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Everything posted by ADNAAN

  1. Originally posted by Kaleidoscopic: LOL. Adnaan and Afro , take a chill pill men.. I thought it was funny. You're in a small way giving him credit by getting offended. Yeah I agree but the only funny part was the “nayaa†bit and I doubt if you can instead say "walaalo" to ur wife.Klaid as a mod, shouldn’t you be enforcing the rules….yaa... shaqeyso? Originally posted by Admin: 5 - Trolling: don't make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people. . humm………… Originally posted by Kaleidoscopic: What’s the difference between Somalia/Somaliland... not much if ur not a politician. To be honest they are way past differences and absurdly enough they share nothing other than a deep rooted hatred, sad but that’s the truth...they are in dire need for prayers.
  2. Originally posted by Sky: the ppl from the northwest that call themself somaliland have brown teeth, they chew khat like theres no tomorrow, they cant pronounce the letter "R" and they are allowed to say "nayaa" to their female counterparts without facing serious physical damage. for the rest we are the same. :cool: Am speechless, i don’t think this direct & naked insult should be tolerated by the admin.
  3. Originally posted by SOO MAAL: Adnaan walaallada waa inuu u hanbalyeeyaa intuu iska hadlayo. Amazing..walaahi :confused:
  4. Originally posted by mizz_S.lander: Before It’s Too Late* What Satan really intends is to completely prevent you from pursuing your beneficial activity or at least to delay you from it. For those who are righteous this is a great danger. Satan comes and whispers to one, you are not worthy of studying Islamic knowledge or calling people to the religion. Wait a while until you have studied. Yet, we have been commanded to teach the meaning of even one verse of the Qur’an if that is all we know. macasalamah i hope u guys benefited for i did sis, i am in constant beef with this guy satan da a$$hole, especilly when revising. i have to admit he is damn too power full. the funny bit is the way he cools me down when i miss out on alot of things....he whispers 2 me "no worries, u are too clever, u will do it next time" :mad: salamz
  5. ^^^^^Very good, it was definitely worthwhile watching…inshalaah they will succeed in restoring law and order. The crowds were jubilant you could sense their desire for some sort of an order by the way they were chanting “soo dhawaada… soo dhawaada†One thing that caught my attention was the arab "foreigner" who was reciting the Quraan at the welcome do in the midst of so many Muslim Somalis and ironically enough the government itself is foreign made. The brothers seem to be good 4 nothing!!
  6. Allah yarhamu waya yaqfir lahu dunuubah wa yudkhilhu janaatih.......amiin
  7. Originally posted by Haddad: Anyone know where in Hargeisa is this image located, or how far is it from downtown Hargeisa? It says A Street in Hargeisa , but I doubt if it's a typical street. wow...walaahi i can feel hargeisa caddey , ...Daaamn the place is familiar just can't figure out where it was. it looks like da top part of the city idaacada, hera awr or other near by areas (because of the rocky roads).
  8. Originally posted by rayaana: Rayaana was in that class for 3 years and had no way out. But when she looks back she regards her as one of the best people she had ever come across. first because she was her teacher. Second she taught her discpline and third because her teaching skills over rided always by her prejudice thoughts gave rayaana strong identity and racial-proof skin! So rayaana still loves her teacher and pays tribute to her in that same old class every now and then and will always. ^^^some what a valuable experience i would say. On a very serious note the whole racial inter-marriage issue turns out 2 be trivial when you see how Somalis despise each other and are divided along tribal lines. Marrying from far tribes other than ones own is almost regarded by some as unacceptable or s/thing beyond the norm Logically there is nothing wrong with marrying from other races i think its a personnel choice and a good opportunity to explore other cultures,who knows it could prove 2 be advantageous 1 day. From my memories bck in the good old days (triggered by rayaan’s story): As a youngster i used to think of myself as as an arab & my first encounter with racism was bck in 95 in my elementary school (Salman al faarisi) in Sharjah UAE , on one afternoon as we were having our lunch break a little argument started b/w me and my best friend who was an Egyptian, it quickly turned into a brawl. Eventually after we roughed up each other for a little while another egyptian joined us and sided with him. To my amusement a Sudani mate whom i didn't even know that much rushed to my help, nevertheless it ended quick when one of the teachers broke up the fight.I used 2 always wonder as to why the sudani helped me but found out later when i came to da U.K , So after that little incident, every time in a while we used to tease those two who got bogged down into our little personnel war (as we used 2 call it "harb khaasah") It was all silly but then what else would u expect from a 11 yr old.
  9. Thanx caano geel……it seems that s/land is getting a lot of attention lately. Listen to Saheera BBC Radio 3 Part of the interview is with an old man who got married at the age of 72 to a 20 yr :eek: old girl and to her surprise he claimed that he is yet to loose his passion for da game!! Doesn't she look cool in that dirac?!! The Philipino lady on the right is the only and 1 Yevete
  10. Originally posted by nuune: waryaa Adnaan, markaad timacade gabaygiisa soo qortey baaban iska ogaa inaad ka qeeb gashey dabbaal daggee ee xoogaa anaa kugu sii abuurayey qiiro ama in yaroo wadaninimo ah oo guubaabin ah si uu jirku kuu dhaqdhaqaaqo :cool: Its all good bro...i can handle it
  11. ^^^Nuune i wasn't expecting dat from you. ..indeed u have disappointed me Besides who said landers can't celebrate too?...i can't wait 4 ur answer.
  12. Originally posted by nuune: posyed by Adnaan quote: Its just like saing,"ilma yr ee dhashey ha ordo intaau guur guuran"... waad khaldantahay my friend, ha iska indha tirin waxaan qorey, simply say midnimada soomaaliya ma doonayo! Did I in any way hint I was pro union...Da answer is a BIG NO, I was merely saying to you "first things first" nuune farta waaweyn ayey kuugu baxdaa malaha!!
  13. Originally posted by nuune: Soomaaliya ha midowdo, ha noolaato, ha is raacdo , ha jirto, qaranimada soomaaliya ha waarto, qabiil diid qaran dhis Its just like saing,"ilmaha yar ee dhashey ha ordo intaau guur guuran" hold your horses my friend oo horta bal ha yar tukubisee u kaaddi.
  14. ^^^ LOL, reer mudug dee dhulkaad la dhacdeen.I wonder how come they are not responding.
  15. On the 26th of june 1960, it was abwaan C/laahi Suldaan Timacadde who recited the poem KANA SIIB KANA SAAR in Beerta Xuriyada Hargeisa.( "May Allah Rest His Soul In peace" Listen to him Read here In sidayda tihiin iyo In kalaanan saxaynine Soomaloo calan taagta Saakay noogu horraysa oo Saddex wiig iyo maalmo Haddaan Soor cuni waayo Safrad laygama yaaboo Sarina mayso naftayda e Saaxirkii kala guurraye Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow An siduu yahay eegno e Kaana siib kanna saar Sallaankii istiqaalkow Sedadu kay ku xidhnaydow Sayruukhii Afrikaadow Saaxirkii kala guurraye Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow An siduu yahay eegno e Kaana siib kanna saar Soomaloo iscunaysa oo Saqda qaylo dhawaaqdiyo Sulub laysu cabbaystiyo Hadba soof la xabbaadhiyo Saraayaa dami weydey Kii laydhiisu na saaqdayow Kii sadqeeyey qabaa'ile Isu saaray gacmaa ee Saf walaala ka yeelayow Saaxirkii kala guurraye Sarreeyow ma-nusqaamow An siduu yahay eegno e Kaana siib kanna saar Sawjarkaa hubka qaataye Intuu soodhka ku taagey U diyaara salaantiyo Saraakiisha amraysaay Sifihii isticmaarka Ka siyaadiya maanta oo Sibilkiinnan ag joogow Sibirtiisa istaaga oo Nin walbaan sigib beeloo Sarow taaga gacmaa oo Sacabkaysku garaaca oo Nin walbow saddex goor Subxaanow waa mahaddaa dheh Subxaanow waa mahadaa Subxaanow waa mahadaa Subxaanow waa mahadaa!
  16. I would say this is one of the best qaraami songs I have yet to come across. indo deearalley Eesh calaa hees. Indho Deeraleeyeey written by Cabdi cali weyd iyo codkii Yusuf Xussein Tarabi Ilkaha u eg daruurtiyo ciridkaaga dukhulka aa mawluhu ku daahiro Debnaha dukhusha moodee mar mar dib uga faydiyo Sanqaroorka soo degay Indha deeraleey………….. Daymada xishoodka Markad luqunta dadabtaa (2) Kolba laygu didayaa oo layga darayaa Indho deeraleey…………. Dumar ugu filrooneey Dayax shan iyo tobanaay Dahab lagu masaaleey Da''da tii todabiyo toban (2) Guga loogu darayeey Indha deeraleey…………… Dib timaha u dhacayiyo Dilimaaha dhabarkiyo Sida dixida xaada Dayrwaa qadaadkiyo Suniyaasha duuda ah Camaan doombir laayee Daymada xishoodka Markad luqunta dadabtaa (2) Kolba laygu didayaa oo layga darayaa Indho deeraleey……… Dumar ugu filrooneey Dayax shan iyo tobanaay Dahab lagu masaaleey Da''da tii todabiyo toban (2) Guga loogu darayeey Indha deeraleey Markaad socodka damacdee Degenida talaabada Miisaanka lagu darey Laafyaha la daawado Dadku waxay yidhaahdaan May daarin ciidee Da''uus la moodyeey Daymada xishoodka Markad luqunta dadabtaa (2) Kolba laygu didayaa oo layga darayaa Indho deeraleey…………………. Dumar ugu filrooneey Dayax shan iyo tobanaay Dahab lagu masaaleey Da''da tii todabiyo toban (2) Guga loogu darayeey Indha deeraleeyee………………
  17. i have to say its all about ADNAAN its top of the range. As for somali names: warsame, guuleed, mahad, cilmi, samatar, abokor raage, magan, qawdhan. Girls (my 5 favs) IBTISAAM..(i just luv it 2 bits) ,kawsar, raxmah, thuraya, ilwaad.
  18. Originally posted by Hibo: What was more, the dinner was buffet, Somalis were the only people cutting the queue... You can't blame somalis for that, actually why wait when you can always take shortcuts (it has to be done smoothly though).It was just yesterday when i was cutting red traffic lights using a rushing ambulance as an excuse. Anyways its irritating the way some behave and my self, I used to hate the way we behave especially the loudness bit, but then its true when they say if you can't beat them join them.
  19. Originally posted by wind.talker: ^^ Strange how you conveniently choose not to answer my question, but instead use the opportunity to take a jibe at me. Strange, too, how the Riyaale regime (and related mouthpieces) would rather point fingers at others as "the enemy" while they and they're agents overtly rob the good, hard-working people of Waqooyi Galbeed of much-needed revenue and freedoms. What was the reason the Riyaale regime provided for not enacting a Press Bill? I look at the strange resemblance between how you react to my words and how the Riyaale regime reacts to questions (by avoiding them) as systematic in an odd, eerie way. Have they really programmed you that much? Cajiib, wind for all you know my friend I don’t disagree with anything u have said. As for not answering ur question it’s just dat I am not privileged enough to know the answer… :confused: By the way, wind how big is bacda kugu xidhani?..Cool down mate!!!
  20. Originally posted by *Diamante*: The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten bear. The bear is yelling: "Okay, okay, I'm a rabbit, I'm a rabbit." the LAPD cracked it....lool
  21. Originally posted by wind.talker: P.S. This tragic incident happened. Is recognition any closer? I mean to say have the secessionists really stooped this low, [/QB] ^^ very ironic if you ask me, Look at who is talking about being low.
  22. Originally posted by Baashi: ^ Time to get the facts straight ADNAAN. First thing first, I hope you understand the difference between integration (after the fact) and union. Second, I also hope you understand the relevance of the so called British magistrate operating in sovereign jurisdiction. Now let’s get down to it. The much hyped Keyd. Here is see you made a wish that i understand the difference b/w da union and integration, and you quicly proceeded on to bashing keyd. to be honest the writer of the article didn't even mention his name. Baashi lets get real, the ball is in your court so explain the difference and explain to us the validity of the so called act of union. i hope u will be more specific in your reply and stop beating about the bush,again may i challenge you to get your head round the crux of the matter. For your info this whole legality issue is new to me,i don't copy n paste 4 no reason.