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Posts posted by SkyWalker

  1. now you all know your problem would you able to stop the bad habit yo have, and love back the once who love you dearly!! Or continued the old ignorance of running after what you can’t have and regretting latter on that you should have gone with the once that wish they had your heart!!

    Learn your mistakes people…. :rolleyes:

    (iam not personally attacking any one here)lol

  2. I think Jamaal-11 said it all, I think most guys would like straight to the point no chasing around, no games, no hints—most guys get confused on this part, yo be yourself. remember to the point...guys can't read emotional expression most of the time..

  3. first get a table and second get a money and see if you gone be happy or not, lool

    ok ok, can a money buy a happiness? I think in a way yes, but if you only have some one to share with….other wise you will commit suicide like most other millionaires did…

    its predicted tonight that you’ll cook dinner for me tonight…what comes after it…will keep it to our self ok…

  4. sweet gal, i have seen guys drink as well as girl and not only were they drink like a water but they were raping their behinds with some other dudes (none Somali)

    Mr.M have to agree part of your idea bro, they are ignorant that got lost know nothing about who they are or they from.

    Yo,this isn’t bad topic though compare to others (Somali man, Somali woman.. all that ball sh**!)

  5. You got be kidding, your joking right, Mr. Somali loool, I did expect Somali ppl to do and say crazy things but definitely not this I wonder if the girls in London behind this idea lol, are the guys in London really that bored…this sick man it aint no cute

  6. Originally posted by lovely me:

    I would like for all men regarless of race to answer this!



    A SISTA' 2 MANY;



    all men regarless of race? WHAT



    you really full of your self arent you,


    queen with out a man haa,but hay man knows what he is (maybe some of us) all will say their good,the job part of your life is to find out which is or isn't

  7. yo, underdog, i had to edited mine, a friend of mine just emialed me,


    i started loughing out loud in the middle of the labarery i most got kicked out.


    three times a day,saven days a week in both ways, looooool, why did the mom fainted anyway lol

  8. To Whom It May Concern:



    May 21, 2003



    We Have a Con Man Among Us.


    Well I guess Drman broke the Geneva Convention section 1554 under agreement plan that he should be criticizing a lovely sister call “hibo”. Mr. Darman under this agreement you ought clear your self with in 24hrs, other wise we will be using a force with any means o f necessary. To dismantle your creditability and your honor in this form, we surely do not want you to be evildoer. All other “nomads” your with us or against us, now is the time to be on a side! You cannot be in the middle.



    Sincerely yours,


    President of A.S.U

    Mr. Knucklehead