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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. Ms DD

    A video...

    ^^ It is a particular preference and i respect that. However i disagree the bit you say 'It says a lot about many women'. It says a lot about the men though. I recall my dad's friend telling my dad how his wife and kids run for upstairs when they hear him coming in for a fear of being chastised. This made him feel big and in control.
  2. Ms DD

    A video...

    Wont life be boring then? I absolutely am for being a raalliyo like this lady: Why..In a narration our beloved Prophet (Peace and Blessing of Allaah be upon him) said: "When any woman prays her five, fasts her month, guards her body(chastity) and OBEYS HER HUSBAND it is said to her: Enter paradise from whichever of its doors you wish” However an educated wife with a western upbringing can also be a raaliyo. Having been recently to Somalia, not every woman there is a raaliyo. You guys have this unbelievable image of the women back home. I have seen educated independent doormats in my time in the west. Taliban: Isnt there medium level between submissiveness and domineering woman? Personally it is good to have someone your equal whilst fulfiling your Islamic duties to each other.
  3. What you got to offer Hunguriyow? Tall Handsome between 25 to 35 year old Educated to PHD level Educated to higher level in Islamic studies Millionare Own a yatch and a jet for that spontenous dinner in Paris Owns mansions in the country side with butlers, housekeepers and cooks Doesnt have a family to take your attention from the wife Never went out with a woman but knows all the right buttons to push
  4. This statement from Islam Channel is on their discussion forum: Message regarding the Agenda Islam Channel stands by its statement that due to pressures from OfCom, the Agenda has been taken off the air. However we did not state that OfCom informed us to remove the Agenda from our channel. The pressure from them is real, they are now seeking imposing sanctions on us which could range from requesting an apology to revoking licence, Yvonne's programme was the cause, and due to complaints regarding the programme they refused to process another application for over a year now, where the normal time is 20 days, Removing the Agenda was clearly a management decision based on risk assessment as we are now concerned about the fate of the channel as a whole, we decided to take ofcom to court and in the due process we don't want to be in a vulnerable position We also would like to state that Sister Yvonne was never sacked from the company, but was given different projects to work on that may be more beneficial to the channel as a whole insha Allah. I would strongly urge all viewers to make du'a for the channel, Islam Channel is your channel. * No further messages will be made on this topic. source: ID=11&mode= When the situation is not clarified, conspiracy theories will become rife. They have not given clear reason as to why it has been cancelled.
  5. Ms DD

    A video...

    ^^ Paragon..why do i get the feeling you like your woman to be submissive. Maybe I am wrong but so far 2 posts of yours indicate this.
  6. ^^ You bring the best in me Johnny
  7. Islam Channel: the hidden Agenda Naima Bouteldja 23/2/2007 Last month British-based Islam Channel suddenly suspended its popular current affairs show 'The Agenda' fronted each morning by the prominent journalist and campaigner Yvonne Ridley. There was no warning or explanation. Days then weeks went by, viewers' complaints and concerns mounted, but the mystery only deepened. Finally, the station relented and issued a very short press release blaming the TV regulator: 'Due to recent pressure from Ofcom The Agenda has been taken off air until further notice'. The statement ended strangely: 'No further explanation will be given on the topic'. Did Ofcom really kill off The Agenda? A spokesperson for the watchdog confirmed that two complaints had been lodged against the show and were being investigated, but strenuously denied that Ofcom had interfered with the editorial sovereignty of Islam Channel's programme scheduling. Another explanation was then put forward from Mohammed Ali, CEO of Islam Channel, in an interview on 16 February, five weeks after axing the programme. He admitted that while 'tremendous pressure' was put on the Islam Channel by Ofcom, the station's actions were ultimately a 'management decision'. Days earlier, however, Mohammed Ali was revealing 'The iWitness', an Islamic news blog, another turn. 'The Board of Deputies of British Jews wants the Islam Channel off air', he claimed, later confirming in another interview that we have 'clear evidence' that the Board of Deputies put pressure on the Islam Channel to pull the show from the airwaves. Ali's accusations have drawn heavy criticism from a number of Muslim representatives. Adnan Siddiqui from the campaign group Cageprisoners was astonished, pointing out that 'harassment against Muslim programmes and organisations is a common occurrence. Interpal, continues operating despite a decade-long torrent of 'terrorist' funding allegations by media, lobbying groups and politicians. Yet Islam Channel wants us to believe that two complaints were enough to cause them to capitulate. I don't believe that pressure from Ofcom or the Board of Deputies is to blame.' While these stories were unravelling at the Islam Channel's London base, further east an Arabian tale was unfolding. In a satirical article published in the British newspaper The Independent on 9 January titled 'Radical Ridley gives a Saudi prince the shakes', Oliver Duff reported that when offered the beneficent hand of Prince Turki Bin Sultan, son of the Kingdom's Crown Prince, during a post-hajj banquet in Jeddah in early January, the former Taliban hostage refused to shake it. Ridley's royal refusal, following Islamic tradition, strangely piqued the orthodox Saudi Prince whose chagrin was captured on live TV. Days later, Ridley's daily show was axed while CEO Mohammed Ali was in Saudi Arabia, fuelling speculation that he was approached by Prince Turki Bin Sultan's entourage. Although the Islam Channel is unwilling to state the precise nature of their links with the Saudi Arabian regime it is no doubt closer than the one the Saudi's have with Al Jazeera, which has been banned from being broadcast in the kingdom. Their close ties meant that Islam Channel was one of the very few non-Saudi channel awarded the honour to broadcast the hajj live by the Saudi administration. This is not a situation new to the combative Yvonne Ridley, who successfully sued Al Jazeera for unfair dismissal after losing her job as senior editor in November 2003, at a time when the US government threatened Al Jazeera, labelling it 'violently anti-coalition'. Whatever the cause, Islam Channel's decision to simply delete, without warning, a programme run by dedicated staff and supported by an enthusiastic community smacked of an autocrat's royal decree. Ridley herself is furious: 'Viewers were not informed about the decision for weeks, and I don't know what's going to happen. It is upsetting but the support I received from all over the world is overwhelming.' Ultimately the issue of who applied the pressure seems secondary to the manner in which the issue has been handled by Islam Channel Executives, influenced more by a crude mix of old-school despotism and New Labour spin than by Islamic practices. The high profile politics show that 'everyone is talking about', as Islam Channel itself used to boast, is now a talking-point on internet forums and news groups for all the wrong reasons. However, the crisis engulfing Islam Channel could ironically turn into a blessing if the Executives listened to its viewers. Overwhelmingly voted most popular programme on the Islam Channel for its reporting on human rights issues around the world, The Agenda is a crucial corrective to mainstream TV, and a valuable asset for the Islam Channel. Without it, it's difficult to see the station retaining its impact, a point emphasised by Azzam Tamimi Director of the Institute of Islamic Political Thought: "As far as I am concerned, the Agenda is Islam Channel".
  8. Ms DD

    Islamic Quiz

    No sister. Have another go.
  9. Ms DD

    Nip Tuck

    ^^ No she is just wondering what he wants her done as she doesnt want to ask him incase ee bad isku furto. She aint happy with her chest, but he could tell her to fix something else, increasing her insecurity.
  10. I was just trying to defuse a volatile situation Scarface. Besides this aint the place to make friends..Is that why you are harrasing ibti? to make friends with her? it appears that she aint biting.
  11. I wonder if we somalis knew of flowers back home? I dont recall my aunties ever receiving flowers from those who courted them. I recall my aunties being taken to afgooye (with several girlfrieds) for dinner or being taken to theatre. Huguri..Diiinta aa sheegeysa..but to me it is more romantic. Not many blokes do this. I prefer those i mentioned above to flowers and empty gestures.
  12. How does torrents work? I tried to download some Islamic lectures from Sunni torrents, but it is not straight forward.
  13. My point is dear H: That westerners nooma keenin romance.
  14. Ms DD

    Islamic Quiz

    Salaam aleykum Allah sent down on them scorching heat and they suffered terribly. On seeing a cloud gathering in the sky, they thought it would bring cool, refreshing rain, and rushed outside in the hope of enjoying the rainfall. Instead the cloud burst, hurling thunderbolts and fire. They heard a thunderous sound from above which caused the earth under their feet to tremble. The evil doers perished in this state of horror. These people drove their prophet and his followers out of the city and he turned to his Lord for help, and his plea was answered. So who was the prophet and the name of these people?
  15. Oh dear..Secularism to the rescue
  16. Ms DD

    Nip Tuck

    As going under-the-knife becomes as normal as wearing make-up or highlighting their hair, would you go for it? In a survery, an overwhelming 96% of British women 'constantly worry about their body shape and size', 83% 'don't think they have a good body' and 81% say their body 'makes them feel down'. Where does this insecurity come from? My boss has received from her hubby a gift certificate from top surgeon for her birthday. She didnt know that he was unhappy with her body but then i pointed put that he perhaps sensed that she wasnt happy with her body so he is being kind.
  17. ^^ They cant cos they are locums. Their very jobs depend on them.
  18. How about birthmark? Why is it that we look for flawless skin? What is wrong with being too pretty? It would be marriage made in of beauties
  19. I missed it. I was cleaning the house. It frightens me to think that i was sweeping the floor if it was doomsday.
  20. My hubby's car (Vauxhall Astra) and my brother's car (Ford Escort) broke down when they were on their way to work. Very inconvenient, I must say. Thank God for the Auto clubs.
  21. lol @ mole There are things that could put you off of a man though..and a mole could be one fo them for some women. But to completely dismiss a bloke cos he is too pretty is just too much. The mole could be removed right?
  22. Salaam Aleykum It is very good reminder. Truly Allah the Almighty is the most Forgiving. A very striking example of forgiveness we find in the Qur’an in reference to the most unfortunate event of “Slander of Sayeda Aicha” (one Prophet Mohammed's wives). Some hypocrites of Madinah tried unrightfully to put dirt on her noble character. One of the slanderers turned out to be Mistah, the cousin of ‘Aicha's father Abu Bakr’s. Abu Bakr -may Allah be pleased with him- used to give financial help to this young man. After he slandered his daughter, Abu Bakr vowed not to help him any more. But Allah reminded Abu Bakr and through him all the Believers saying: “Let not those among you who are endued with grace and amplitude of means resolve by oath against helping their kinsmen, those in want and those who migrated in the path of Allah. Let them forgive and overlook. Do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? Indeed Allah is oft-Forgiving, most Merciful.”Qur'an (24:22) Abu Bakr (May Allah be pleased with him) came out of his home and said, “Yes, indeed, I want Allah’s forgiveness. He not only continued to help and support Mistah but he gave him more. Islam emphasises justice and punishment of the wrong doers, but it equally strongly emphasizes mercy, kindness and love. Justice, law and order are necessary for the maintenance of a social order, but there is also a need for forgiveness to heal the wounds and to restore good relations between the people. Thus must not forget that as much as we need Allah’s forgiveness for our sins and mistakes, we must forgive those who do wrong to us.
  23. Moving On Scarface.. Do you have a scar on your face? This could be appealing for some women I guess. Would you believe I have friends who dismiss men cos he is too pretty?
  24. I love Halwo with my Qaxwo you know. I come from a family of diabetics so i better watch out.
  25. ^^ I bet it does Val CC is generalising again. There is nothing western there. Above existed a way before westerners. Flowers: What is wrong with the juuni bariis that he got for you? Candlelights: We had feynuus before the era of electricity. That was romantic. Slow Music: We had our gabay and gooraar. Good lovemaking: One doesnt know any different. You really cant compare a good performance to bad performance if you dont know any different. Quiet restaurant: Lovely aqal with dimmed feynuus and laf hilib is all the romance one needed. Communication and listening and touching: How else did you think they had 10 kids or more? To me romance is when he does little things like: Covering me with duvet when i am asleep, massaging my feet when i come from work, running me a bath ...lovely things like this that doesnt cost an arm and a leg.