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Everything posted by SkyWalker

  1. yes, u grown in me too fast loooool, yeah i should have known haa you were a tomboy lol
  2. yo mr. admin, i didnt attack any one and naverdone it, so maybe you ought go back to my other post you talking about and make sure its me you who you talking before you acuse me and "pink pig" that commet is about "animal farms picture" get not acuse me anything plz.
  3. who you thing is gona live with a pink pig like..........haa. eight that what yo say right
  4. yo girls, yo want be chating here if it wasnt male, yo should listen JamesBrown's song "its man world" kabish. but i tell you what i would change for yo,NOTHING allah give you the beauty(well maybe some ofyou)lol, as long as you can please your man in respecful matter than Mars and Venas should come together and become Horn of Africa damn that will be the day. ps.
  5. brotha man, you really are strong with your words,to a lady, you really should take one of those anger Mangement 101 courses, ps.bro
  6. No, I have 100% “ Somali male behavior” after all iam 100% Somali man. As a male I can’t discloser our behavior secret to the opposite sex, that will be betraying my fells khaat eating, low life skinnies,I gotch yo back yo chicken legs don’t worry about a thing boys.lool ps,
  7. Good point, but I you must admit that almost 95% of females that are married have the title of “housewife” taking care the kids all that, while the male or lion goes out to work and provides the family their income, now when the male comes home what he “needs” is really comfort and soft tone voice, and this list is mostly about that, and there is another list that big mom was gone put and if I am guessing right that was how to treat you man in after hour show, or the better word that you would prefer is “bedroom” how about the behind carton, lol “by the way, sorry if i took ur first statement in wrong context. Blame it on hormonal issue” ooh you didn’t took any in wrong context, you nail the nut on that previous post…I guess I have underestimate you lol….aaaah one more thing, I thought guys had early morning high hormone issues…you know told you I can be supportive in way right .looooooooool. ps,……..jimaca wanaagsan.........
  8. so, jamal got arested at last, interesting. you know we should know this country, wa xaa wee ye, hadii uu buukhagi uu bato wax un bay ku gu raadinayaan ay kugu aamusiyaan. those of u life in twin cities know this guy was very active and made allot of noise. when the somali guy got shot in Chicago and Franklin, word of advice: hadii adan sharci ku laheyn dalkan buu khaagi lee haa yaraado.maskiin naqo mel lee fadhiiso they checked papers that he filed fife years ago,and look this "I've just never seen it in 20 years, to criminally prosecute an asylum applicant," this is said by one of the INS employees,and jamal is saing "they are doing their job" what an idiot, they are not doing their job, their hunting your ass foo, who knows this invastigation maybe started almost ayear or so ago,what should i feel bad for him, well iam he is great guys hard working and very active for the somalian ppl,well any i wish him luck
  9. i thought i should round the #to 60 jihad==>iraq
  10. SkyWalker


    looooooool,yo scorpion this place must be your second home, cause it look that like you got know most of the ppl here well enough to describe them in unwanted situations, good thing you don’t know me loool..
  11. Looool, here we go again, I wasn’t talking about in bed or any other farther in bedroom stories (that is another story big mom will have chance to tell us her experience) lol, “most” man knows how to treat his wife just what we got do make her feel good by cooking tea or something like…giving her hot long massage after long day. ooh what you know I steal have the touch. haa.. looool..........
  12. lol,sorry man don't mean any disrespect but don’t worry we’ll make sure you get "medal of honor" after we complete our mission so lets put our heads together and come up with 80more pages lol, Iraqis==>Courage
  13. hay brotha man,hold your horse bro! yo, hassan as long as you know the culture, language, and you have 90%of the “Somali male behavior” , personally i think you shouldn’t have any problem getting a sister as a wife ONLY, if ur not looking some one for that reason than you need not to worry about not being Somali man, cause what you can do is go one of those clubs and you’ll find ,the lost, low self steam, unattractive, uneducated, unwanted, worse of the whores of Somali woman we have in our ppl. One Q for u bro, which of your parts in form Nigeria…..i am guessing is your mom, cause some of our males don’t discriminate when they get horny,Iam not disrespecting to you or any one also,don’t take it wrong plz
  14. we have 2wks to accomplish our mission ppl congress==>lairs
  15. Ilhaan, yo agreed to go on and the deal was to go up to 100th page, with out repeating the previous words. If that is the case than I’ll be happy to continue this old little game, but we cant just keep going with out reason it want make any sense. Sorry for the disruption guys plz continue last word, ESL Teacher:
  16. no need to put a new list cause a good man knows how to treat his woman and if he shamed to the male species, than who do you blame