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Posts posted by SkyWalker

  1. well proud sista, this is a problem for couples, friends and even family members everyone would like to change other person in a way they would like, this task is imposable! first you can never change any one’s attitude what ever you do/say or try it is not gona happen.


    second about your friend, when she asks the Q, if you can change some one also, I think you should have said YES, cause I believe the Q was if you can change HER, who knows, maybe she got tired of being tomboy. if i were you maybe I would take her to weddings(only ledies wedding) ( dirac aroos), get her involved more, step by step,slow motion. proud sista your friend is asking your help,i dont think your mind her attitude after 15yrs.....


    for the person I love (if ever) I could never change my attitude, I could work something out for my outfit, not my look though, if she don’t like my look than no reason she should be w/me. :mad:


    good luck girl

  2. Originally posted by B_A_L_L_E_R_Z:






    this will be next wk topic:



    you dam man crack me up dawg loooooooool icon_razz.gif

  3. “A therapy our men needs” wow, first I don’t thing you should generalize all Somali men in this category, second: do you not need a therapy your self? haa, anyways what are you trying to say here, let me guess, chick says this to you, if that is the case than you can simply ask help instead of accusing us, kabish.......


    oooh that was my inner self gut talking through my fingers lol

  4. first of all, its not only “Somali men” its 75% of males, I don’t believe most man want a woman that is smarter, makes more money or constant nags about everything lets be honesty ppl. nowadays we have guys who are gold diggers, they’re looking girls who have money, if its working or getting support from the Gove, so they can get high those leaves every night for a money they didn’t earn. a real man supports his family in any way there is, the woman is the brain in the house but when it comes to public man got feel he is the one who is wearing the “Pans” in the family. its dignity, honor, the greatness that a man has to feel, after all its woman job to be decorum in the present of her man,so missy you got act dumb when a man appraoches you, lol just kidding:)

  5. zeke, you sure do have alot of "wrong" stafe going on here,let me try


    so, what’s the wrong thing she did, and what makes you thing ppl were wrong about her if she thought she wasn’t wrong, and why does she have to be wrong if she posted wrong thread that she thought it should be posted even though it was wrong.

    R you allowed to posed wrong staff here even if it is legitimate argument,

  6. I haven’t heard about feeding dead animals to a cow or goat by increasing their milk, however I am sure they do inject some kind of chemical to make the cow to produce more milk or even to help the chicken lay more eggs. As this being haram or not I can’t comment that…but I can tell you this, we didn’t have to worry about all this in back home, and this is one big reason why we are not better off in Somalia “we” never were and never will be!!!!!!!enjoy life

  7. Soomaalia…wow cant even thing a place that I can compare to! Yo know u can get much better educations in our high schools than in western countries even some of our universities were much better than the once here believe it or not.

    Talk about stress in the that is big it can be a whole book.


    Raising a family, you have any idea how hard that is in here you got have 2 to 4 kids more than that you got get another job or the wife have to be working (getting financial support from the gov. is another case, who is gona raise your own kids gov. or your self)


    The smallest family in Somali was five children do you know the average family could be up to 10 children, you know why


    Health: thing about for all the disease that you know in this country how many did we had in Somalia even better can you change some of them in to (luqada af soomaaliga) start with “cancer”


    Nature: my gosh when was the last time you have grabbed a fruit from a tree and start eating without worrying about chemical or disease .

    Talk about the acid rain, have you tried drinking rain water in usa or Canada? How many times did you drink ( biyo xareed in soomaaliya) or (ku khuweysatey)


    I could go on and on guys…but all this comparison only one matters ( dhulkaage hooyo wax kafiican majidho) your land your country SOOMAALI WEYN hanoo laato  I miss that damn place

  8. Slow down miss cute, back in the days fat girls were the best, the beauty and most wanted and they steal are. “thick” is more polite way for saying it than fat be polite no one likes skinnies now a days.

    why are you so mad about this? Did u lose a weight, haa,

    are you high school student? r u in school at all just curious