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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. Jacy is stalking CC. Every thread he posts, it is guaranteed a reference is made to CC. Itis either that CC is sixorooleey or it could be that he is just creepy.
  2. lool@nacam Aniguna faatixa ayaan ku xiri. No shukaansi when muxaadarro is being read. See Alle kuu galey? Miyaadan xishoonin!
  3. Islam is the middle way. It is a moderation.
  4. I love party. So long as muxaadaro lagu bilaabayo.
  5. Salaam aleykum Mr Liquidator You should have eliminated the Kurd How are you today? At our end, the weather is lovely. I have awful flu though.
  6. Salaam N I think it is spot on. Shame the comments he got. WHy is it so difficult for them to see from our point of view? Every action has a reaction. People reap what they sow. I could go on with my cliches but where will it get us?
  7. Will someone explain why husband is written as kusband? Is it typo?
  8. You made me laugh...the kinda laugh that makes Hunguri inuu lugta taago So I had the strong urge inaan lugta luxo whilst at work. Talking of desires and urge..i dont think any female will last to hold on before she is prescribed he HRT
  9. ibti..seriously? Couple of girlfriends were discussing of us going for a tour. About personal qs? maybe I will pm you..maybe not.. anigaaba xishoonaya dee
  10. I was gonna ask personal question..but indhaha wey badan yihiin ibtiyeey 50 is a long time from now. I can even begin to describe the sweetness of marriage Anyhow eough xayeysiis... Anyone going on holiday soon? I am thinking of visiting Cordoba and other sites in Spain. Wanna immerse myself the rich history of Islam in Spain.
  11. Not to worry girls..Luckily for you..there are women like me who will share their husbands if a sister is in need of a partner later in life Jacy: It is all tongue in cheek my friend. Take a cold shower now Hargeysa must be very hot in times like this.
  12. Oi! enough of making me old Trust me..It is bad now being single than before. 1- There are not many eligeble men around. It wasnt bad enough that we had to compete with other women for the attention of men, now we have to compete with men 2- Women are more sexually aware now than before. Nowadays there are doctors reconstructing the hymens. 3- The new generation lack religious and cultural awareness. Kids are blessing. You just have to know how to displine them. After all they are our pension plan. We dont bring them up properly, hence the next generation will find singleness even more attractive. Why cant you handle guys for less than hour? Put your feet up hon and let them handle you for once. You might like it
  13. CL That sperm bank has done more damage than you realise. It made men redundant...that and Ann summers Honestly though..what can be as fulfilling as a marriage to your loved one? Career cant certainly take its place. Parents get elderly and die (if they go before you). Siblings all get busy with their own family. Friends are also busy with their flocks. After hard day at work, empty apartment awaits you whilst you get old and wrinkly everything goes down south. You wont believe how you will miss the annoying winks you used to get and being chatted dries up. What is so attractive about being single?
  14. Lemme put it this way: You have 4 husbands on the go. Each with his house and his job. You get your maintenance from them. You have your own house and career. If there are kids, you have them with nannies ..all expenses paid by their fathers. You limit one child to each husband. You give their share conjugal rights fairly. Would you go for it?
  15. Girls Would you marry multiple men if that was permissable?
  16. CL Tell me why you find being single attractive? You dont know what you are missing.
  17. Jac Do you know how many wives told the whole world how good and sweet and kind their men are..only to be told few years later that they arent. Trust is a must ..if you want to stay married and have a piece of mind. I dont think I could have a better man than my husband..but all I am saying is: who knows what the future holds? Being single sucks. Nothing beats than a loving relationship. If I had known what I know of marriage, I would have married when I was 15yrs old (subject to permision of the parents). Marriage is a blessing and the sweetest of all. But when it goes wrong, it is hell on earth. And I agree, there is no point in staying in marriage if one is not happy. Life is too short.
  18. ^^ CL. You are truly cynical. You cant afford to be at your age I am kidding hon. But there are gentle souls out there who would treasure you. At least get few years of being spoilt by them before they hurt you My hubby's dad had a wife at every port in somalia. So I told my hubby, if he decided to take on another, could he please let me know beforehand and give me the choice to remain in the marriage or to leave. Besides, knowing him, 2 wives would be tad too much
  19. Funny you should ask this ibti. In my time, I have met women who would put their life that their hubby would never cheat and they eventually did. No man is immune to cheating. They are very much capable of it and whilst i know my husband to be very God-fearing soul, he is not immune. Men ( I know I am generalising) can entertain the idea of another women whereas women cant. Why? Cos at the back of their mind, men are aware of the permisbility of second wife. So in his mind, man can entertain the idea of another woman and can tell himself that he will marry her if she accepts (if he wants to avoid haraam activities). So with my hubby, He's got his hands full with one wife..he aint the type to marry another..dhibka wuu nacebyahay. But if he fancy another (again he doesnt seem the type to do this but my motto is 'expect the unexpected that way i aint gonna be disappointed') he is likely to divorce the first then remarry.