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Is there such thing as internet stalker?
Cara Here is a dose of 'lift-me-up something somthing'. In the dark, no one can really tell.
I didnt know I qualified for such prestige group. However I cant take all the credit. I became this way after the paraniod pair (Ayoub and Stealth) refused to take in any criticism of their beloved homeland/people. But the thing is..I didnt even criticise but gave them generous compliments. How many are from Muqdishu or Bari here? Do they come to each other's rescue when any criticism is directed at their city/region?
Why is so hard for you to accept a compliment?
I heard ..haweenka ma jecla in loo soo dhawaado.
Get with the programme Lily . Menapause / hot flushes comes to mind.
^^ Do you think that is a real picture? I didnt think so. The pictures on the first page seem genuine though.
I wonder what would happen if there was such demos in Mogadishu or anywhere in Somalia? Liberal lefties would have a battle on their hands then.
^^ Are you sure that is such a good idea? Last time I attempted..you recall what happened!
Salaam Do you guys have any other historic pictures of the country? It is breathtaking. PS..Can anyone go and see these areas safely? Do you have to be from Somaliland to see it? Do you need documents? I would love to go and see it this year.
The women they are talking about ..I dont know who she is. Never met her.
salaam xoogsade This sums the whole situation. Muslims 'well integrated' in US US Muslims tend to feel positive about US but not always welcome Muslim Americans are largely integrated in US society and moderate in their views, a nationwide survey suggests. The study by the Pew Research Center says US Muslims - most of whom are immigrants - believe in the American work ethic and reject extremism. Their income and education levels mirror those of the general US public, according to the survey. However, most respondents say life has become more difficult for US Muslims since the 11 September attacks. The survey - entitled Muslim Americans, Middle Class and Mostly Mainstream - estimates the number of adult Muslims in the US at 1.5 million, and says 65% are immigrants. Among native-born Muslims, about half are African American - many of whom are converts. Overall, the study says, Muslim Americans have a positive view of US society at large. Most say their communities are excellent or good places to live. As many Muslim Americans as members of the general public express satisfaction with the state of the nation, the authors say. Moreover, 71% of Muslim Americans agreed that people could get ahead in the US by working hard - the figure for the general public was 64%. "The life situations and attitudes of Muslim Americans stand in contrast with those of Muslim minorities of Western Europe." Pew Global Attitudes surveys last year in the UK, France, Germany and Spain found that most Muslims there suffered unemployment and felt marginalised. The latest poll suggests that US Muslims reject Islamic radicalism by larger margins than do Muslims in other parts of the world. FOREIGN POLICY VIEWS War in Iraq right decision? US Muslims 12%, general public 45% War in Afghanistan right decision? US Muslims 35%, general public 61% War on terror sincere effort? US Muslims 26%, general public 67% However, the study adds, there is somewhat more acceptance of Islamic extremism in some segments of the US Muslim public than others. Fewer native-born African American Muslims than others completely condemn al-Qaeda, according to the report. In addition, younger Muslims in the US are more likely than older Muslim Americans to say that suicide bombing in the defence of Islam can sometimes be justified. On foreign policy, US Muslims are more critical of the US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan than the general public, the survey indicates. 'Singled out' Consistent with the views of Muslims in other countries, fewer that half of Muslim Americans - regardless of their age - accept the idea that Arab men carried out the 11 September attacks, the study says. It adds that the attacks "continue to cast a long shadow over Muslim Americans", with 53% saying life has become more difficult since then. Many say they worry about government surveillance, stereotyping and harassment. The main concerns voiced by respondents were job discrimination and prejudice. Many say Muslims are perceived as potential terrorists. According to the report, 54% believe the US government has singled out Muslims for increased surveillance and monitoring However, expressions of support are just as common as incidents of bigotry, the survey suggests. Overall, a third of American Muslims say someone offered to help them because of their religion. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/6680939.stm
Stealth Hi I wrote this at first: It is clear that you feel uncomfortable reading AND comprehending what I wrote. Granted English aint my first or second language. However, you would do yourself more justice if you put forward a coherent argument against my view. So far you have merely told me to stop comparing the 2 entities because it upsets you! Although all I was doing is merely complimenting the progression and the unity of Somalilanders. Stand up for your views! You have expressed concern that I am way off the mark and quite ridiculous. However, you seem unwilling to do anything about it other than grumble. But I felt it to be too harsh. Still never mind. It was just a mere opinion of one 'attention-seeking' woman. Nothing to fret over about.
Oh..My friend Xanthus is leaving. Have a safe journey darling Keep in touch though and pop in from time to time. Warning: Whatever you do, dont drink caano geel.
Xiin and Che At least you understood the purpose of my post. Xiin, The reason I felt there was similarity was the fact that young or old Somalilanders are locked in a historic struggle with Somalia. Somalilanders in the daispora try to give something back (more than a lip service) to their people. My boss attended the House of Lords a while back. A particular discussion was happening re; Somaliland. My sister was doing a course where she had to chose thesis for her medical course, and the lecturers found out that she was Somali and they told her the perfect subject of her thesis could be the growing link between Somaliland and UK NHS trusts. Another example of Somalilanders working hard for their people was the classmates I had from high school to university and how their priorities was so much different to students from other regions of Somalia. They were teenagers fundraising for schools, wells, or orphanage etc. Jews were, in the past, a cliquish nation who harbored grievances against gentiles. This is what brought them together and gave them the drive to build their land. As Che mentioned, because of their past greivances, Landers share the same sentiments as this is what seems to have brought them together. I am drawing a parallel between Jews and Somalilanders in terms of ethnicity and their close-rank attitude. I am not comparing Jews and Landers for their religion. How could I call a nation who is muslim Jewish? It doesnt even make sense. Lets not jump the gun. Jews in general feel threatened and close ranks in the face of adverse. Please remember..I am not talking about their oppression of Palestinians, as that is another subject and not one that is remotely related to Somaliland. Jewish activists both within Israel and in the Diaspora have been strong advocates of rebuilding Israel. This is someway similar to Landers attempting to appeal to international community in an effort to completely restructure social and economic relationships. Maybe..being overly-sensitive is another shared sentiments Cara I compared Landers with Jews cos of their success. The struggle of Landers has so far been successful. Also the daispora Somalilanders are able to help financially and openly like the Jews whereas a Kashimiri cant support their struggle for a fear of being targetted as a terrorist.
Salaam I have been keeping a close eye on the banter/dood that was happenening between Somalilanders and 'Nolanders ' Something occured to me. The Jewish community (wherever they are) and Somalilanders whereever they are share one thing: closing-ranks mentality. Somaliland intellectuals initiated and advanced a number of important intellectual and political movements during the last 16years. Same with Jewish intellectuals in the 20th century. It is unfortunate that the 'Victim' mentality is so encouraged by secessionists. It gives them power over the populace and they are hoping that this leads to legitimisation of Somaliland. Is there a parallel comparison between the camps? I am off work..so I will check in on Monday Inshallah. Have a nice weekend. Salaam
Che Care to name names? COs as far as I know..midka Police xukumo iyo mid kale of qeyb dekkeda xukumo. Who else have I missed? PS I am all for removing the bloke from office and I can tell you some of his sub-clan aint so keen on him either.
Fariid Dont you think we should make our own mind up after paying attention to what they say? I think Amr Khalid is good speaker. He says himself that he aint scholar. Justice I dont know whether he has English audio speeches but the His Arabaic programmes are translated into English. Urban I didnt know he has DVD out. If it is in English, a lot of people would have been interested. he is remarkable man. He brings the stories of the Prophet (saw) and his companions (ra) to life.
Dabshid Which posts are held by Cadde's family ? Do you mean his sub-clan?
Salaam Aleykum For a while now I have been downloading many lectures into my ipod that uplifted my spirits and comforted me over the years. Many of you may already be aware of these websites, but for those who havent yet came accross, here they are: Before I post the sites, I recommend that you listen to the following lecturers: Mohamed Al Shareef Khalid Latif Imam Abdul Malik Imam Khalid Griggs Suhaib Webb Khalid Yassin Imaam Anwar al Awlaki Yasser Qadi http://www.masbayarea.org/multiMedia.asp http://www.icnyu.org/chaplain/lectures.html http://www.ymsite.com/media/audio.php http://kalamullah.com/lectures.html http://nadeem.lightuponlight.com/indexaudios.html http://www.audioislam.com/ (Arabic ones included) http://www.islaam.com/Lectures.aspx http://www.jimas.org/hearhear.htm (All JIMAS lectures since 2001) http://www.jannah.com/ (Mostly Arabic Lectures) If you know other website and have fave lecturers, please post them.
Subhaannallah sis Aaliya. It trully touched me. Lately there has been dip in my iman. Make dua for me sis.
Calm down Baashi. Is tarttibi duqyahow oo wax yar shaah cab. The thing is those who think that we are "resident fence sitters also known as sympathisers" should really get off the warmongering horse and see the reality for what it is. My mom's cousin has 5 kids and her husband (who wasnt a combatant) was killed by Ethiopia's tank. She is a teacher and she even doesnt have the security to go out for her livelihood. She is stuck in her little room and scared sh*tless for herself and kids. If it wasnt for us, they would have starved to death. Most of her neighbours arent so lucky. I have uncles there too and they hate the TFG and for what they have done to their houses but they still want peace and security no matter who is in charge the country. It really cant get any worse than it did in the last 16 years. I didnt see anyone making a squeek when the country was in anarchy (prior to ICU rule). In prior to ICu, the country was still getting by and there wasnt as much casualty as there is now. Is there anything more contemptible then these armchair commandos cheering and encouraging wars -then expressing bogus horror at the results. Mind you very easy to be brave from the living room.
The Mecca Masjid is the biggest mosque in Hyderabad and lies 100 yards south west of Charminar. The name is derived from the Grand Mosque at Mecca on which it is patterned. The hall is 67 metres by 54 metres and 23 metres high. The roof is wupported by 15 arches, five on each of the three sides. The building of the Mecca Masjid was begun by Sultan Muhammad Qutb Shah under the direction of Daroga Mir Faizullah Baig and Choudhary Rangaiah. Nearly 8000 mansons and labouresrs worked on it. The construction work continued during the reigns of Abdullah Qutb Shah and Abul Hasan Tana Shah. Finally 77 years after it was begun, Mecca Masjid was completed in 1694 by the then Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb. There is an interesting story regarding this mosque. When the foundation was being laid, Sultan Muhammad Qutb Shah is said to have invited all the pious religious elders of the city. It was announced that the king wanted the foundation stone to be laid by onewho had never missed his prayers. none came forward, therefore Sultan Muhammad himself laid the foundation for he had never missed even his midnight prayer since the age of 12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makkah_Masjid
Bomb hits historic India mosque At least seven people have been killed in a bomb explosion at a historic mosque in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad, the authorities say. Dozens more were hurt in the blast during Friday prayers at the Mecca Masjid, one of India's biggest mosques. Interior Minister Shivraj Patil said the explosion at the entrance to the mosque was caused by a "crude bomb". Police say they also found and defused two live bombs near the mosque. It is not clear who carried out the attack. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condemned the attack and urged citizens "to maintain peace and communal harmony". YS Rajashekhar Reddy, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh state of which Hyderabad is capital, said the bombing was an act of "sabotage on the peace and tranquillity in the country". Injured The blast took place as thousands of Muslims were ending Friday prayers at the Mecca Masjid. Hyderabad is one of the biggest cities in southern India and has a large Muslim population, many of whom live in the congested old city where the mosque is located. There was chaos and anger after the explosion. Many in the congregation ran for cover, some covered in blood. Ambulances ferried the injured to hospital. "I was very close to the spot of the blast," one man, Abdul Quader, who escaped with minor leg injuries, told the Associated Press. "As soon as prayers ended, we were about to get up, there was a huge deafening blast sending bodies into the air," he said. "People stated running helter-skelter, there was such confusion. People were bleeding, running around in a very bad condition." Crowds angered by what they said was police failure to protect them gathered and began throwing stones at riot police who responded with tear gas. There are fears that the number of dead could rise further. Police say some of the injured are in a serious condition. Last year more than 35 people were killed after bomb attacks near a mosque in the western state of Maharashtra. It is still not clear who carried out those attacks. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/1/hi/world/south_asia/6668695.stm Published: 2007/05/18 14:20:57 GMT © BBC MMVII
Salaam Actually he is very good. Have you listened to 'Ahmed the Repenter'? Here is a website where you will find many of his lectures: http://kalamullah.com/lectures.html