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Everything posted by Xaq

  1. -ethiopian troops still in Mogadishu - 2 presidents at the same time( A/Y will be impeached. he won't accept. a new president elected by Nur Cade supporters) - 2 PMs at the same time (Nur Cade and Gacmodheere - 2 TFG parliaments. 1 will be A/Y's parliament. the other will be the Djibouti/Nur Cade parliament. the A/Y parliament will sit in Galkacyo. - 2 Governors of Banadir at same time ( the current governor Dhagaxtuur and also Maxamad Dheere) - Sheikh Sharif will sell his soul and join the TFG as Interior minister in Nur Cade's cabinet even though ethiopian troops are still in Mogadishu - the other Sharif will be Speaker of Parliament in Nur Cades parliament - al-shabab to continue fighting. more foreigners will join their ranks. - more resistance groups will emerge with the names of the groups ending with "Liberation Front"
  2. -ethiopian troops still in Mogadishu - 2 presidents at the same time( A/Y will be impeached. he won't accept. a new president elected by Nur Cade supporters) - 2 PMs at the same time (Nur Cade and Gacmodheere - 2 TFG parliaments. 1 will be A/Y's parliament. the other will be the Djibouti/Nur Cade parliament. the A/Y parliament will sit in Galkacyo. - 2 Governors of Banadir at same time ( the current governor Dhagaxtuur and also Maxamad Dheere) - Sheikh Sharif will sell his soul and join the TFG as Interior minister in Nur Cade's cabinet even though ethiopian troops are still in Mogadishu - the other Sharif will be Speaker of Parliament in Nur Cades parliament - al-shabab to continue fighting. more foreigners will join their ranks. - more resistance groups will emerge with the names of the groups ending with "Liberation Front"
  3. -ethiopian troops still in Mogadishu - 2 presidents at the same time( A/Y will be impeached. he won't accept. a new president elected by Nur Cade supporters) - 2 PMs at the same time (Nur Cade and Gacmodheere - 2 TFG parliaments. 1 will be A/Y's parliament. the other will be the Djibouti/Nur Cade parliament. the A/Y parliament will sit in Galkacyo. - 2 Governors of Banadir at same time ( the current governor Dhagaxtuur and also Maxamad Dheere) - Sheikh Sharif will sell his soul and join the TFG as Interior minister in Nur Cade's cabinet even though ethiopian troops are still in Mogadishu - the other Sharif will be Speaker of Parliament in Nur Cades parliament - al-shabab to continue fighting. more foreigners will join their ranks. - more resistance groups will emerge with the names of the groups ending with "Liberation Front"
  4. if yey is going down then he should go down swinging. he sould call the ethios bluff and tell them to get out. do this in a press conference so everyone hears it. then we will see the true ethio stance. the entire charade of ethio withdrawal will be blown. they ain't going anywhere.
  5. ^^they deserve it. they have been working so hard over the last 4 years this whole Djibouti process is very murky and unclear. especially now there will 2 men claiming to be prime minister.
  6. NN, if what you are saying is correct then there would have been 2 seperate clauses in the charter. one would be about the dismissal of the government and the other would be about the dismissal of the PM. FOR EXAMPLE: a. the president has the power to appoint or dismiss a PM b.the president has the power to dismiss a government if it fails to obtain the required vote of confidence from Parliament
  7. everybody take a deep breath and look at the situation. Nuur Cade broke the rules of the charter because you cannot have a cabinet that is not signed by the president. Cabdulahi Yusuf WILL break the charter if he decides to continue on naming a new prime minister. the TFG charter is designed so that the president can make decisions concerning the PM only if he gets parliamentary approval. The PM can make decisions only if he gets the signatures of the parliament and the president.
  8. Baarlamaanka dowlada kmg Soomaaliya oo codka kalsoonida siiyay Xukuumada Ra’isul Wasaare Nuur Cadde. Posted: 12/15/2008 12:38:00 PM Shabelle: BAYDHABO Baarlamaanka dowlada kmg Soomaaliya ayaa Maanta codka kalsoonida siiyay Xukuumada Ra'isul Wasaare Nuur Cadde kadib kulan ay ku yeesheen xaruntooda magaalada Baydhabo. Kulankani maanta ka dhacay xarunta baarlamaanka dowlada kmg Soomaaliya ee magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxaa ka soo qeyb galay Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde. Dhowr Daqiiqo oo uu kulanka ku socday jawi deganaansho ayaa waxaa uu isku bedelay Buuq,Fowdo iyo Jahwareer,waxana xildhibaanada Qaarkood ay bilaabeen in ay isjiid jiidan halka qaarkoodna ay ku carareer kuraastii ay fadhiyeen Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka iyo Ra'isul wasaaraha taasi oo dhalisay in qeylo dhaan uu ka muujiyo shirgudoonka. Is jiid jiid kadib ayaa waxaa uu gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka uu cod Fartaag ah galiyay Xukuumada uu maanta la soo shir tagay Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde,taasi oo uu Shiikh Aadan Madoobe ku dhawaaqay Natiijadii ka soo baxday. "Waxaa kulanka ka soo qeyb galay 170 xildhibaan waxaa codka kalsoonida siyay xukuumadda 143 xildhibaan halka ay diideen 20-xildhibaan waxana ka aamusay 7-mudane Xukuumadda waa ansax oo waa ay shaqeeyneeysaa" ayuu Cod dheer ku yiri Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka kmg Soomaaliya sheikh Aadan Madoobe. Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka kmg Soomaaliya sheikh Aadan Madoobe ayaa intaasi kadib waxaa uu xildhibaanada ku war galiyay in kulanka uu xiran yahay. Dhamaan xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ee codka Siiyay Xukuumada Ra’isul wasaare Nuur Cadde ayaa isku raacay in ay shaqeeyso Xukuumadda. "Waxaan dhowreeynaa Axdiga mana Yeeleyno in lagu tunto Madaxweynaha gurigiisa wax kuma Casili karo Waa in uu Xildhibaanada Hor keenaa oo codka kalsiinoda loo qaadaa hadalkii shalay ka soo yeeray ma ahan wax aan qaadan karno xukuumadda waa ay jirtaa oo waa ay shaqeeyneeysaa" ayuu yiri Shiikh Aadan Madoobe oo ka waramayay hadal shalay ka soo yeeray Madaxweynaha ee ahaa in uu casilay xukuumada iyo Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde. Kalsooni Siinta Xukuumada Nuur Cadde ee maanta ay xildhibaanada Siiyeen ayaa waxaa ay ka danbeeysay kadib kulan ay maanta ku yeesheen Xaruntooda Baydhabo. Mar hadii xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka ay siiyeen codka kalsoonida Xukuumada Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde oo shalay uu Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Sheegay in uu Casilay ayaan waxaan la ogeyn waxa uu ka dhihi doono Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf. link
  9. Communique by AU on the dismisal of the Somali PM COMMUNIQUE Sunday, December 14, 2008 link The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union (AU), Mr. Jean Ping, is following with concern the evolution of the situation in Somalia, in particular the announcement today, 14 December 2008, by the President of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf, of his decision to dismiss Prime Minister Hassan Hussein Nur ‘Adde’. The Chairperson of the Commission stresses that this announcement will further complicate the situation and deepen the rift within the TFG, and has the potential of undermining the sustained efforts being made by the AU, IGAD and the larger international community, including the United Nations, to further reconciliation, peace, and stability in Somalia. The Chairperson of the Commission reiterates AU’s support to the decisions taken by IGAD at its meetings held in Nairobi and Addis Ababa, on 29 October and 18 November 2008, respectively, calls on the Somali leaders to implement these decisions fully and without any further delay, and urges them to overcome the internecine divisions that are consuming their energy, in order to meet the daunting challenges confronting their country. Addis Ababa, 14 December 2008
  10. Madaxweynaha dowladda kmg Soomaaliya oo sheegay in ay dhacday Xukuumada isla markaana uu soo magacaabayo 3-maalin gudaheeda Xukuumadda iyo Ra'isul wasaare. link Posted: 12/14/2008 8:42:00 AM Shabelle: BAYDHABO Madaxweynaha dowladda kmg Soomaaliya oo warbaahinta shirjaraa'id u qabtay ayaa sheegay in ay dhacday sharci ahaan Xukuumadda isla markana uu soo magacaabayo 3-maalin gudaheeda Xukuumadda iyo Ra'isul wasaare. Kadib shir jaraa’id oo uu goor dhow ku qabtay magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Bay madaxweynaha dowlada kmg Soomaaliya Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay in sharciyan ay dhacday Xukuumadda uu hogaaminayay Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde isla markana uu mudo 3-maalin gudaheeda soo magacaabayo Ra'isul wasaare iyo xukuumadd intaba. Madaxweynaha oo arimo badan uga hadlay shirkiisa Jaraa'id ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in uu Taabacsan yahay Heshiiska Jabuuti isla markaana halkiisa uu ka sii socon doono Balse waxaa uu tilmaamay in loo baahan yahay in meesha laga saaro Qodobo Yar yar oo uu ku sheegay in ay ka hor imanayeen Axdiga Kmg Soomaaliya. Goobta uu Madaxwynaha dowlada kmg Soomaaliya shirka Jaraa'id uu ku qabanayay ayaa waxa barbar fadhiyay Max'ed Cumar Xabeeb (Max’ed Dheere) oo horay u ahaa duqii magaalada Muqdisho oo uu xilka ka xayuubiyay Ra'isul wasaare Nuur cadde oo mudo 3-maalin ah madaxweynaha la lahaa Shir Ay irdaha u xiran yihiin,waxana la tuhunsan yahay in Madaxweynaha uu damacsan yahay in uu u Magacaabo Ra'isul wasaare Max'ed Dheere. Magaalada Baydhabo oo uu madaxweynaha ka shaaciyay in wax xukuumadd ah aysan jirin oo ay sharciya dhacday ayaa waxaa ku sugan Ra'isul wasaare Nuur Cadde oo ay si weyn isugu dhacsan yihiin mana jiraan Wax war ah oo dhankaasi ka soo baxay waxana la tuhunsan yahay in uu qaadici doono oo uusan Aqbali doonin Nuur Cadde hadalka ka soo yeeray Cabdullaahi Yuusuf. Saacadaha Soo aadan ayaa lagu wadaa in Shir ay xarunta Baarlmaanka ku yeeshaan Xildhibaanada dowlada kmg Soomaaliya. Wixii warar ah ee ku soo kordha kala soco Shabelle.net hadii uu illaah inoo Saamaxo.
  11. -ethios move out of kalabeyr back to the border Ciidamadii Ethiopia ee maalmo ka hor fariisimaha ka samaystay deegaanka Kalbeyrka ee gobolka Hiiraan oo saakay halkaasi isaga ruqaansaday. Posted: 12/11/2008 6:45:00 AM Shabelle: KALABEYR Ciidamadii Ethiopia ee maalmo ka hor fariisimaha ka samaystay deegaanka Kalbeyrka ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa saakay halkaasi isaga ruqaansaday. Ciidamada Ethiopia ee dhawaan soo galay gobolka Hiiraan gaar ahaan isgoyska Kalabeyrka ee deegaanka Jawiil ayaa saakay kadib salaadii subax waxaa ay isga guureen halkaasi kuwaasi oo la sheegay in ay u dhaqaaqeen dhanka degmada Feer Feer ee dhulka ismaamulka Soomaalida Ethiopia halkaasi oo la sheegay in ay markii hore ka soo dhaqaaqeen. Sida idaacada Shabelle ay u sheegeen qaar ka mid ah dadka deegaanka Kalabeyr-ka ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa waxaa ay halkaasi ka rarteen dhamaan agabyadii yiilay kuwaasi oo saakay la arkayay iyagoo gawaaridooda ay u raranyihiin. Dadka deegaanka ayaa arintaan si weyn u soo dhaweeyay kuwaasi oo qaarkood saakay lagu arkayay iyagoo soo indha indhaynaya fariisimihii ciidamada Ethiopia ay ka gureen. Agagaarka deegaanka Jawiil ee gobolka Hiiraan ayaa waxaa maalmihii u dambeeyay ku suganaa xoogaga hubaysan ee ka soo horjeeda joogitaanka ciidamada shisheeye ee dalka Soomaaliya kuwaasi oo laga cabsi qabay in ay weerar ku qaadaan fariisimaha ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku lahaayeen isgoyska kalabayrka ee gobolka Hiiraan. www.shabelle.net
  12. ethios will not be leaving for many more years to come. as long as the cheques keep coming in the mail they will keep on pouring into Somalia
  13. They are UN figures. So, i think its the best estimate considering the situation in Somalia
  14. I don't know if you guys have seen this before. It's a very interesting population map from 2004. link
  15. he's preparing himself to become the president of Somaliland
  16. Shariif has assesed the situation and realised that any Somali government will need to be protected from its own citizens.
  17. i personally don't like a/y but don't count him out untill he is actually gone. he is the king of comebacks.
  18. ^they will pack up and move to a safer base a few kilometers to the west
  19. plus, ethios may stay if a/y and n/c solve their differences http://voanews.com/english/2008-11-27-voa40.cfm Ethiopia to Withdraw Troops From Somalia by Year End By Peter Heinlein Addis Ababa 27 November 2008 Ethiopia has announced its intention to withdraw its troops from neighboring Somalia by the end of this year. But as correspondent Peter Heinlein reports from Addis Ababa, Ethiopian officials have assured the African Union their forces will remain on alert at the border to support the remaining AU peacekeepers if necessary. Ethiopia has sent a letter to the United Nations and the African Union saying it will withdraw its forces from positions inside Somalia by the end of December. African and western diplomats confirmed to VOA the letter was delivered several days ago. The pullout would come two years after Ethiopian troops invaded their lawless Horn of Africa neighbor to drive out Islamists who had imposed Sharia law on a large part of the country. Since then, the Ethiopian contingent of between 10,000 and 15,000 troops has been the prime force propping up Somalia's fragile transitional government. They operate alongside a 3,400 strong AU peacekeeping unit known as AMISOM, made up of Ugandan and Burundian soldiers. The letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping announcing the intent to withdraw was sent after Ethiopia's Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin publicly warned Somalia's feuding president and prime minister to patch up their differences or be left alone to fight among themselves. Many African diplomats have openly expressed fears that an Ethiopian pullout could lead to an immediate collapse of the TFG, as the Somali government is known. But AU Commission Chairman Ping told reporters Wednesday he has received assurances from Ethiopia that they will not completely abandon Somalia, and will remain on the border, poised to return if conditions deteriorate. "In spite of withdrawal of the Ethiopians, they will remain committed, just in the other side of the border, and they will intervene, and the African troops will remain there. The AMISOM will remain there and we'll continue to ask strengthening of AMISOM by asking new troops and also financial assistance," he said. Ping said he is preparing for a number of possible scenarios to protect Somalia and the remaining peacekeepers when Ethiopia pulls out. But he expressed hope the Ethiopians could be persuaded to postpone their withdrawal if Somalia's leaders settle their internal dispute. "This depends on the behavior of the Transitional Government of Somalia," Ping said. We hope they will understand they are there to help the country to help them and they should stop quarreling… So we hope that this will be the case and then we can continue this operation in Somalia." Ping said negotiations are on to attract more African troops to bolster the AU force so it could shoulder the entire peacekeeping burden once Ethiopia withdraws. Kenya has already said it will soon dispatch a battalion to Somalia. Ping said he is also urging the U.N. Security Council to provide help, in view of the surge of piracy that threatens vital shipping lanes of the Somali coast. "We already have a request to the Security Council. [There is] a need for them to come as quick as possible, because the disorder we are seeing on the ocean with piracy is an extension on the sea of the disorder that is going on on the mainland," he said. African diplomats Thursday expressed hope that the current crisis could force governments in the region and the international community to take a fresh look at ways to prevent a turn for the worse in Somalia. The country has been without a functioning government for 18 years. A combination of lawlessness and civil war has created one of the world's worst humanitarian disasters. The United Nations estimates 3.2 million people, about 40 percent of the population, are in need of emergency assistance. While asking for anonymity, one senior diplomat from a country considering a troop contribution to AMISOM told VOA, "Ethiopia can't leave now. It's just too dangerous."
  20. 550 seats. is there a building in Somalia big enough to fit them?
  21. Maamul uu gudoomiye ka yahay Maxed Cusmaan Dhagaxtuur oo caawa loo dhisay gobolka Banaadir Posted: 11/23/2008 8:52:00 PM http://www.shabelle.net Waxaa caawa la magacaabay Maamul uu gudoomiye ka yahay Maxed Cusmaan Dhagaxtuur oo loo dhisay gobolka Banaadir. Kadib xaflad balaaran oo saakay ilaa caawa ka socotay guriga Raiisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG ah oo maamul loogu samaynayay gobolka Banaadir islamarkaana ay goob joog ka haayeen Raiisul wasaare Nuur Cadde,gudigii KMG ahaa ee gobolka Banaadir iyo golaha deegaanka oo ka kooban ilaa 69-xubnood ayaa gudoomiye luugu doortay Maxed Cusmaan Cali Dhagaxtuur oo horay maamul ugu soo qabtay gobolka Banaadir. Xilka gudoomiyenimada maamulka gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa u taagnaa Maxed Cusmaan Cali Dhagaxtuur iyo Ing.Maxed Xaaji waxaana ku xigeenka koowaad u taagnaa C/fitaax Ibaraahim Shaaweeye iyo Iimaan jimcaale iyadoo sidoo kale gudoomiye ku xigeenka labaadna ay u sharaxnaayeen Axmed Aadan Shido iyo C/qani Cusmaan Kabreeto. Markii ay codayntu dhacday ayaa waxaa 50-cod bixin ku guuleystay Maxed Cusmaan Dhagaxtuur oo noqday gudoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa magaalada Muqdisho kaasi oo xilkaasi haynaya ilaa 4-bilood sidoo kale C/fitaax Ibaarim Shaaweeye ayaa isna ku guulestay 38-cod taasi oo u sabatay in uu noqdo gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee maamulka cusub halka ku xigeenka labaad oo ah Axmed Aadan Shido uu helay 35-cod. Gaba gabdii xaflada ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Raiisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG Nuur Xasan Xuseen Nuur Cadde oo kula dar daarmay masuuliyiinta la doortay in ay shacabkooda wax u qabtaan islamarkaana ay xooga saaraan arimaha dib u heshiisiinta. goobta ay doorashadaasi caawa ku soo gab gbowday ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa maamulkii KMG ahaa ee gobolka Banaadir kaasi oo halkaasi maamulka ugu wareejiyay gudoomiyaha cusub ee maamulka gobolka Banaadir Max'ed Cusmaan Cali Dhagaxtuur kaasi oo goobta ay xafladu ka dhacday luugu dhaariyay in waajibaadka laa saaray ay si daacad ah u gutaan. Arintaan maamul u samaynta gobolka Banaadir ayaa ku soo aadeysa xili uu qilaaf baani ka dhex taaganyahay madaxweynaha dowlada C/laahi yuusuf Axmed iyo Raiisul wasaaraha dowlada KMG Soomaaliya Nuur Xasan Xuseen Nuur Cadde kasi oo markii hore ka dhashay arinta maamulka gobolka Banaadir.
  22. Muqdisho Stadium Villa Somalia
  23. ...While the government of the Republic of Somaliland is sadden to note this misleading report, released by the Reuters News Agency, The government of the Republic of Somaliland would also like to make clear to the international community the challenge that "Somalia proper " faces is further complicated by combination of self- centred journalists, who make living out of the art of yellow journalism; and reckless warlords, honoured and supported by some international institutions, who were entrusted with the peace and stability of this world. "Somalia proper"? I thought Somaliland was a seperate country. It seems that the ministry is implying that Somaliland is a rebel controled region of Somalia.