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Everything posted by Ms DD
Somehow nuune's one sounds more legit. Like a lost word from gabayadii schoolka laga dhigi jiray.
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: And Wadaad advised us one time to on the Quran when a wife and husband are doing their thing? Is that even ok? loooool how can I miss this? erm no. But there is dua for that. Saying Bismillaah at the time of intercourse is mentioned in the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “If one of you says, when he has intercourse with his wife: ‘Bismillaah, Allaahumma jannibni al-Shaytaana wa jannib al-Shaytaana ma razaqtana (In the name of Allaah, O Allaah, keep the Shaytaan away from me and keep the Shaytaan away from that which You bestow upon us),’ if it is decreed that they should have a child, the Shaytaan will never harm him.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5165; Muslim, 1434. With regard to how this benefits the child, the scholars differed as to what is meant by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), “the Shaytaan will never harm him.” There are many opinions: 1- That what it means is that the Shaytaan will control him because of the blessing of saying Bismillaah, rather he will be one of the people of whom it was said: “Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves” [al-Hijr 15:42]. 2- It means that he will never harm him physically. 3- It means that this is a means of his being protected from shirk and kufr. 4- It means that he will keep away from major sins. 5- And it was said that he will not be harmed by the Shaytaan’s participation in his father’s having intercourse with his mother, as it was narrated that Mujaahid said: The one who has intercourse and does not say Bismillaah, the Shaytaan wraps himself around his thing and has intercourse along with him. Ibn Hajar said: Perhaps this is the most correct answer. But the first answer may also be correct, especially since we know that many people who know about the great blessing of saying Bismillaah may forget all about it at the time of intercourse, and for the few who may remember it and say it, pregnancy may not occur. If this is very rare, then it is possible that the first answer may be correct.
The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Lying is wrong, except in three things: the lie of a man to his wife to make her content with him; a lie in war, for war is deception; or a lie to settle trouble between people” (Ahmad, 6.459. H). I would want more explanation for the 'lying to wife bit'. Although having asked before, I was told that it was 'honey, you look beautiful, or your butt doesnt look too big" The lie surely cant be major
Actually lying is allowed on three occassions. I know people who have the Quran on their shelves and markey xaaladda xumaato bey u ordaan. So it is never waste to get one. Che I always butt in where I am not wanted..when it comes to Quran. But mainly i read it when on the bus, or train or when I am waiting for someone/thing. I find it directly talking to me for some reason.
Do i look like one to you? or even sound like one? Dream of mine though
Walaaleey haddaan aqoon lahaa, waa kuu sheegi lahaa But i was told it is closer to Qardho.
precisely Aaliya Sorry Taleex people. Dont know what came over me
Che I carry Quran, cos somehow i get people misqouting the Quran all the time. Since I havent got it memorised, i carry it. I never go to the tiolet alone. So i leave my bag with the other person. Ipod is not so bad i think..
You work..maashallah lol Just kidding Take it easy though. Work is the means, not the end
Must be tiny map Aaliyah try big one lol
Here comes my fave Soler.. See tahay walaalkiis?
I have ipod, small quran, keys, mobile few unmentionables envolopes & stamps Lip balm Cattar and perfume book "lessons from the Quran" Car's radio hair pins tissues Oyster card wallet
aameen. Xamar was great, lively city. I remember it very well..actually I only remember the places i was regular of. This Qardho place aan u dagaalamayo, I was there for about 2 months. Great town, nevertheless
^^ I am surprised Pucca that there is no Korean midget in that bag
heheheh CL..does this poor duq know about your shenanigans? Ciil buu la baqtin gaareybe or maybe it is understanding you both have.
When are we gonna find out the purpose of your thread? Now that we know who is from Qardho and the existance of this tiny tuulo called Taleex. State your purpose
Alla waad soo dhigataye
Aaliyah Dont worry about it hon..the only true city that matters is Xamar cadeey. The rest, you dont need to know
Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ quote: Originally posted by Ms DD: quote: Khalid bin Safwan saw a group in the mosque of Basrah, and he said, “What is this gathering?” He was told, “There is a woman who informs men about women who are available for marriage.” He went to her and said, “I want to marry a woman.” She said, “Describe her to me.” He said, “I want her to be a virgin who is wise like a married woman, or a married woman who is innocent like a virgin; she should be sweet when she is near, splendid when she is at a distance, she should have lived a life of luxury and then became afflicted with poverty — so she has the manners of the rich and the humility of the poor. When we gather wealth we should be as the people of the world, and when we become poor, we should be as the people of the Hereafter.” She said, “I know of such a woman for you.” He said, “And where is she?” She said, “In Paradise, so work to achieve her!” Can anyone make sense of this for me? When I read it I actually thought of Somali women. Virgin that is as wise as a married woman? Have you not seen how young Somali girls talk about married life as if they lived it and experienced it all their lives? Married woman who is as innocent as a virgin? How many poor Somali men were told off with the immortal line: "Arr laydhka naga dami" Sweet when she is near? Remember, we are talking about a wife here. Huuno, Xabiibi, etc, etc... Splendid when she is at a distance? Darn that shiny dirac and the colourful googarad that is sweeping the floor. Lived a life of luxury and then became afflicted with poverty? I have learned from SOL that you all had jaariyado but then waa la wada qaxaay. Haye, Ms DD, think such ladies are only found in aakhiro? ps No it did not excite me. If I ever make it there I want a freak. LOL@freak Dont we all? Got one wrong methinks..Modern married xalimo..you got them so so wrong
History, according to my version says it isnt so Sophist SOL truly changed me!
Who actually enjoys their work? Damn..waaba la igu riyoodeyba..Hasnt happened ina while Ngonge The story i wrote above, didnt it excite you one bit? all i know is, as a woman of the earth, it didnt make me happy. But at least, men will have 4 wives on earth and the one above in aakhira.
I thought it was only me JB..but in Alhamdulilaah they have the best beer (liver not khamro). About Qardho,: *Tuulada ugu qadiimsan bar tuulooyinka xeebaha *First castle of Sayidka was built there (even though his raids killed my great grandfather) Personal reason: *My grandad was one of the 5 founders of Qardho.
Aint Qardho the city of Royal family? Need I say more?