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Posts posted by N.O.R.F

  1. Ngonge,


    Somaliland being asked to remain part of Somalia cannot be compared with being pro Hassan Shiekh one day and opposing him the next. Somaliland has the 'right' to do as it wishes. Supporting Somalia one day then a region the next without allowing for fruitful (heh) discussions is wrong. Wax fahan.

  2. NGONGE;953420 wrote:
    It's only wrong because you refuse to see it for what it is warya. When an entire group of Somalis (PL, Jubbaland, Khaatumo and ONLF) all agree to go against the government of the time, you must know that something serious has taken place. After all, all these guys were never in agreement in the past so what happened to unite them all of the sudden in such a way? The Imam blames the way the FG views the federal arrangement and says that the Hassan Sheikh government are attempting to move the goal posts. Therefore, it is not in his interests to compromise today.


    Somaliland used to be part of Somalia. Somaliland (as Xaaji X never tires of telling us) happily went into the union with Somalia only to change their minds in later years. Some people are asking Somaliland to "compromise" today but it's not in Somaliland's interest to be part of Somalia (today). You are happy to believe in the argument that concerns you but see all kinds of mischief in the one that concerns Jubbaland.


    How do you like them apples, duqa?

    You’re a good cook :D


    PL, Jubbaland, Khaatumo and ONLF have all decided to put the blinkers on. They’re not prepared to consider the governments concerns. The government has been sent away from Jubbaland on previous occasions. They have met them and talked with them on others. They have expressed their concerns and have also stated the door is open for more talks. But, Jubbaland goes ahead ignoring the government’s concerns. How could this happen when just last year every man and his clan supported this process and promised to work with the government? The goal posts haven’t been moved but there is a lot of simulation going on.


    Somaliland hasn’t changed its mind dee. They’re not jumping from one bandwagon to another. They have been consistent in their position. That position hasn’t changed.

  3. NGONGE;953368 wrote:
    ^^ The point stands. Wax fahan.

    Dee the point is wrong. Wax fahan :D





    The one who wholeheartedly supported the process in which the country’s leaders were appointed is today busy throwing mud their way because they haven’t been receptive to their tol’s agenda/desires.



    People want to split from Somalia after a brutal civil war.


    Apples and oranges dee :D

  4. Tallaabo;953333 wrote:
    I think the president is not being driven by clannish agenda but simply lost control of the situation on the ground. It would be difficult for anyone to be on top of the game in a messy country like Somalia. President Xassan has his own government guarded by the Africans and is at the same time fighting a tough war with Alshabaab, building an almost non-existent state institutions, catering for the demands of all the rival clans, negotiating with regional administrations, reclaiming lost sovereignty from the international community, building security forces, raising funds for a bankrupt nation, kick starting a collapsed economy, building a devastated capital, defending Somalia's maritime borders, and last but not least desperately trying to prevent the secession of almost a third of his country's population. I think the guy should be given the benefit of the doubt and people should be patient because Somalia will not be fixed with a magic spell.

    Very well put but is any of that relevant to the Jubbaland creators/supporters? Could they rise above the clan agenda and look at things from the President's perpective? Last year it 100% support for the new road ahead and today they're 100% against the government all because he doesn't see things their way.

  5. Its good. You're connected to others working in your industry and recruiters. Former collegues get in touch and if there is a job going somewhere you may know about it before it is officially advertised. I think its great (had a couple of interviews through it). Then you have the groups discussing professional issues and Somali groups with Somali Professionals discussing Somali initiaves/business.

  6. Where is Faisal Waraabe when you need him? :D


    Dear President,


    Your comments have been noted. However, before you talk of distant lands, it would be prudent of you to first of all secure the city you reside in. With your current workload, the federalism issues, AS and the spoilers already calling for your head, your priority should be staying in power long enough to implement your vision.


    If you require a few pointers just copy Somaliland.

  7. Night life is all about eating, drinking shah nac nac and shopping.


    Dadkani ciyaalsana. Laba hada is haysta over the smallest of things. Wyre, waxay isku haystaan ha igu odhan waxa aan qoray waa khalad. Igama saraysid. Shaqadaada garo. 10 mins ayay murmayeen hada.

  8. Happy maalinta qaranimada ee 18ka May!


    Good progress made in many sectors over the last year. Maantaa yaa dalkii i geeya.


    Enjoy it those who are there - JB, Alpha, Ibti et al


    Alpha I know you're carrying your camera today :D


    Any live streaming feeds out there???