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Everything posted by Paragon

  1. lol Ramadaan Kariim akhyaareey
  2. 1. Do you use public libraries and if not, why not? what might stop you from going in? Fortunately, I use library services in several London Boroughs especially Ealing, Hounslow and Hillingdon. The library that I mostly frequent is Southall Community Library (Ealing) which, because of community demands, endeavoured to bring in new books that are specifically for Somalis. Although there are Somali materials in that library, they are considerably few considering the need of the local Somali community. It takes me two buses to get the library for the single purpose of obtaining access to one book that is not available in other library that I occassionally visit. 2. How do you get to hear about things, events, what the library provides and equally how do you let your community know about an event that might be of interest? Personally, I havent yet heard or seen any event publicised by the libraries. I didn't also come across any information from libraries that is dedicated to informing Somalis about anything that might be of interest to the Somali community. So since I have nothing specific to tell others, I dont let others know about the library services. However, I often encouraged students to make a habit of using the library to their advantage. Students may already know about the benefits of general library services, but that only doesn't draw them into the library. It is possible that many Somalis don't see the library as a public establishment, rather they may see libraries as being places other communities are indirectly or directly invited while they are excluded. The perception could be that these libraries cater for all but Somalis. 3. What do you want more of and access to, communication through sound (radio, phone, talking books, music), images and text (books of photos, videos, DVDs, ICT, Books in Somali, Arabic, about Africa or Somalia or where, newspapers, magazines)? Generally, as it seems to me, only few Somali-related books are found in many West-London libraries or no other materials such as Somali DVD's, CD, Cassette Tapes and etc. Where, for example, a small library like the one in Hayes and Harlington may have sections for Punjabi, Tamil and Urdu speakers, not a single Somali book or any other material is found in it, and thus it becomes understable why many Somalis don't enter the library. What is needed here is the determintation of Somali community and the local libraries to ensure Somali materials are gathered and allocated a section of their own. Another factor to bear in mind is that the Somali cumminity is an oral society. Anything written may not appeal to many of them. The mistrust of the written materials can gradually be dealt with by introducing into the libraries Somali elements such visual signs in Somali, traditional Somali images like the camel, pictures of Somalis themselves or picture in local library advertisement or other culturally-attractive things, to lure Somalis in. When the eye sees familiar images, the mind is relaxed and attracted to go farther NB: I am in a rush, I will finish answering your questions later. Allah Willing.
  3. I don't even think the entire Muqdisho population would participate in 'dibadbax' of numbers as high as 400, 000. That number is magnanimous and - if it were true - the organisational efforts involved must have been the best the African content has ever witnessed. Remember the report mentions 400,000 Somalis, not Germans. Whatever the case, if the remarks of the Caaqil were correctly reported, I confess I agree with his assertions. PS: When Somalia is in a position to negotiate or build bridges with Somaliland, she (Somalia) must slightly swallow some of its Pride and acknowledge the principles of Somalilanders. Same shall be the case with Somalilanders.
  4. "nyumba yenu ni chafu mpaka cockroach huvaa slippers" lool Raula and Viking, we're meant to be fasting... really this is the funnest I have heard for a long time. Lol Ati "We' ni mshort mpaka ukikalia kwa pavement miguu ina hang kwa hewa." Walahi this is deadly funny! Thanks lol
  5. Paragon

    Who am I?

    LST the answer to your who am I is: Professor Abyan! Professor of Mathematics in Lafoole University?
  6. R-V and F-F, thank you sisters and aamiin!
  7. Capital moves from Muqdishu and comes to Baydhabo and moves back to Muqdisho. Whats the fuss about then?
  8. "is the disagreement same as attacking?" This problem does exist Sahal. Equating disagreement and critique to "attacks" by 'some' of us. In this case, I guess NGONGE's words were just a figure of speech, no?
  9. Well done. And so NGONGE laughed!
  10. Lixkun oo ciidankii hore ee Qalabka sida oo magaalada Muqdisho ku soo dhaweeyey dowlada Mbagathi. Muqdisho Maanta oo isugu yimaadeen kulan balaaran Ciidankii xooga dalka Soomaliyeed ayaa ku taageray in ay soo dhaweynayaa dowlada cusub ee Mbagathi hiil hoobna diyaar ula yihiin maadaama ay ku dhibtoodeen magaalada Muqdisho 14 kii sane ee ugu danbeeysay . Ciidanka xooga ayaa gaardis ku maray xarunta dhexe ee Iskool Boliisiya ayagoona halkaasi ku soo bandhigay awoodooda cududeed. Kulanka ciidanka isugu yimid maanta waxaa qudbad diiran u soo jeediyey Janaraal Galaal oo u sheegay ciidanka in ay iska dhiciyaan burcada diidan nabada kana soo horjeestaan kuwa diidan kala danbeenta . ---- Dawlada Talyaaniga Oo Dardar Gelisay Dhaqdhaqaaq Siyaasadeed Ee Dhinaca Soomaali Dawladda Talyaaniga oo ka mid ah waddamada daneeya arrimaha Soomaaliya, dhaqdhaqaaqeeda siyaasadeed ee Soomaaliyana uu aha mid daciif ah sanadihii ugu danbeeyay ayaa haatan billawday dadaal xoogan oo ay ku doonayso in ay lugaha la soo gasho arrimaha Soomaaliya ka dib markii ay soo baxady in saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan Booliska Soomaaliya iyo ciidanka qalabka sida ay kulamo kula yeelatay wadanka Talyaaniga . Saraakiisha ay xukuumada Talyaanigu kala hadashay arrimaha Soomaliya gaar ahaan hub ka dhigis iyo soo celinta ammaanka Muqdisho ayaa waxa ka mid ah Janral maxamad Nuur Galaal iyo G/sare Gasgas. Kulanka labadan sarkaal ay la yeelatay xukuumada Talyaaniga ayaa wax faahfaahin ah laga bixin inkastoo la filayo in maalmaha soo socda ay sharaxaad ka siiyaan safarkoodii ciidamada soomaalida qaybahooda kala duwan . Kulan la filayo in ay maanta la yeeshaan labadan sarkaal saraakiil Boolis iyo milleteri ah ayaa lagu wadaa in ay ku faahfaahiyaan wixii ay kala soo kulmeen xukuumada Talyaaniga . Hadal haynta ah in hub ka dhigis lagu sameeyo Soomaaliya aya ahayd ila goortii shirka Soomaalidu ka billawday Kenya muddo haatan laga joogo laba sano mid soo noqnoqanaysay iyadoo kulamo dhawr ah lala yeeshay khubarada ciidanka ee Soomaliya oo ay la yeesheen saraakiil Afrikaan ah, ballantuna ahayd in Soomaali si loo kala badbaadiyo wixii lagu heshiiyana meel mar u noqdaan kooxaha hubaysan hubka laga dhiogo . C/llaahi Khadar,goobjoog, Muqdisho --- Now nomads, what do you think will be the implications of such a concentration of armed men? Is it the dynamics of a "snowball effect" or just a compartmentalized show of support to the new government? Whats your take on this issue?
  11. Gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee Kenya oo laga soo dhaweeyay in Soomaliya ay yeelato madaxweyne . 11/10/04.. Gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee dalka Kenya ee ay Soomaalidu dagto ayaa laga soo dhaweeyay doorashada uu baarlamaanka soomaalidu uu madaxweyne cusub ku doortay kasoo dalka hogaamin doona shanta sano ee soo socota sida lagu wado. Magaala madaxda gobolka magaalada Garissa ayaa waxaa isugu soo xoomay wakhti hore oo subaxnimadii saaka ah makhaayadaha iyo goobaha dadweynuhu ay ku kulmaanba dad badan kuwaas oo iska wareysanayay siday xalay u dhacday doorashada madaxweynaha, waxaa kale oo ay dadkaasi si weyn uga doodayeen shaqsiyadda madaxweynaha cusub iyo sida ay noqondoonto dowladan lagu unkay magaalada Nayroobi, dad badan ayaa muujiyay taxfud sheegayna in dowlad cusub oo loo jeediyaa amaan ama eedeyn ay tahay iyadoo jawaabta la bixiyay ka hor intaan la gaarin khatigii saxda ahaa ee wax laga sheegi lahaa dowladda cusub. Dhanka kale xareyaha qoxootiga ee Gobolka ku yaalo oo hoyi u ah kumayaal soomaali ah oo qoxooti ah ayaa la sheegayaa in iyana si weyn looga soo dhaweeyay doorashada madaxweynaha, Somalitribune oo la xiriirtay dad xiryahaa joogay ayaa waxaa ay dadkaasi sheegeen in si weyn looga dabaaldagay xiryaha qoxootiga ee IFO, Xagar Dheer iyo Dhagaxley. Gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee dalka Kenya oo xiriir dhalasho iyo mid dhaqaalaba la leh Soomaaliya ayaa waxaad moodaa in dadka ku dhaqani ay aad u daneynayaan in Soomaaliya ay ka dhalato dowlad dalka dib u dajisa oo usoo celisa dowladnimadiisii. C.C. Sh. Axmed Garissa Source: Somali Tribune
  12. IL CAPO, Brother, I can understand your good feeling towards Garissa. Although you say you were born in it, I myself came to Garissa district as a child and was educated. To prove this, I will tell you alitle about the history of GSA District. I went to Liboi Nursery and Primary School (a small division in the Border of Somalia and Kenya.) When I finished I moved on to County High Secondary School, situated above the Military baracks that neighbour Garissa- Primary School. I was year 94 of County High lot. I lived in GSA and Liboi alike. If you know GSA alot, you might recall an oldman called "Caananuug"? He owned the first Cinema in Garissa, he use to own "High Life" Hotel before he was deported to Somalia with the claims that he is not Kenyan. When he came back he owned "Ice-cream palour" regarded by some the first palour. That is my family ties. So we were mostly business driven families. Thats my history in Garissa district and town itself sxb. Now about Garissa having a beach: no brother, GSA doesn't have a beach. However, what it has is a permanent river that flows alongside it called: River Tana. The other side of the rive is Maroro and Madogo inhibited by the Munyi peoples.
  13. Lol@Shayma There were no other motives, believe it or not. I wish I even knew 7 of 9 was Athena.
  14. ^^^ You seem to come across as a seed-planter brother, especially where specific people are concerned. If you are not then don't mind me. PS: No really in the mood of 'poetic-combat' sxb. Maybe some other time.
  15. NGONGE, you know, you are not a good strategist. Tst, tst! I am disapointed in you now By the way, there are few of you in the same 'profession' of planting the 'doubt seed'. Fortunately, I haven't yet succummed to your wit and wishes (YET) . Try harder sxb, you might succeed. Who knows
  16. ^^^ Weli afka kulama soo gelin walaashiis. I didn't assume anything nor did I even say anything insulting to you yet. Is it really a crime to respond to a topic of yours? Your assumptions are wrong. My response was honest, there were no other motives. Don't take things personally please. There are those who wish to see you in unnecessary conflict with me. [EDIT] Mutual acquaintances are not what they seem to be sometimes. They can be misleading .
  17. "We therefore, have to accept the good with the bad for the love of peace and nationhood." Indeed, Rahima. May Allah make our future more pleasant than Warlordism.
  18. Nuune, sxb, waa runtaa oo dowlada xun dowlad la'aan bey dhaantaa. me and you me accept whatever the outcome is for the love of peace and nationhood, but dadka qaarkiis nabada ay Somalida gaarto ayey ka xajiimoodaan. I don't know why laakiin. Those of us whose want of peace is honest accept him to be a president. So long as the civil society lives in peace, we can live with other short-comings. PS: I favoured Cadow since I thought he was well-equiped for the job. However, the Somali people voted C/Y as president. And I am commanded by the majority of my people. what they want is what I want.
  19. The Joyous Tears of Peace and government, Come as a shot of vitality through our veins. Which makes us high with ecstasy and hope. And like ghosts from the graves rising we are, To the bright horizon of peace and somaliness. That had for long absented our sadest hearts. Today is a citizen's joy, and leaders' delight, It is the child's happy song that we can hear It is the call of peace, and the way ahead, It is the light at the end of the war's tunnel, It is the destination of our longest journey. Let the elected lead, and us citizen follow, And our nation celebrate the act of peace, And our bloods boil with great anticipation, May Allah makes our anticipation the best, Making our Nation great, people strongest. Aamiin.
  21. Provincial leader wins Somali elections Sunday 10 October 2004, 22:51 Makka Time, 19:51 GMT Ahmad (L) won the elections by 189 votes to 79 for his rival Abd Allahi Yusuf Ahmad has won Somalia's presidential election beating 25 other candidates in a vote by lawmakers, election officials in Nairobi announced. After a third round of voting in Nairobi by members of Somalia's transitional assembly on Sunday, election officials said Yusuf, who has served as president of the autonomous northeastern region of Puntland since 1998, had won 189 votes against 79 for his run-off rival, Abd Allahi Ahmad Adu, a former diplomat and finance minister. A tribal-based parliament made up mainly of military commanders and tribal leaders has selected a head of state with the huge task of establishing the first legitimate government in 13 years. At least three hours behind schedule, lawmakers queued up to go through metal detectors and enter a national sports complex that served as the parliament. The building was ringed by paramilitary police armed with assault rifles. The vote is the culmination of two years of peace talks designed at creating a new transitional government intended to shepherd Somalia to elections after five years. Thirteen previous peace conferences have failed to stabilise the country of seven million, which is divided into clan-based fiefdoms. Peace pledge The first person to cast a ballot was assembly speaker Sharif Hasan Shaikh Adan. The parliament is made up of commanders and tribal leaders He told reporters beforehand that in order to stand, candidates would have to first sign a solemn pledge to respect the result and hand over to the new government any weapons held by them or their supporters. They would also have to promise not to disrupt the voting process itself, he said. Among the many possible pitfalls the 275-strong parliament faces is the danger that a sore loser could decide to play a spoiling role, as the new president prepares to establish his rule in Mogadishu. "If this government goes to Somalia without a consensus among the participants, particularly those with big guns, it will be very difficult to do anything good on the ground," said Somali analyst Jabril Ibrahim Abd Allah. Two-thirds majority Two of the 27 candidates - regional commanders Jama Ali Jama and Hasan Muhammad Nur Shatigudud - dropped out of the race without explanation on Sunday. Prominent among remaining contenders are Abd al-Qasim Salad Hasan, a wealthy politician who led a previous attempt at government; and a powerful regional commander Muhammad Qanyari. Al-Jazeera
  22. Reer-ameerika, you mean you guys didn't have a TV coverage from stn?