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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. Arent some of the above men presenters of Universal TV?
  2. I never heard of the guy. Could someone tell me his credentials? I might just go to the Irish Centre to see him.
  3. Pucca The song is annoying. I heard it accidentily. I dont even listen to music anymore. Imagine this song playing in your head. Almost came out to people Che why is it the men that gets the line blurry? Women mostly have an idea meeshuu qofka ka taaganyahay.
  4. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: quote: The begining of a relationship, why is it always so exciting? - no i can't - i let you escape today Ms DDeey - or perhaps i should pm Ngonge since he is fond of scoring penalties in open goal :cool: bring it on ibti come on over. i will get your tea ready
  5. lool guys..relax i am talking in general. ibti thanks for the pep talk. it hit home
  6. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^It is complicated but I will her it is good journey while it lasted. I need time off to rediscover myself and it's not her fault. Is this the usual "it is not you darling, it is me" scenario? The begining of a relationship, why is it always so exciting?
  7. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine: Good.. now that I've some of your attention, lets set out the agenda. Our mission, should we choose to accept it is to make this the longest thread on SOL. Our objective is to bypass ngonge's boredom one and laugh in his face. Our aim is to have fun, endless, mindless fun. And our pledge, is to stop trolling in every topic. Are you with me people? wELL DONE sERENITY.
  8. Originally posted by Cabdiyo Cabdi: LOL@powder. Ms DD, know if IVF is islamically allowed for married couples. Yes it is allowed Cabdiyo. I have done extensive research on this a while back. Ngonge Why that doesnt give me a peace of mind bal?
  9. Arabta kumaba sii jirto..hence Ngonge's fascination. They seem to forget that it is just poweder.
  10. Blond iyo bloke maxaa kale heysta.
  11. Since no one has bothered to vote for me, Mayy I vote for myself. I can be tough when needs be and vulnerable when it is required. I'd like to think myself that i would rule as the female version of Cumar Bin abdul-aziz. So who is wiv me?
  12. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote:Originally posted by Ms DD: I have found a society that adore fat ladies. Never knew there were somali blokes who were into fat ladies. Going to gym is not one of my fave things to do. I have to incoprate excercise into my daily life. That seems to be working for now. Doesnt help though, that when i lose few pounds, i treat myself to a scoop of ice cream Still fat ladies are bubbly, cheerful and happy (so i tell myself lol) , allaa maxaa isu been gurtay! Nobody likes fat ladies, not even the blind! Ever seen Ray, the movie? Funny scene when some heavy woman tries to seduce Ray and he felt her hands..L0L, that was enough to say 'no thanks'.. Bal aragba inantani, bursting my bubble like that. Not on your nelly Nephy. No need to starve oneself in the fear that a man might not like them. Alle waa caadil. We got our share of fat-lovers maandheey. Proof is in the pudding as they say..pardon my pun
  13. Ibti if you can come by the shop at angel (bus 73, 476 pass by) and bring the leaflets, I can put them at the internet shop. There is good somali community in Angel area. Or I can pass by Kings Cross around 10pm, if you are around. I was going to the somali marriage event to support few friends, but I am working though, so i hope to see you at the shop.
  14. Stool? loool Sorry, was about to make crass joke. Anyhow, how many people are you expecting? How can we advertise this event for you? I can be good waardiye. Been told i have the meanest face. sheh can be my helper. About the stall, i cant wear my hot abaya, if I am bringing my shop to the event. But let me know how you want me lol
  15. Congrats to have the license snog any stranger Ngonge. Knowing you, you probably have few ideas to make someone faint.
  16. Malika Heroes was/is fave prog of mine. But from eposide 4, I was lost. But i love anything sci-fi supernatural. How i wish to have some sort of power. Like to fly or read one's thoughts.
  17. Ninkii seexda siciisa dibi uu dhalaa..or something The girl is borofosoorad now Dont get lippy with me young man.
  18. I can stand at the door. No one will dare to cross me. Besides I have this hot abaya that I was looking a wedding to wear to. But your event will do my dear.
  19. Salaam aleykum trolls How are we? Congrats Ibti. Another trip to the italian cafe is in order methinks Who is making any sense of Heroes at the moment? I am confused truly.
  20. Horta ninyahow maxaad ka haleysay isaga? Repent kulaahaa. Something occured behind the scenes?
  21. That is insult? Do explain bal.
  22. oh behaave! Anyhow how is boodhkiii hargeysa? Must be late now. Wakhtigii shukaansiga soo maaha iminkan?
  23. He should take lessons from you. Everything he says, someone jumps on him.
  24. Ducaqabe, my former school-mate How can I say something bad about you? Waaba ka sareysaa waxaase
  25. MaashaALlah that it was fruitful for you Malika and WOL. May ALlah accept all your deeds. I feel like i have lost out big time. InshaAllah next one.