The Observer.
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Thank you for posting these pictures. This is great. walkforsomalia.org this is just the beginning my friends, the movement continues....
Nomads, sailors and refugees: A century of Somali migration
The Observer. replied to Paragon's topic in General
Paragon, thank you for this...i know i've been out of the loop for sometime, but issues of migration are dear to me. i am currently trying to look for different routes taken by those who fled the Mad Mullah in his time of reign...so if any of you have some insights, let me know. And Adam, great dream, i second on that notion, inshallah it will happen. -
Salaam my peoples i just watched Nuruddin's interview online, and in days time, my people from toronto informed me of his talk in the city. So for students in the Toronto city take advantage of the opportunity, it is very rare that we witness african writer's discussion and get their signatures. I met Nuruddin Farah in South Africa a while back and it was an Honour. For those interested, here is the information i recieved on his visit to Toronto. "...for a little under twenty five years I have dwelt in the dubious details of a territory I often refer to as the country of my imagination" -Nuruddin Farah, YESTERDAY, TOMORROW: VOICES FROM THE SOMALI DIASPORA Dear brothers and sisters, I want to inform you about a visit at York University by Nuruddin Farah, Somali author of 9 books (including the latest, KNOTS). He's the winner of the 1998 Neustadt International Prize for Literature. Rumour has it that he'll be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature this year. Here's the info on the event: Thursday March 8 (free!): 1. Luncheon, McLaughlin College, 12-1 pm (Nuruddin will give a brief talk and Q&A)2. Meet & Greet with Somali Students' Association, 1:30-4pm 3. Reception, Senior Common Room, McLaughlin College, 5-6:30 pm 4. Talk/Reading at the course 'Canadian Writers in Person,' ACW 206, 7-8 pm For those who can't make it on Thursday, and still want to see him, well, see him a day earlier on: Wednesday, March 7 (Downtown Toronto): 1. Harbourfront Reading Series, Nuruddin will be reading with Barbara Gowdy, 235 Queen's Quay W, 7:30 pm This is a ticketed event. Tickets are $8 (less for students) and are available at www.readings.org
SOL: Petition to stop the fighting in Mogadishu.....Sign Now!
The Observer. replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
It is interesting to see that all over sudden the talk has been on the war in Magadishu. what happened to those who are suffering from hunder at this moment as i write and your read this post? Lets be realistic here, you can sign the petition of stopping the war, very small input could be done, but if you ALL I SAY ALL send letters to your governments and RALLY on demanding more money going into the food aid agencies to go to SOMALIA. then maybe something RADICAL COULD HAPPEN. People will die under the wrath of the gun, we as the diasporeans can't save the innocent lives the way we can for those who are suffering from the famine at the moment. I am suddened by the silence thats happening in somali communities throughout the cities in the North Americanos and europanos. this is not the way it should be, if we want to liberate somalia, then the diasporeans have the will and power to do so, MOBILIZE, AND LETS TAKE CHARGE OF THE AFFAIRS. WE PAY TAXES JUST LIKE ANYONE ELSE, SO LET US DEMAND SOMETHING THAT WILL SAVE OUR PEOPLe. -
Mashallah, now that is what i call true human behaviour, the beauty within expressed in the most divine form. at ease and love, for the religion is all about love, and sharing of good thoughts and ideas. thanks for sharing love
That is awesome. I came across another website, unfortunetly i don't have the link right now, but it had the history of the oud, and the somali adaptation of such an instrument. I am so glad to hear about Xudaad, because this gives me so much hope, that you guys in england now have the opportunity to learn the ancient instrument. Is it possible for you to share the full adress of this school, when i come to England Inshallah i would like to come visit. thank you
Juba am glad you asked that question, because when i was reading, i was like wow, another blonde, because how could you be african and say such a statement? shiish, sometimes we get to north americanized that we forget our past. i don't mean to be harsh bro, but i didn't expect that comment. Right now everything is an issue of people looking down to africans, no body asked people to look down to us, yes the past has a lot in cause with our current state, i don't know if you looked at the european history, but how many years has it taken them to cool down things, since the'r so called industrialization era. Another thing, one has to have faith, and believe, unfortunatly the world today is all driven by economics, and greed, so if you are not into helping one another, keep you comments to yourself, beause i don't think we have the right to belittle or judge one another. For it is Allah's duty. The issue of civilizations, the human being is one creature that always thinks he/she is flawless, and the greatest tool he/she has is the mind, for it is with the mind that one creates technology and weapons, and the ambition of power. Africans problems are highly controlled by man, because when you see millions of children dying just because of famine, while the other side of the same land there is a lot of food, but being shipped of for trade, just because they cannot give that food to the hungry children, it will desturb the economy of the country, then am sorry, it is the human mentallity. W allow to be controlled by this thing called economics, which is man made, hence it has flaws. Which even the capitalist of the capitalist are seeing now how this so great system, that is hailed has cracks, and soon will crash. hence, be aware of your surroundings, and question what is the truth to the mere facade of truth. Innocent people dying over man made mythologies.
here is something someone sent me, loool ONLY KENYANS > >1. Are engaged for 5 years or more > >2. Never bother to divorce, they just separate > >3. Are late to church, work, and everything else EXCEPT when the >club is free before9pm > >4. Refer to diabetes as " SUGAR" > >5. Show up at weddings, showers, graduation, birthday parties >with a new outfit on with nails and hair done but no gifts. > >6. In relation to #5, they eat like parking boys and take the >plate home > >7. Consider 'clubbing' or 'henging' as a monthly expense > >8. Leave bills (instead of insurance money) behind for surviving >relatives. > >9. Borrow money for a wedding. > >10. have mothers who can use curse words and religion ALL IN ONE >ENTENCE e.g. "Lord, give me strength because I'm about to knock >the hell out of this child" > >11 . Spend the car insurance money on everything EXCEPT getting >the dent fixed. > >12 invite co-workers and all of their friends to their child's >1st birthday party which happens to have a professional DJ with >only about 3 kids (including the child) in attendance. And then >expect the guests to "changa" for the bash. > >13. Start every sentence with "Me I..."e.g. "ME I donno why you >are saying that I always say 'Me I'. > >14. Say ''Spend' when they are staying the night elsewhere from >home, e.g. "Are you going to spend at her place?" > >15. Put in iron rods in all windows and main doors...referring >to them as ''Burglar'' > >16. Use "Ngai" as an exclamation mark e.g. "Ngai, what are you >doing?" > >17. Believe "Ati" is an English word for "What?" > >18. Think it is cool to drink and drive and get away with it "I >don't know how I got home that day..the way I was soo drunk!" > >19. Think all their economic and social problems are caused >by"Moi" when in fact some have never been to school. > >20. Pack up all their earthly goods to go to "shaggs" for a week >in December, only to pack them all back again after that one >week And return to "Tao" > >21. Call travelling "flying out" e.g. She flew out (no one ever >seems to wonder where all these Kenyans fly to) > >22. Think that taking a clerical job in a company is better >and"cooler" than toiling in their parents' family business. > >23. Prefer washing cars and dishes in USA to toiling in their 20 >acre tea farms in Kenya. > >24. Call their homes "at ours". eg "At ours, we eat Githeri >every day" > >25. Complain for five years about poor governance and corruption >then vote in the same clowns back to parliament. > >26. Had a chief Justice who has no law degree! > >27. Go on strike for one day and expect the govt. to resign! > >28. Sit back in their homes and expect their MP to "bring >Development" > >29. Refuse to insure against anything and expect you to >bankroll them when calamity strikes... thro' Harambee. > >30. Sit calmly and sometimes cheer as a mad man drives them in >a ramshackle at breakneck speed to certain death. > >31. Drive with their windows wound up when they get to city >centre because of 4 year old brats armed with human feaces, and >still claim to be free people! > >32. Think its cool to say "I AM MOBILE"while they can only >afford fuel on pay day! > >33. Buy the biggest fridge in town but its always half empty. > >34. Get 'mob kidos' to name after all their 'relas' then >complain that they are always broke. > >35.Have sex or make out with people they call Friends > >YES ONLY KENYANS!! > >Have a Kenyan day-wont you!
aisee, i've been out of the mitandao, was just checkin wat i missed, ati nyanayako mzeee hadi chawa za nywele za tembea na bakora, aloo, this is too funny, haven't heard mabezo like this in a long time, since my childhood, damn. Raula, nimesikia Macho, jamani, umenikumbusha mbaliiii. tell me how could i give u guys a song to listen too, lets see howmany zenj fans are here, lol
Raula, nakuvulia kofia mtoto, ati nyimbo'kijeba wayaweza' na 'ucheshi ni maumbile yangu' kali hiyo
Raulaa, unaniua aisee! lool this is amazing, ahsante sana for sharing, namkumba Malika sasa, <listennin to the link of east african melody DEBE TUPU duh, maneno hayo, babu K! maanayake, if i was five years old, i think this song would have been sccreened, what do you call that alert-PARENTAL ADVISORY lool
Dont you just find Ladies dressed in Islamic code of dress Just Sexy
The Observer. replied to MR ORGILAQE's topic in General
there is no contradiction, it is all an opinion of definitions such as rebelling, and revolting to something one is not against. If u look at the historical context of why women were asked to veil themselves, was inorder for them to stay alive in much longer years, not treated as sex slaves and so forth. So now tell me, by them making a choice and veiling themselves in their societies was indeed standing up for their rights, and respect. A woman had to be veiled to get the respect and power she deserved, hence they(those who chose to wear the veil then) were rebelling against the sex slave mentallity and all the exotification of a woman's body. Rebeling against the man's world is one thing, and against the societical pressure is the other, so it all depends to your own way of thought on ur own actions and beliefs. Last time i checked one had the right to voicing their opinions. So you can take it however you want, but am just pointing out, there is more to veiling than what meets the eye. -
Dont you just find Ladies dressed in Islamic code of dress Just Sexy
The Observer. replied to MR ORGILAQE's topic in General
Because you are still living in a closed eye state, you still see what they want you to see. Inorder to understand you have to look deep within yourself, and find who you really are and not what people parents atc want you to be. and not wat religion wants you to be. i always ask people, do you pray because you are told to pray, or pray because u want to pray? -
Dont you just find Ladies dressed in Islamic code of dress Just Sexy
The Observer. replied to MR ORGILAQE's topic in General
rebelling against the system, the sexism, the society of demeaning women, and the aspect of comformity as i said. it is like wearing your dirca in a city center, and at work. -
o, by the way, i read the alchemist in a one day, and so interms of the complete relevance and breakdown, i'll have to read it again, to get and catch the messages paulo was trying to say, instead of the obvious stuff.
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