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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. lol me..i am bursting it with it, but I gotta finalise the details first. Val I imagine, many things have been in the offfing for you lol What is the women bashing on SOL lately? Nimankiiba iney ku daacdaacdaan here ayey u egtahaybe
  2. Iam well Veeyeey Nothing yet.. something is in the offing though Will reveal all in due course. I am pregnant with news I cant you know how heavy that is?
  3. Originally posted by Valenteenah: ^ Hello you. Hi Ibti. Che, just out of clinical interest, muruqu xakuu kaaga taaganyahay? Hello trolls (ibti, cara, val and che) Val that question could have been read diferently if i was a dysxlex?
  4. ahahah naaga waalan. CL..behave behave now. You are around minors I take it. Malika How wonderful for you to be that enterprising lol
  5. You forgot one serious bit but I understand your point. Will let you know of the result.
  6. I know it is hard to understand but these things do happen in every qolo. Some places I know they dont even want diyo money but the killing of the best man for revenge. It is the senseless age in Somalia. Nothing makes sense there.
  7. If you dont Che, when you go to motherland, you will be blasted from the face of earth yourself.
  8. Shoo him away with dacas CL.
  9. How come everyone can speak arabic? One of my dreams..along with beach hut at xaafuun.
  10. I am good too ibti. I am trying to pick the girls' brain here.. What are the characteristics that one should choose for a man/husband?
  11. Hello Feeling lonely guys?
  12. Hello Ladies How are doing on this blessed day? Blessed, Woow I didnt know. Alle ha kuu fududeeyo, aameen.
  13. Didnt mean to chase you out girls..but do you think this place needs men to be bullied?
  14. What insecurities do you have that you put down other people? Dont you like what you see in the mirror warmonger?
  15. sorry to lower the tone and be the female version of ducaysane.. cosmopolitan you say lily
  16. And I say we need equality..therefore mags for ladies... Is there one by the way?
  17. lool ibti. But I hear unknown is allowed in here. Special circumstances.
  18. We need security here. Cara or CL are known to be lionesses/ballbreakers
  19. Ms DD

    The RIGHT Age!

    Originally posted by Ducaysane: MDD, your maid was lucky, she used to take week-end off eeeeh. Somalia that I grow up had only friday off. We had Khamiis afternoon as a weekend. Doncha remember? Kaaleyba, how did you know the rick kid from Yusuf alkowneyn? The one who used to drive..not a cousin was he?
  20. Indeed Ibtisam dear. We need our very own corner where we can relax, pamper and generally de-stress...and in order to do that, it has to be male-free zone.
  21. Hello Ibti dear unknown1 is both female and male? Never met one like that, although I heard. I am a big fan
  22. yup Ngonge ducaysane = bright spark Waiting for the man!
  23. Ms DD

    The RIGHT Age!

    In my case, the maid used to be given the weekend off. Therefore every weekend I used to slave over the stove (in my day it wasnt cooker..but burjiko, babis iyo dhuxul) for about 20people hungry men from yoobsi for breakfast, lunch and dinner. As you can imagine, I was scarred for life and now cant stand to cook anything. Tried for the ex, but used to eat something aa lugta ku walaaqey.
  24. Spanish sidaa u dheer..halkee lagu arkey
  25. I am having an average day and I came to troll..but it is doom and gloom here. Bal inoo kaadiya, death is gonna come anyway. Ha inoogu yeerina dee