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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. fun and man? Maxaad is ku qasi oil and water faarah? Salaam Lily How are you? lol@pretending
  2. Hate is strong word Malika but it is more of a dislike. This i cant deny. But this is not to feel sorry for the subclan of Cadde Musse. Tuhun iyo balaayo ayaa lagu eedeynaayey. This wouldnt have been so bad if Cade Muuse treated his subclan equally to other clans. But wuu u darnaa si aad u daran. Good riddance I say. Cant say much about the new leader. Time will tell. Edit Somalipride I went there 2 years ago. Apparently security/standard of life was much better when A/Yusuf was in charge. Can you deny this? For once in our life, can we call spade a spade? I wish Somalis would just side with the truth rather than with their clan right or wrong.
  3. Visionary leader? He had amazing opportunity to make the region great. He didnt take it. I am sorry but i didnt see a visionary leader. He just made others hate 'us'.
  4. Do you mean courses from 'open university'? There are some credible online courses. You just have to find the right one. There are some universities that do online courses as well as onsite. You need to do bit of research.
  5. Ceebta this guy is 'waa lacag jecelyahay'. But i have the feeling inuu nidaamin doona Putland. No need for calaacal. Ina adeer or bilaa ina adeer, just know that someone out there would have been unhappy with any of those isa soo sharaxaayey. It apparently took 3 hours for the whole process. That is good news. No buuq or qeylo.
  6. ATT By saying a relative, where does 'qaraabo i.e close relative' ends? and somaliweyn starts? According your line of thinking, all somalis are 'close relatives' to each other.
  7. Say yes to anything the ladies say, and no devil will touch you
  8. Is that why aan ula qabsan la'ahay Facebook Ibtiyey? Somehow I get lost in that world.
  9. and some (reads most) are angel
  10. I think age is catching up with me too..I truly read 'ventures' as dentures
  11. Sometimes I really wonder whether you live in the real world. Do you really know the living standard of Gaza people? How deprived they are of the basics we take for granted? They are oppressed. They cant receive aid (food etc) except what Israel (their enemy) allows. Sometimes I wonder how the media deeply brainwash muslims. Besides I dont see a rosy future for the isrealis. This mid-east conflict will run until one or the other side gives in. This scenario might not be all that far away,two things mitigate against its continuance. One,the financial collapse of US aid military/financial to Israel.The US very soon will be drawing down her aid contributions due to the financial state of the US economy. Two,demographics in Israel itself.Put quite bluntly,the Jews are being out bred by Arabs in Israel.They will very soon find out that they are the minority in Israel. Lastly, US aid is the only thing keeping Egypt and Jordan onside,when this stops, and it will quite soon, due to the reasons I have mentioned above,they will then revert to their original belligerence's with Israel. Israel is in a no win situation.
  12. Seriously Ngonge Come and tell your neice DD all your problems Salaam to all trollers
  13. loooool ciyaalsuuq fowqal ciyaalsuuq
  14. bisinka waar xishoo jb. Why state the obvious bal?
  15. Congrats to mr Hunguri and mrs H. Guur kheyr qaba Alle ha idiinka dhigo.
  16. Not sure if it would do any good but here it is anyway: Sunday, December 28, 2008 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Location: Outside the Israeli Embassy Street: Hight Street Kensington City/Town: London, United Kingdom Stop Gaza Slaughter Israel has launched an air strike on Gaza killing over 200 and wounding over 800 people. Show your support for the Palestinians by attending the Demonstration on Sunday 28th December 2008 at 2pm Outside the Embassy Of Israel Kensington High Street Kensington And Chelsea London W8 4QB Nearest Underground Tube Station: High Street Kensington For comments or further information please contact: Ismail Patel Chair of Friends of Al Aqsa 007711 823524 This Demonstration is supported by BMI, Palestinian Forum & MCB Demonstrations also taking place in: MANCHESTER: 1 o clock outside the BBC, Sun Dec 28 /event.php?eid=46560141002 NEW YORK, USA: 2 oclock, Rockefeller Centre 28 dec CHILE: "¡¡A DECIR BASTA!! ¡¡MÁS DE 200 PALESTINOS MUERTOS!! Frente a las terribles y inhumanas agresiones de parte del ejércitosionista israelí a la población de Gaza, la Unión General deEstudiantes Palestinos convoca a una manifestación frente a laEmbajada de Israel (San Sebastián 2812) hoy SÁBADO 27 DE DICIEMBRE alas 18:00 hrs, para expresar nuestro repudio a las acciones sionistas.Si te importa lo que está sucediendo en Palestina, ven y manifiéstate.Muestra tu rechazo al actuar de Israel!!" RAMALLAH, WEST BANK: 6 o clock, Sun 28 Dec Al-Manarah (opposite city centre building) 805&guests=1&oid=39959699805&start=25&hash=f8cb9f4 0086fced60c88cc45ed392524#/event.php?eid=110201815 260
  17. Some people are not made for showing emotions. Now I am ready for a bloke crying for me with his love
  18. I gotta go before I get fired.. It has been another night out girls
  19. No sheh I just checked and this is another story igu cusub
  20. Trying to get back to the original post, Xaax would certainly be stress reliever. He was cheeky..I could tell Sheh
  21. Physically impossible About the other thing, I will call for that. Not sure what you and sheh mean. As usual I am the last who hears about stuff Edit: Yeah Mr XAAX i meant sheh!
  22. loool ibti Naayaahe ma mystic meg baad la dhalatey? lool
  23. Reer bari dont do emotions darling.