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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. scary zafir wadad buu ahaan jiray ileen.
  2. Ms DD

    SOLers on Facebook

    Butt sticking out? Shows how much we are conditioned in the west. Back home things were much different Curvy, voluptous is:
  3. Ms DD

    SOLers on Facebook

    should curvy = hour glass figure? I only watch GJ..
  4. Ms DD

    Protein Shake

    Red = the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice in SOL Recognise!
  5. Ms DD

    SOLers on Facebook

    I am too. Marbaa lagu daatey.
  6. Ms DD

    Boris Quotes

    Ninkaa caadi maaha. He comes across as pompous oaf, but there is something about the guy
  7. Ms DD

    Protein Shake

    GJ Waa maa ka dayeso, yaana la karbaashine. Red baa meelaha ka dhawe. But gadaal ka gaarka aan ahey, i got it too late..But we cant have that, can we? lol
  8. Ms DD

    SOLers on Facebook

    KK You are easy to spot ...masarkaagii uunbaad wadataa there I am curious to know some SOLErs on there but I refuse to request friendship. Rejection hurts and may cause irrocoverable consequences ;(
  9. The cyber ground is fertile.. Mar mar falo will reap what you sow
  10. Wrong person to ask me darling. I chop all off when I am fed up with it. That is like 4 times a year. But i heard if you mix eggs, avocado, olive oil and marinate the hair every once a month, you might see a difference. Ruth is hot according to simon..sultry se siren i think she was called.. and I know I look nothing like her..but cheers girl How was the wedding?
  11. lady I can live with that
  12. Too much reading required Abu salman..Care to summerise it pls?
  13. Loo is only for one purpose..why do something else GJ? I dont even look sideways lol Aaliyah I always put on baati for making laxoox and the like. Why dirac? maantoo dhan dhinacyada qabso waa imtixaan.
  14. Casharadiisa wax kalaa ku lifaaqan. aaliyah knows better. Waa bilaa sheekh!
  15. Will do. Outrages..Will tell everyone i know who banks with them to threaten them.
  16. lol nuuni..even afkaas waa la fahmi..try again
  17. Ms DD

    Jilib in 1966

    Grant Great pics.. Do you have pics of Qardho?
  18. lol@xasanaad tirineyso..Maashallah. I wish we could be like that
  19. ilamaha laga qarinaayaa miyaa? Iyaguba waa nafleey walaaleey
  20. Harta af-jinniga, you realise everyone can read?
  21. is afuufiska halkaan ka it the new flirtation method? Lemme make the mingis bariis first. sheekh nuune, bal is ilaali, yuuna ku rifine.