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Posts posted by SkyWalker

  1. ppl, iam not talking here about my ancestors or 1900s, iam talking here my self “me” today iam talking about you, if it was my ancestors so was Gorge Bush’s ancestors, so was King Hussein’s in Jordan, guess what than why don’t we just call the whole continent of Africa nomad, middle east, or even Asia,

    you maybe right s.o.s, but what makes you thing we steal have this lifestyle, or even better what is the percent of the population that are nomad

    the point here is not me being true somali or not!!

  2. money, none take it, but what difference would it make it to you if i call you a lady, white, homo (none disrespect) or something you are not. the point is you are what are, not what other ppl what you to be. do you move around or not, if not than why choose the title.

  3. Admin: for all do respect, I would like to ask to take the “nomad” of my name, I don’t consider my self as a nomad never was and not has my family every been,(as far as i know)


    nomad noun [C]

    a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time:



    this definition is from Cambridge dictionary, and I don’t think “all” Somalis are nomad either,

    how can we call a whole country’s population “nomads”.?


    So for this reason is why I am asking if it’s possible if you can remove me as “nomad”. Their maybe other reasons why we call each other as a nomad which I don’t know what its, you can enlighten me with that,and if that is not the case than hopefully my wish will be granted!

    any other point ppl,

  4. Exdane, who is being the heartless here, or should I say was the heartless,

    I should have known, why you were defending this lonely girl, cause yo are in same boat, you were using cellules guy about your own interest for whole year, this is getting confusing, who should I attack know you or her. come down admin, I wont attack anyone lol THIS CANT GET ANY MORE SHAME, exdane, what goes around comes around they say right, yours will come girl, soon or latter………


    i thing i had enough, dont want my blood pressure to go over the roof at this wonderful time in my life. ta ta i usually say enjoy life, but i can say this time, why, i leave that to you to answer,,,

  5. Finest sister, sorry to say this but I don’t think you disserve this name, guess why.

    Two, I absolutely disagree for you going back mr.X (guys like that really piss me off) anyways, like you say “what goes around comes around” their you go girl you have your own answer. advice: next time you ought take seriously when ppl say they love u, ooh sorry forgot you were minor.

  6. Og. ithing the young lady had your answer.

    and "may ya sxb handad miishan ma taalo"


    loooool, scorpion sis, is their a lesson two, no, i had my mangment courses already,i thing may matters had been well build lol,by admin here i gues,i dont know if you wana add one or two more lessons in public or private loool

    ps, enjoy life

  7. Yes, you right admin: I did attacked him personally, however you made it like I was attacking other people every time I post something, that was why I got pissed off first time,

    What aver happen to that post any way, and don’t tell me yo deleted, cause their shouldn’t be any reason why it should have.


    You know almost 95% people here are students and they know how to respect each other so yo shouldn’t be threaten ppl,


    and these “nomad” you call lets be honest yo all ain’t angles, don’t tell me yo never cussed, I believe the reason this form is going well because its respect from each other not because the “admin” is monitoring and ppl are scared to be kicked out! And yes I didn’t respect mr.m at that time and I apologize to him, not to you. Lighten up mr.admin don’t make me what am not!!!!!!!

    no i dont forget things after i have writen them..hopfully this clears things for you.