it, they're concerns need to be addressed i.e. the elephants in the room - port revenues and Kenya's influence. How will this be addressed? Should it be addressed? Until this is discussed, I can see the legality of the state being up in the air for a while.