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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. Ms DD

    Imported Islam

    Salaam aleykum Caano Geel: You have raised very valid question there. The Islam our parents/granparents were practising has evolved over the centuries. Many local cultures were fused with Islam and it became something different to Islam alltogether. I recall speaking to my uncle. I saw him shaking the hand of a lady. I told him that wasnt accepted in Islam. he replied "our generation have been doing this year and now you want to change Islam". I told him that this was Islam. All this hugging and shaking hands were frowned upon. He couldnt accept it. Same with grandparent. They are set in their ways. Now many of us are learning Islam from books and from our scholars. We have different of opinions. We can no make informed decision as we have access to Islam in its purity. This is what they call imported Islam. Nowadays you can not say to some people "please stop going to siyaaro and sacrifing for sheekhs". You are called extremist and inaad wax cusub la timid.
  2. Salaam ^^ what does that prove cynical lady? That somali men arent as domesticated enough? Or they are not romantic enough? Where do we go off generalising our people like this?
  3. Salaam aleykum is good how you break it down. The prophet (saw) said: The love of the world is the root of all evil. This world is a prison for the Faithful, but a Paradise for unbelievers. The world is a magician greater than Harut and Marut, and you should avoid it. The world is sweet in the heart, and green to the eye; and verily God hath brought you, after those that went before you: then look to your actions, and abstain from the world and its wickedness. The world is as a prison and as a famine to Muslims; and when they leave it you may say they leave famine and a prison. Be in the world like a traveller, or like a passer on, and reckon yourself as of the dead. Cursed is this world and cursed is all that is in this world, except the rememberance of God and that which aids thereto." We the human race living on this planet Earth are under the perception that we belong here, that this is our residence and home. We do not know or we do not want to know the fact or decree that we are on a train, a train which is taking us through to another final destination. We do not want to accept that this world is only one of these stops in one of these stations. We do not belong here. We have a ticket which has three slips. We live in the womb for more or less nine months and then when we come out one slip is torn from the ticket. Then we live in this world prepared for us by our Creator for a little moment and when we die the second slip from the ticket is torn out. And then we have one ticket left. This last ticket will be torn out either at the gates of Jahannam or Jannah, the final destination. We do not belong here, and we need to believe that we do not belong here. We are travelling and that is why Muhammad sallallahu aleihi wassallam said about this world: "Be in this world as if you are travellers". The example of an analogy of me and this world is somebody who is travelling in the desert and then saw a tree, so he took some shade under this tree and then took some rest and then continued with his journey. That means that in this world we spend a few moments under this "tree" and then we keep on moving to the next station which is death and the grave until the Hour. The next station is the Hour which is the first stage of the Major Day of Judgment. and it goes on...
  4. Ms DD

    About heaven

    A Description of Heaven The Doors of Heaven Hadith implies that the heaven has eight doors: Whoever performed a perfect ablution and recited shahadah then all the eight doors of the heaven are thrust open for himأ¢â‚¬â€œhe may enter from whichever door he likes. (Sahih Muslim). The Prophet of Allah (SAW) has also told us: When Ramadhan comes round, the doors of the skies are opened. Another tradition has it that the doors of the Heaven are opened and those of the Fire are closed (Sahih Bukhari). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Width of the Doors of Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: By Him in whose hands my soul is, the distance between the two gate posts of paradise is like the distance between Makkah and Himyar or between Makkah and Basra (Bukhari). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keys of Heaven Indeed swords are the keys of heaven. (Ibn Abi Sheeba, Kitabul Jihad) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Width of Heaven Be you foremost (in seeking) forgiveness from your Lord, and a garden of Bliss the width of whereof is as the width of heaven and earth. (Al-Hadid: 21) The Prophet of Allah (SAW) has described the width of heaven thus: Harithأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (RA) mother came to the Prophet (SAW), Harith had been martyred during the battle of Badr. She said: "O Prophet of Allah! You know how much I loved him. If his reward is heaven, than I will not cry but if not than you see what I will do before you." The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: "Is that just one heaven? There are very many heavens and your son is in the best of them, Al-Firdous Al-Aala." (Sahih Bukhari) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Width of Hundred Grades of Heaven and Sublimity of Firdaus The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Indeed, there are hundred grades of the Heaven and the distance between the two grades is as great as between the heaven and earth. Allah has prepared these grades for those who perform Jihad in the way of Allah. (Bukhari) The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said of Firdous: When you pray ask for Firdous, for it is in the middle of heaven and is higher in grade than the heaven and above Firdous is Allahأ¢â‚¬â„¢s throne, moreover the canals of heaven flow from Firdous. (Bukhari) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Land and Weather of Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: "And then I was showed in the heaven, I saw there were camps made of pearls and the soil was of musk." (Bukhari) The Qurأ¢â‚¬â„¢an says of the dwellers of the heaven: They will see there neither the sunأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (excessive heat) nor the moonأ¢â‚¬â„¢s excessive cold. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trees in Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Indeed, there is a tree in heaven so big that if a person keeps riding on a brisk Madhamar (a specially bred horse) for a hundred years even then he would not reach the end of that tree. (Bukhari) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Each Tree is of Gold Abu Huraira (RA) reported that the Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: There is no tree in the heaven that does not have a trunk of gold. (Muslim) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Tree That Will Manufacture Robes There is a tree in the heaven, which will manufacture robes for the dwellers of the heaven. That tree is called Tuba. A hadith has these words about this tree. Tuba is a tree in the heaven, which spreads out as much as a distance that can be covered in a hundred years. Robes for the dwellers of the heaven will sprout from its buds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Plant Trees in Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: In the night of Isra when I met Ibrahim (AS) he said: O Muhammad (SAW) tell your people that the heaven has pure soil and sweet water but the land is bare. If they want to plant trees in the heaven, they should say Subhan Allah Al-Hamdulillah and Allah Akbar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quranic Names of Heaven Jannatأ¢â‚¬â€œThis name has been used most commonly in the Qurأ¢â‚¬â„¢an and Hadith. (Al-Baqarah: 35, Al-e-Imran: 133, 142, Al-Maidah: 72) Dar-us-Salamأ¢â‚¬â€œThis means the Home of Peace (Yunus: 25) Jannat-ul-Khuldأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Eternal Gardens. (Al-Furqan: 15) Darul-Maqamahأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Home (Fatir: 35) Jannat-e-Adanأ¢â‚¬â€œGardens of Everlasting Bliss (Tauba: 72, Ar-Rad: 23) Darul-Hywanأ¢â‚¬â€œBut verily the Home in the Hereafterأ¢â‚¬â€œthat is life indeed, if they but knew. (Al-Ankabut: 64) Jannat-un-Naeemأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Gardens of Delight. (Al-Maida: 65 Yunus: 9 Al-Haj: 56) Al-Maqam-al-Ameenأ¢â‚¬â€œThe House of Security (Ad-Dukhan: 51) Jannat-ul-Mawaأ¢â‚¬â€œGarden of Abode (An-Najm: 15) Maqad-as-Sidqأ¢â‚¬â€œAssembly of Truth (Al-Qawr: 55) Qadam-as-Sidq-Assembly ofTruth (Al-Qawr:55). Firdousأ¢â‚¬â€œThe Highest Gardens of the Heaven (Al-Kahaf: 107, Al-Muminoon: 11) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scent of Heaven According to Ahadith, the scent of the Heaven can be smelled from a distance of 70 years. (Sahih Al-Jame As-sagheer) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mansions in Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Indeed, there will be a mansion made of pearls for a believer. It will be spread over an area of 60 miles, and in it will be the household of a believer who will visit them but they will not be able to see each other. (Bukhari) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No Sleep in Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Sleep is the sister of death and the dwellers of the heaven will not sleep (Silsalatul Ahadith) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bazaar of Heaven It is reported on the authority of Anas bin Malik (RA): The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: Indeed, there is a bazaar in the heaven where the dwellers of the Heaven will come on every Friday. The northerly wind will spray scent on them and this will enhance their beauty. And when they will return to their homes, their households will say "By Allah, your beauty has enhanced." "So has yours," they will return the compliment. (Muslim) In short, they will be overwhelmed by Allahأ¢â‚¬â„¢s favours. And when you look, it is there you will see a bliss and a realm magnificent. (Ad-Dahr: 20) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gibraeelأ¢â‚¬â„¢s (AS) Impression of Heaven The Prophet of Allah (SAW) said: When Allah Almighty created the heaven and the hell, He asked Jibraeel to go and take a look at what He has prepared for believers in the Heaven. Jibraeel went and had a look at what was there in the Heaven, and then he came back and expressed himself thus: By your dignity! Whoever will hear of this Heaven will certainly strive for it. Then it was said that the road to the heaven is littered with hardships, and Jibraeel was asked to take another look at the Heaven. He came back and said, "By your dignity I am afraid that nobody will be able to enter it. (Tirmizee) This means that the heaven is such a magnificent place that whoever knew of it would certainly strive for it, but when Allah Almighty ordained that the Heaven lies in facing trials and tribulations, Gibraeel (AS) thought that nobody might be able to enter it.
  5. I have never met a jinn and dont think i want to either though I'd be tempted to wing chung the jinn back to wherever it lives and that might end up geting my self possessed. I have couple of stories though: When i was in Kenya (Utanga to be precise), there was this man (my neighbour) possesed. He was sick for few weeks. No one knew what was wrong with him. Someone suggested that Quran should recited on him daily. Finally he spoke but with a female voice. She was asked who she was, and she was told that she saw this man in Liboi (not sure of the spelling). he was kind to her and her kids and she fell in love with him. She wanted him back to that town. Quran was read on him some more and after few beatings, she left. Another one my best friend told me (it was a while ago, and it is bit sketchy): My friend's grandma and her sister lived in a coastal village and they used to play on the beach. One afternoon, they disappeared off the face of earth. Their parents and the whole town didnt give up hope. They prayed for their safe return. They also read Quran right where the girls were last seen (at the beach). Meanwhile the girl was taken to the bottom of the ocean and they started living with this family in qasri golden village. They were kidnapped in order to be betrothed the two sons of the household. One thing the jinn family bothered was the constant Quran they keep hearing. Evetually they decided to return the girls. One girl refused to return to her own family. So they kept her and sent the other to the surfacse. The family rejoiced at the return but now they wanted the other girl to return. Now they knew that Quran was disliked, they kept reading it and asking Allah for help day and night. The jinn family couldnt stand it. So they have decided to return the girl. The jinn family promised to the little girl that they will always be her side (so long as she wants) with whatever she needs, so long as she is willing to sacrifice for them. The girl grew up and she was never far from the sea since her abduction. She started sacrifing lambs/goats and their blood and give to the jinns. She now lives in Saudi Arabis in this big castle where she foretells the future to the rich Arabs. Another story that happens to my cousin in Utange: We had communal toilets xeradaas. They were so dirty (hate to be reminded). One night, it was dark, and my cousin decided to go to the tiolet. After her return, there was this evil glint in her eyes. I asked what was wrong, She was rude in her reply. Very unlike her and out of character. Her elder aunt chastised her and i couldnt believe my eyes when she spit on her aunt. I was mortified and so was the aunt. ANyhow few hours later, she got so sick and wild. Many men were called to contain her, but she overpowered them all. A sheekh was called and he recited quran on her, the girl even got worse. Then it was time they revealed themselves. A jinn father complained that his new born son was stepped on by this girl and they wanted blood money (or food). They were promised to have mingis for her. So Luul jeylaani's mom was the lady oo mingiska tunta. Mingis food was made in abundance and waa laga tumay. Afterwards she felt better. I have others and they always used to happen when someone dies or when someone upsets the human.
  6. Ms DD

    About heaven

    Daqa'iqu'l-akhbar fi Dhikri'l-jannati wa'n-nar By imam 'Amb ar-Rahim ibn Ahmed Al-Qadi, pp 125-6 There are 7 gardens: ***The first is the Abode of Majesty, and is of white pearl.*** ***The second is the Abode of Peace and is of red ruby.*** ***The third is the Abode of Shelter, and is of green chrysolite.*** ***The fourth is the Garden of Immortality, and is of red and yellow coral.*** ***The fifth is the Garden of Bliss, and is of white silver.*** ***The sixth is the Garden of Firdaws, and it is of white pearl.*** ***The eighth is the Abode of Rest, and it is of red gold, and it is the dome of all gardens, and it is raised over all other gardens. It has two gates, and the two leaves are of gold and silver. Between each of the two leaves is what is between the heavens and earth. It is built of gold and silver bricks. Its mud is musk and its earth is amber and its straw is saffron. Its castles are of pearl and its rooms are of ruby. Its doors are of jewels, and it are rivers. There is the River of Mercy which flows in all the gardens, and its pebbles are of pearls, with a white whiter than snow and sweeter than honey. In it is the River of Kawther (Abundance) and it is the river of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). Its trees are pearls and rubies. In it is the River of Kafur (Camphor), and the River of Tasnim (Water coming from above) and the River of Salsabil (Easy to swallow) and the River of ar-Rahiq al-Maktum (Sealed Nectar). Beyond that are special rivers whose number, flavour and texture is only known by Allah.
  7. Ms DD

    About Hell

    Salaam aleykum What is Hell ( Jahannam) ? [ All about Hell. what, where, how and more. ] 1. Hell is so deep that if a stone were to be thrown into it, it would travel for 70 years to reaching at the bottom. 2. The breadth of each of the four walls around Hell is equivalent to a distance covered by a walking journey of 40 years. 3. Hell has 7 gates. 4. Hell had been lit for one thousand years until its flames became red. Again it was heated for another thousand years till its colour became white. Still again it was burnt for further thousand years and its white color flames turned pitch black. 5. Even the most fierce fire of this world is 70 fold cooler than the fire of Hell. 6. The lightest punishment in Hell would be the wearing of "Fiery shoes which would cause one's brain to boil. 7. Hell in infested with venomous snakes and scorpions of the size of donkeys and if they were to bite a person then he or she will suffer pain for 40 years. 8. For food, the dweller of Hell would be given Zaqqum which is a prickly tree, so bitter, that even if a single molecule of it were to spill onto this earth it would make all the foodstuff of the world bitter and unpalatable. 9. For drinking, the denizen of Hell would be provided with hot, boiling pus mixed with blood, matter, urine and tears etc. of the dwellers of Hell. If a bucket of this foul liquid were to be splashed over this earth, the entire world would be upset and disrupted by its most foul stink. 10. Boiling water would be poured over Jahannami's head and this will cause their internal organs to melt and leak out through their feet. 11.The inmates of Hell would be lashed with heavy clubs of iron. If one such club was to be placed upon this earth, the combined strength of all the human beings, as well as all the Jinns, would fail to lift it; and if a mountain is struck with one of these clubs it would cause the whole mountain to disintegrate. 12. The dwellers of Hell would be burnt daily for 70 thousand times. Every time, after the skin and flesh is burnt, they would be restored to life so that they can continuously taste this punishment.. 13. A drunkard will be given blood, pus, sweat, filth, etc. to drink in Hell. 14. All the haughty people will be gathered in the Hereafter and driven towards Hell but their bodies would be reduced to the size of ants and they will be given to consume the excretions of the dwellers of Hell. 15. Some sinners would be made to climb " SAUD " which is a mountain of fire in Hell, and then dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and climb and dropped from its peak and this process would continue forever and ever. 16. The dwellers of Hell would be pound in chains which would be greater in length than the distance between the sky and the earth. 17. The clothes of sinners in Hell would be highly inflammable. 18. Beside physical torture, the dwellers of Hell would also be subjected to mental harassment through the taunting by the guardian of Hell who will remind them of their misdeed on earth and remarks "Now taste the fire" etc. 19. The sinners and disbelievers would be humiliate to such an extent that besides their revolting ugliness and pitch black faces, their upper lips would be touching their foreheads and the lower lip dangling around the navel. 20. The dwellers of Hell would weep so much and shed so much of tears and blood that furrows would be formed on their cheeks. 21. The tongues of Hell-inmates would be so long and protruding from there mouths that others would trample and step on them. 22. Shayateen will also rebuke the denizens of Hell. 23. The dwellers of Hell would display their rage and fury on those who led them astray. 24. The inhabitants of Hell would appeal to the guardians of Jahannam to intercede on their behalf in the court of Allah but their pleas would reject. They would make direct supplication to Allah but their prayers would not be granted. 25. They will then abide forever in Hell, continuously lamenting and braying like a***s (jungle animals). Allahuma ma najinaa.
  8. Socod Badne "your part is to repudiate her objection by showing Islam didn't spread via through pillaging and acquisition of wealth ." This is a matter for another thread. Quite irralevent to this topic without going off topic. Obviously that position is one I completely disagree with. There was no pillaging or anything of the sort. Europe was in dark ages, so there was no wealth or knowledge to pillage. The fact the muslims they were tolerant and open to ideas led to these scientific developments. This idea of Islam spreading by sword is something the oreintalist throw about. When people say that islam was spread by the sword they generally mean that conversions were forced. This is a lie. There was never any 'accept islam or die'. The large numbers of non muslims in muslims lands is testimony of this. I am not so worried by the term 'Islam was spread by the sword'...I recognize it as a dimension of Islam. It just means terretories are opened up, old structures of power are removed and Islam is offered to the people. Try to control yourself SB when having a debate with posters. No need to stoop so low as to make personal attacks. It is indeed unbecoming. Jaqjaq badnidaa heedhe.
  9. Waar maad ka deysaan? The courts si fiican bey idiin dhaqi laheyde
  10. Originally posted by Socod_badne: Cambaro You having amazing gift for the typical. How droll. Salaam How very kind of you. It is just so overwhelming Keep it up.
  11. Salaam Naden No need to wax poetic or rewrite history when it is quite evident. Non-muslim writers have also written about this era and they didnt deny the role the muslim golden age played in scientific and technological developments we now enjoy. The muslim Golden age did lay the ground work for the renaissance. As a consequence of these principles, they were probably the most advanced people in the world, with the possible exception of the chinese. Without the knowledge gained by the islamic golden age, we wouldn't have had the renaissance, and without that, we wouldn't have had the enlightenment i.e human development. Islam really did kick-start the enlightnement. In the early centuries of islam, muslim countries were exceptionally open-minded, tolerant and intellectually curious. Whilst europe was in the dark ages - hating any critical thought, Islamic centres brought together knowledge from all parts of teh known world - from India, China, Egypt as well as the middle east. There was very little to learn from europe at the time, but they studied the ancient greeks extensively. They realised quite early on that Plato and aristotle in particular were exceptionally important thinkers. They were particularly advanced in the sciences and even more so in medicine. Al-Razi wrote about 200 books in all, most of them on medicine. He did it with more than a little humour though. One of his books was entitled 'Why some patients revere the advice of quacks and charlatans over skilled physicians'. Baghdad and southern spain (andaluthia) were the most advanced places in the world (with the possible exception of China). Their libraries were legendary. When Europe finally came of the dark ages, the likes of Da Vinci studied the works from the ancients and the arabs (we wouldn't have the former were it not for the translations of the latter).
  12. Salaam aleykum Nur Thanks for putting so succintly what i wasnt able to explain properly. Many of the posters above are separating secularism and atheism. I maybe inclined to agree. However, the de facto result of this is that any government-based entity is forbidden from providing overall social structure (moral guidelines). Therefore, education becomes not "neutral", but anti-religious, because if anyone tries to provide social instruction, it looks like they are choosing one religion over the other. It's not purely neutral if you actually FORBID religious instruction in schools. That is an affirmation of atheism, not secularism. You can't rely on scattered, in cohesive "community organisations" to provide macro guidance to entire societies. If that were possible, governments wouldn't be necessary in the first place. Civilisation (economic and social structures) must come down from the top; left to their own devices, people, who are self-centered and narrow, will not come together and agree by accident.
  13. "By providing whole villages with schools, clinics and water wells, we will have thousands of young Zahara's and David Banda's owing their welfare and future to celebrities' charity and Africa would reap large revenues as curious visitors throng to see and learn from the Angelina Jolie and Madonna villages that would make drastic change in the way we do charities and foreign aid and embody the epitome of western altruism and philanthropy. The Colombian singer Shakira is already leading the way in this trend and it is a trend that is worth emulating." For once I agree with the author.
  14. Salaam aleykum Many times I have read that the Islamic Courts imported different Islam to Somalia. But as far as i am aware no one has defined the aspects of Islam that was imported nor have they explained how it differs from the one Somalis previously practised. Do these people have a legitimate concern or is it case of reluctance in abandoning their forefather's practices. This is not a political post.
  15. "Women can't dress the way they want in Somalia, they can't drive. Even though there is no law like Saudi Arabia that says they can't drive, it is the silent norm." Modesty..they cant drive? Where did get this info? Can you back it up? They surely can drive. No one is forced to wear what they dont want to. Before the courts, women wore niqab and jilbabs. It is not something they brought recently.
  16. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Kiyuut bikjar. Feeri, feeri nays. You are hilarious..the way you speak English and write in Somali. The word 'baliis' always crack me up.
  17. Ms DD

    A the rhyme

    What a talent..Can we start this again? Only i dont have the ability to a write rhyming poem. I could try though. It will at least take me a week though t come up with something.
  18. Do you think we have the addictive personality? Somali women are strong though..they'd have to be to put with men like that. I dont think they spend half of that money on military. Maybe this would be a good thing for our people.
  19. Imagine what they could do with that kinda money!
  20. ^^ Here is the article: Kenya bans all flights to Somalia Some 20 tons of khat are flown to Somalia each day Kenya has banned all flights to Somalia, citing security fears. The ban comes two weeks after the US issued a warning about suicide attacks from Islamist militants in Somalia. Kenya is the main entry point for international travel to Somalia and is also the source of much of the popular stimulant khat, consumed in Somalia. There were protests earlier this year when the Islamists who control much of southern Somalia banned the sale of khat during the holy month of Ramadan. Khat is chewed by many Somali men, especially the gunmen who have fought for control of the country for the last 15 years. There were six flights a week from Nairobi to the Somali capital, Mogadishu, and services to three other towns and many more khat flights each day. Kenyan khat, or miraa, growers have condemned the flight ban. Drug ban Maoka Maore, MP for the central Ntonyiri constituency, said that 20 tons of khat, worth $800,000 was sent to Somalia each day. "Even if you close it for a week, the effects are going to be devastating," he told the BBC's Network Africa programme. KHAT : Stimulant, making the user more alert and talkative Appetite suppressor. After a few hours, it produces a state of calm (Really????) Health fears over khat use: A chemical found in khat could boost the power of men's sperm. Long-term use can bring on insomnia, heart problems and sexual problems Can bring on anxiety and aggression. "All of our productive land is in miraa farms." The Islamists have tried to clamp down on the trade since their rise over the past five months. They banned its sale during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, sparking street protests in Kismayo. ------------------------------------- Wont this damage more the Kenyas than Somalis?
  21. Ms DD

    Doctor Dilemma

    ^^ Been there and waa la i boobey...nearly. Didnt see no millionares.
  22. Salaam Islam raised muslims from nomadic and beduion tribes to empires that spanned a thousand years plus. It only survived and maintained this through constant scientific and technological advancements. Muslims were constantly striving to be the best that they could be. I agree that we reached a point were muslims got lazy and stopped striving for success and that was their downfall. The Muslim world is in a state of backwardness because we concentrate so much on nonsensical matters such as niqab, the length of hijab et al and not what really matters that could make us influential and big players in every field. We have bigger problem especially when those who were/are guilty (such as Musharef) of this very backwardness say: "Islamic countries will remain backward unless they concentrate more on scientific and technological development. Muslim nations are internally involved in fratricidal conflicts and perceived by the outside world as terrorists with little attention being given on their uplift" and yet do everything in their power not to empower their people and country. Many muslim countries could do with the inward investment, focusing on education, research and technology development, whilst empowering their women and the diversification of their industry (too many Arab countries rely on oil). It is quite shocking to find out that the GNP of all muslim countries collectively stands at $1,200bn, that of Germany alone is $2,500bn and that of Japan $5,500bn. As someone before was asked "What did our Muslim brothers do wrong?" He replied "Nothing. They just stopped doing a lot of the stuff they'd gotten right, and the world passed them by." Western countries have the institutes, the resources and the infrastructure to provide such education and development in science and technology. Muslim countries should take a note. I would like to mention that if you look at Egypt it has a large number of Graduates and Phd Graduates but that there is no work for them and work as waiters and jobs of such like. Those with intelligence generally have two choices go and study and pot luck if you find a job (education is not free so a big risk unless you come from a wealthy family) or to poor and have to support family. There's nothing better than hard work, modesty and intellectual engagement in life. An excellent article you should read on this: Challenge of intellectual stagnation — Riaz Hassan
  23. The Bdd: The "booty" is an assassin sent by the Tigris