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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. Ms DD

    Trivial Phobia

    Ibti Is that saimese snakes?
  2. Ms DD

    Trivial Phobia

    ^^ I did. Jilbiso it was. I found out later that it was female jinn So I didnt kill her. Jinac..its bite is quite painful.
  3. Lemme tell you something J, the sister would definately need her baruur to cushion the brother's lafo.
  4. Malawax is Fatulous JB. You dont like it, i take it? or maybe hablaha soomaalida keliya ayaa laga mamnuucay?
  5. Ms DD


    Devil Darling She didnt hit a nerve but i get so annoyed when i see a somali brother or sister complaining cos they feel that other Somalis are hating for their opportunities or their beauty or their massive feet (in the case of men..i dont know why they have the need to brag of having a geel feet). Education is important but so is being kind, caring, loving, religious, hardworker etc etc. Every single human being has a lot to offer. We shouldnt be measured by our diploma, or our lightskinness or our beauty but our integrity, kindness and honesty.
  6. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: ^^^I disagree. Would you wanna have someone whose middle name is Mengistu as the head of the Somali. I reckon, not. Their concerns are unfortunate, but at the same time valid. So the problem is a nationality and not religion? So why are they making fuss over his previous faith?
  7. ^^ Normally i would agree with you Che. I myself dont shake my bosses or client's hands however it was intriguing to see her chosen profession.
  8. Diddy is a somali? Cajiib. I know we are well known for claiming others but lets least claim someone of substance.
  9. Originally posted by Tone: quote:Originally posted by AAliyah416: War maxaad isku heysa Tone ---warka ikala dhigdhig ...get hitched hano danbeese wa salaam Can someone translate this... Did she accept it? It means i shukaanso (Hit on me first before we speak of marriage). Aint that right Aaliya?? Hope you are well girl.
  10. Originally posted by Northerner: What happened to Blue Ocean in North London? That was my pit stop afterwork nearly everyday for a while. Is that the one on Whitmore Road which is parallel to Green Lane? If it is, then it is closed. It has exchanged hands many times. The bloke who owns the Village first opened Blue Ocean in North London. Chefs are normally temperemental, so he had a disagreement with his partners. He then opened another Ocean restaurant at Shepherd Bush. This is still open but sad to say the chef once again has departed from the partnership. He set up another restaurant called Ocean once again in Shepherds Bush, but this was only 5 minutes away from his old joints. His previous partners threatened to sue him for the close proximity of the new restaurant. The chef shut shop and now he is the proud sole owner of the much over-rated, over-hyped, over-priced The Village in Hammersmith. At the begining the food was top at reasonable price. But now it is the dumps. The last 2 times i went, i was served SOOR which i havent asked for but the chef personally came over to recommend it. First time, it was good, second time, not so.
  11. Ms DD


    Salaam Calafkeeda ha sugto. Just because a man is educated, it doesnt mean that he is suitable. I have seen some arrogant educated twats. Mind you, this goes also for the educated sisters too. Can i just say "Yes, you are educated, but it dont make you the bee's knees" There are uneduated but sweet, kind, hardworking blokes out there. Besides, having a Honours degree from Yale aint gonna make a jot of difference in the marriage bed. Sorry to be so crude as it is not ladylike but it had to be said. So please joojiya in cirka la isku qaado just because you have a peice of paper from some university. Anyhow all this is just so pollywoppus.
  12. The nice men are ugly. The handsome men are not nice. The handsome and nice men are gay. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married. The men who are not so handsome but are nice men have no money. The men who are not so handsome but are nice men with money think we are only after their money. The handsome men without money are after our money. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual don't think we are beautiful enough. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money are cowards. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!! The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest on us when we take the initiative. NOW... WHO IN THE HELL UNDERSTANDS MEN? Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's a woman's job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with.
  13. Salaam MMA I only remember when that level of snow fell once in London. I remember how double decker busses were sliding backwards without any control whatsoever. I seem to remember my bosses kindly letting me stay the night at work cos it was very dangerous. Of course I didnt stay as i ventured outside in my car. It was the most dangerous driving i have ever done. Gaariyaasha oo dhan wey isku dhacaayeen, wey taraaraxaayeen over cliffs, to houses, and onto other cars. Very scary it was. London is not very well equiped at the times of flooding, snowing and yes leafs over the tracks. The country stands still at these 'natural disasterous'.
  14. ^^ I thought i was gonna be belted if i was to speak my mind Xalane..I am alright eedo dearest. Hope you are well too and still not hankering after a totalatarian grip on Somalia. JB..(I am sure there was another JB member who was a secular one..that is not you, is it jacaylbaro?) Anyhow getting back to topic, I do understand why women lie about their age. Only when you are called eedo by kids (10-14yr old) after you call them aboowe/abaayo, when you are with your hip neice aged 15 and she gets all the attention, when you are told by a potential partner that he is only interested in girls from 18-24, only then can you understand why women lie about their age.
  15. Salaam Aleykum Its obvious the sister has got herself into a very tricky and trivial situation. One that she thought coulld eaily be avoided. I think if there was not so much media attention on muslims and islam it would not get as much coverage. Yes, there is an agenda against muslims and we havent brought it all on ourselves. She is obviously in a tricky situation and has got herself into the media spotlight, which she obviously does not or at least intend to get into. So what can we do to either calm the situation or at least try to explain to the wider community as to her decision? And to be honest and its only my opinion, being a muslim police officer in this country is not the best way to earn a living. Taking into conisderation the situations which will and can arise. What I can't understand is why a Muslim woman with very strict views would choose a profession where there will be plenty of physical contact with men. I do not think it is appropriate job for a very religious Muslim woman. It is a lot more physical than most jobs. There is a possibility that she will be in compromising positions when tackling men, she could have drunken guys who would attempt to pull off her head scarf etc. I just can not understand why she would choose to do such a job. She should consider another job. It would be very difficult for any woman, let alone a religious Muslim woman to do her job properly if she has issues with unnecessary contact with men; this includes being assaulted or whilst attempting to arrest them. I don't think it is a safe job for a (Muslim) woman. I believe she will be an easy target by yobs. She will not receive any preferential treatment from the police, and will be expected to do the same job as any other police officer. With all the institutionalised racism that exist within the police force and not to mention the increased hatred for anything Islamic in the current climate, this is why I feel she would have been better with another profession. It will be a shock to any Muslim woman who isn't used to having physical contact with men to tackle/ be assaulted by these ******. I believe the police in this country have a very difficult job, it is not safe and getting verbally/physically abused by some of the public is a worrying concern. I am all for women working, being assertive, independent, confident having an education and equal opportunities and pay, HOWEVER women's genetic make-up is NOT the same as men's and even if times have changed, it is ridiculous to assume that women's physical strength is comparable to men's - it most certainly isn't! But my thoughts are with the sister, in what she may be going through. May Allah make it easy for her.
  16. ^^ Shame Capt'n how you couldnt afford the same courtesy to ICU when they were in charge.
  17. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: 'No, no it ain't right, let's demolish it'! But you built yourself! 'I know, I know it's terrible but truely sad'! May I recommend something? 'Yes, please do'! Instead of demolishing what you have worked so hard for and you agred on and signed why don't you just make improvenments to it, instead of destroying it all? 'Very, very good idea, but Yoonis that would go against my destroy-immidiately-the things you singed and worked for quickly tendidencies'! Yes sure it would but what's the alternative adeer? 'Demolish, demolish it but quickly'! I don't believe you have the interest of the Somali people at heart so I would kindly remind you that the old times of 'Let's destroy what we built our own hands is indeed over' and that Somalia will be moving on inshallaah however or may you dislike it! Guul Soomaaliya ha noolaato inshallah! Nice convo you have going on there. But could you explain why ICU were destroyed when they have built/cleaned up Mogadishu after 16 years and 3 (or was it 4) transitional govts?. Wasnt that destroying the hard work of the people of Muqdishu? Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Guul Soomaaliya ha noolaato inshallah! Indeed.
  18. Update: He broke her heart yesterday (after he told her to take off work and spend a whole day together but she refused and asked to meet somewhere public) when he told her that he didnt want to committ and that she was a great girl, everyman would be proud to make her his wife blah blah blah.... Why do women fall for this crap? Bloomdeyr: I love the phrase "man being torn between Somali love and Foreign fun!!!" You realise Somali love could be fun too..right?
  19. Dont you mean 'Ragannimo' instead of 'dadnimo'? Check if he is good to his family. Check if he is religious and check if he believes in the value of hard-working.
  20. Ms DD

    Gift from God

    LG Do you know what Ayan Hersi said about our beloved prophet (saw) and About Islam? She also claimed that she isnt muslim. Quote .....In the past, Hirsi Ali has called the prophet Mohammed a "perverted tyrant." She remarks, "he has said a few things that are not compatible with democracy." She has also called a part of the Koran "a license for oppression." "They just don't get it, I think," says Hirsi Ali, who says her father thinks she's misguided. "The last time I spoke to my father, he told me that he believes that one day I will return to the faith." See for yourself LG. here is Ayan Hersi on CBS news: The man with the beard is following the sunnah of the prophet (saw). Did you know that? Please dont be brainwashed. Get yourself Islamic education before you make these awful insults.
  21. MKA Yoonis "Walaal what do you say about the Hiz-ut-Tahriir, the Ikhwaanul Muslimiin, the Islaah group and the Jamaacatu Tabligh aren' they part of the 73 sects that will go to hell-fire!" Above is very bold statement to make. Who gave you the authority to make such statement? We all know that 73 sects will go to hell-fire but do we know who? I dont think so. It would be really wise if you refrain from making such ludicurous remarks.
  22. NGONGE That was one helluva story..It reminded me of my old collection of Mills and Boons.