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Everything posted by Ms DD

  1. This was quite hard. Alessandro Costacurta for AC Milan and Italy in 94 So how many points have i got right so far? Which two countries have met each other the most times in the final stages of the world cup and on how many occasions?.
  2. Wa aleykum salaam bro Bob You make very valid point. So are you suggesting we wait till they get tired of us after plunder our resources and lands? That cant be an option. Most Somalis in diaspora really dont realise the extent of our problems. They think that we are like the indigenous people. I have seen couple who go off on holiday 4 times a year. I recall when I was at school, complaing to my dad how my friends go to numerous holidays, buy the latest gardgets etc. He told me that I was a refugee and that I needed to focus on my education as my country needs me in order to rebuild it. I didnt appreciate it then. Being united is great idea but in reality it doesnt happen, even in the developed western countries. The western world is highly diverse in its opinions and yet has been successful economically. Why is it when they disagree, they have a dialogue and when we disagree we are quick to draw the gun? The core reason of unity and disunity amongst muslims in the past and present is the institure of Caliphate. It has been both, a source of unity and disunity. Except for the first four caliphs all others were essentially a dynasty based kingdom. The Caliphate System yeilded in a "united" uma under some rulers of banu abbas. At that time, Baghdad became the center of learning, arts and new knowledge. Discussions, debates and paers were found abound, and all prospered. Yet, on the flip side, its the caliphate system itself which was also the biggest divisional point between the largest groups of muslims aka shia and sunni, and there is very little now to close this divide. So where we go from here? Well lets look around in east and west for some examples how others have managed this problem. We will find ample examples where people of totally opposing ideologies are working together to deliver greater bigger than self goals. e.g 1: The "west" is acombination of many small and large countries which have alligned themselves to certain principles which are above the "national" issues and concerns. Some of these countries were at each others throats not so long ago (WW2) Country like the UAE was formed very recently (historically speaking) and they are 7 states in one, with sometimes very different history and religious inclinations. Basic and simple principles are binding them together and one such principle which they understand well is, "Unite we stand, divide we fall". This small experiment of UAE IMHO is a way forward to unite not just muslims but any given number of diverse ideologies and thinking into one seam less entity.
  3. Originally posted by Urban: Interesting topic DD.. (and a few nicknames i don't recognise.. now i know Xandhuus is ibtisam, but what about Zenobia? who are you? Back to the subject at hand, I don't think I'd look for a wife online. I've always thought i'd get married the old fashioned way.. in short, hooyo would look for a suitable girl, then i'd meet her parents with my dad, then see the girl and finally discuss expectations and all the other details.. ( the order could be different in some cases, i.e see the girl first..) I was never really into this dating thing but you never know.. Men can afford to be choosy. Women cant, since women outnumber men. So sites like this is quite helpful. Never thought Asians would take to this idea of online marriages but if they can let go of their culture, so can we.
  4. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Ms Dhuc Dhuc, magacaaga inaad noo soo badashay baad terrorism kusameyneysaa the General Section by means of posting trash, illaah haku caafiyo inan yahey. Lazygirl, lazygirl, lazygirl..what can i say but lazygirl. You dont start topic, and when you post, you post to nag someone. Why is that my dear? Islaan ayeeyo baad i xasuusisaa. Nothing made her happy. Trash is good for the morale..
  5. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Hey Double DD....Iam suspicious of ppl in general, let alone those online which leads to this question since you seem little excited about the services done by these sites,are you n getting paid to promote this. This sounds a bit like guerilla marketing. Afraid of your own shadow too? I aint excited. Ypu'd definately know if i was. The site..I wasnt aware of it till Justice told me. It is good website though..give credit where it is due. Dont be xaasid
  6. Now that we have identified the problem, what can be done by the average muslim? How can a Pakistani, Saudi, Somali change the fate of their country and how can we get rid of the proped up tyrannical governments who are oppressing millions of people in our own lands?
  7. Northerner The article above reminded me of a previous article that I read: If one believes in conspiracies, then surely there could be no conspiracy more heinous than the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. For by definition a conspiracy seeks to inflict injury on the party against whom it is aimed, and there can be no greater injury than the atomic devastation rained on Japan over half a century ago. Japan’s refusal to remain locked in the spiral of defeat proves that even assuming a conspiracy does exist and that, moreover, it attains its full scope, which is the infliction of maximum damage on the party against whom it is directed, the conspirators cannot achieve their ultimate aim unless the targeted victim accepts to be crushed. Japan has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of the atomic blasts to become the main rival of the very powers that seemed, in 1945, to have succeeded in bringing it to its knees. However I gotta disagree with the notion that muslims are just paranoid and that all these conspiray theories are obstacles to modernisation. Politics is a dirty game. As is finance, journalism and intelligence gathering. There is always more to be learned of international intrigue. Given the amount of secrecy that still surrounds the international crimes against the muslims and committed by US and its allies, is it any wonder that for thinking the worst of them? After 911, Bush first told us he was setting out on a "Crusade". Then he claimed that the US was at war with "Evil. First he was going to kill bin Laden, who was at the centre of a giant plot to destroy democracy. "They can't stand freedom - they hate what America stands for." This morphed, after the US's failure to find bin Laden, into a campaign to destroy Saddam Hussein. Now we are onto Iran, whilst we are meddling with Somalis on the side and God knows what else ee faraha kula jiraan. There was a programme on BBC4 last night. it was about Angola and its relations with Cuba and how the US were quite angry that Cuba helped Angola against South Africans with the help of the Soviets. In order to safe face, Reagan equiped militias against the Angola govt after its colonisation in order to have a dig at the Cuba. I think there is a reason for all these theories; Element of truth. There is no smoke without fire. As they say, truth is often stranger than fiction. The hostility towards the West from the muslim world, for all its specific grievances such as the bombings of Afghanistan and Iraq, and America's support for Israel, is as deeply embedded in a century of internal conflicts as in the history of the West's often clumsy interventions. They blame the West in general - and America in particular - for subjugating that ambition by dividing the muslim world through the dictators that America supports. But on some levels I do agree with the article above. Muslims do feel inferior which magnified the importance of America and the West. Otherwise, why would we look to them for aid and help? Why would A/yusuf look to US backed Tigres for help? Why would Arab leaders be petrified of the US? It is because they are scared that the US will at least take away its support or invade it at the most. I think the muslim world is intellectually, morally, scientifically inferior.
  8. Urban What was the answer of your first question?
  9. Salaam I know many of you may have heard of these speeches but I never get tired of hearing. At the time he mostly spoke of the white Americans who oppressed the blacks. But now if you exchange black for muslims, it does make sense: 4 very good speeches
  10. ^^ The international community will not 'tolerate' it. Oh how I hate the international community..who are they anyway?
  11. Gotta love this. Let us take out what the modern world find unpalatable.
  12. ^^ I see your name doesnt have the desired-effect. Better change to "BACK OFF". Has a nice ring to it..doesnt it?
  13. Not sure about nationalising power utilities and the other big firms. The government control of the economy and the way the programs are being performed leaves little or no incentive to business to operate in the country. But I congratulate Chaves for this move. A revolutionary leader, who could stand against the big capitalist interest and US without fear. The world needs more like him. But lets not go overboard. Chavez presidency was supposed to last 5 years. That would have been three years ago. He is not perfect however, he has ample reason to suspect the USA of having unfriendly designs towards his country's sovereignty. Venezuela is oil-rich, a resource of obvious importance to the American economy. President Chavez has consistently refused to acquiesce to American wishes on a number of economic and political issues. This is a behaviour that the American superpower does not easily abide. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who Bush dislikes this much must be quite good.
  14. Xanthus They could just as lie to your face. I know. It happened to me when a bloke told me that he was single and later found out that 2 previous wives died and he had one in London and another in Holland. The worst thing was..I knew of his aunty and his cousins and no one bothered to tell me. Maybe it was because it was hush hush..but still one cousin (my best friend) has suspected something but never came out to warn me.
  15. My parents have moved back home and since they have been gone, they didnt need one single medication. Firfircooni iyo fudeyd ayey ka qaadeen. My dad is diabetic and mom suffers from arthritis. For both of them, the sun of Bosasso was wonderful. I compeletely agree with you there MMA. I noticed Hindu and Carreabean communities have ururo and meeting centres where they do all sort of activities including walks in park, cooking food and general leaisure activities. Some elders I spoke to say, it alleviates the lonliness they experience when their kids go off to work or school or generally busy.
  16. ^^ Interesting Xanthus.. Interesting Indeedy. Could be PAragon himself I also found that I knew someone from this site. But it is cool though.
  17. I wasnt talking about religious side of things Justice. I was thinking of the practicality and the availability. See ..I wouldnt mind going to dinner, going for walks, maybe the cinema etc etc. But to me this sound all hard works and time consuming. Alle iguma keeno, If I become single, I would definately use sites like that and not be afraid of exactly what I am looking for without wondering whether I have scarred the guy off. Now I tell my single friends to draw up a list, and if from begining he doesnt have few qualities that you want in husband, not to waste your time on him, hoping that you could change his mind. It never works. More often thannot, I am proved right. So Websites like above serves very good purpose in my opinion.
  18. I personally would use the site if i was single. It is truly difficult to meet someone especially when you are so busy with work and family. Besides, there is something about shukaansi (or having a date) that I hate. You have to spend so much time to impress or listening trying to impress you...blah blah blah..and then spend the other times to get away from untoward advances that they think they are entitled to! Thank God..I am not single.
  19. North What do the colours of the flag represent?
  20. What a funny site where the fave pet of all men are lion.
  21. What a funny site where the fave pet of all men are lion.
  22. Wish you lorra lorra luck my little one <----putting my Cilla hat on.
  23. I love it when small matter of space wont let them stop practising their faith. That is what I call dedication.
  24. Well..I detect little frisson with the shades on!