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Posts posted by Dhubad.

  1. We know that Laa ilaaha Illa Allahu, Muhammdan Rasuulullahu is the first Pillar of Islam, and the key to Paradise.


    What happens when a person who says this word, yet fails to understand its meaning?


    A Key usually consists of a specially-shaped piece of flat metal, with cut notches (forming teeth), so if a Key doesn't have teeth than it is useless and can not open any lock. So the person who says Laa ilaaha Illa Allahu, Muhammdan Rasuulullahu without its proper meaning will be same as a toothless Key.

  2. ^Geedi is becoming escape-goat huh? I never liked him anyway........but why Yey is left out? I also heard up to 20 ministers are going to resign?


    This government is going no where man.


    Cajiib Sheekhoow!

  3. ^Someone told me the owner of that websites lives in London, if he has a problem with someone, the next day he posts an article accusing that person to be a member of a terrorist group :D .


    I couldn't believe it at the time but now it makes sense. Here is another baseless accusation that they call a news!



    Dayaaraddii Ka Degtey Muqdisho 26kii July Ma Sidey Osama Bin Ladin, Mase Dhici Kartaa Inuu Hore u Joogey Muqdisho'' Waxaan wada ogsoon nahay in dayaarad nooca Qalabka u Qaada millateriga ay ku soo degtey Gegida dayaaradaha caalamiga ah ee Muqdisho. (27 Jul)

  4. Originally posted by LORD_OF_THE_MACAWIIS:

    i don't believe anything anymore


    they said a few weeks ago that islamic courts banned coca cola and bla bla bla and that they arrested boys for drinking it



    looool@Macawisle, it seems they are enjoying it man. I think the international media is worse than the local ones because they (International Media) report whatever they receive from the ground.

  5. Those people only see the reality on the ground through Yey's eyes. Even there are people in this forum that still don't believe the Ethiopian incursion in our country.


    Cajiib Sheekhoow!

  6. ^Well put Allamagan. There is studio called Allamagan Studion in London, so does that mean that name is standing for Qabiil's name? I doubt it.


    MM - sxb makuu maleenaynin inaad heerkaas gaarsiinsantahay? Cuqdad ayaa ku dilatay. Isku xishood ninyahow, bal eeg waxaad la soo shirtagaysid?

  7. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-64659033910080263&q=islam


    A comprehensive video describing the prayers in Islam of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him). The video is based on the books of prayer by Shaykh Abdul-Azziz Ibn Baaz and Shaykh Nasirud-deen Al-Albani (may Allah have mercy on them both, ameen).


    The lecturer himself is a student of both these noble scholars and Shaykh Abdur-Razzaq Afifi (may Allah have mercy on him, ameen). We ask Allah to accept from everyone involved in this project, ameen

  8. Originally posted by me:

    General I was just watching BBC News 24 and they showed pictures of Ethiopian tanks in Somalia.


    When will you accept that they are in Somalia.


    Reuters said it

    Al Jazeera




    Well General, you are wrong in this one so please accept when you are wrong. Burrying your headin the sand will not solve this thing. You are being out manouvered on this one. You kepy them at bay for a long long time, don't let this issue take youdown.

    Yeah, it was on BBC last night showing Tanks in Waajid airport!


    It is very hard to deny the fact while it is everywhere.

  9. This news is reported by all the Somal websites including PuntlandPost and Dayniile so there must be some true in it.



    WAAJID: Ciidammo Ethiopian ah oo muddo saacado ah xayiray howlaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Waajid

    Posted to the Web Jul 22, 15:28


    Waajid (PP) – Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo ka imaanaya dhanka Degmada Waajid ee Gobolka Bakool ayaa daboolka ka qaadaya in garoonka degmada Waajid ay muddo saacado ah haysteen ciidammo Ethiopian ah, balse ay hadda ay fasaxeen in howshiisa ay caadi ku soo laabato.




    Wararkii ugu dambeeyay oo ay Puntlandpost ka heshay Degmada Waajid ee Gobolka Bakool ayaa sheegaya in sababta ay u qabsadeen ciidammada Ethiopia garoonka diyaaradaha ee Waajid oo ay inta badan isticmaalaan diyaaradaha Hay’adaha Qarammada Midoobay ee ka howlgala gobollada Bakool iyo Bay ay ahayd sidii ay ugu soo degsan lahaayeen halkaas laba diyaaradood oo ka yimid dhanka dalka Ethiopia, balse aan la ogeyn waxa laga dajiyay.




    Ilo xog-ogaal ah oo ku sugan degmada Waajid ayaa u sheegay Puntlandpost in diyaaradahaas oo mid ka mid ah ay ahayd diyaaradaha ay isticmaalaan Ciidammada ee xamuulka lagu qaado laga soo dajiyay qalab milateri oo ay lahaayeen ciidammada Ethiopia ee xiliyadii ugu dambeeyay ku sugnaa gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan gobollada Bay, Bakool iyo gobollo kale oo ka tirsan dalka Soomaaliya.




    Ma jiraan wax warar ah oo ku saabsan arrintaan ku soo korortay Degmada Waajid ee Gobolka Bakool oo ka soo baxay dhanka dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo dhanka dowladda Ethiopia, balse waxaa xaqiijiyay arrintaan qabsashada ah wafdi ka tirsan UN-ka oo xalay ku baryay degmada Waajid kana duulay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Waajid xilli ay gacanta ku dhigeen ciidammada Ethiopia.




    Arrintaan ayaa waxay sii xaqiijinaysaa inay gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ku sugan yihiin Ciidammo Ethiopian ah oo aad u fara badan, maadaama ya diyaarado qalab u sida ka soo dagayaan garoommo ku yaalla Degmada Waajid ee gobolka Bakool oo ay ood-wadaag yihiin Degmada Baydhabo ee Gobolka Bay halkaasoo fariisin u ah Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.




    Madaxda Maxkamadaha Muqdisho aya waxay ka digeen dhawaan inay ciidammo Ethiopian ah dalka soo galaan, iyagoo sheegay inay jihaad la geli doonaan ciidammada Ethiopian-ka ah ee la sheegay inay ku sugan yihiin gobollada dalka qaarkood.



    Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile

    Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu

    E-mail: puntlandpostmog@hotmail.com

  10. ^So how shall we dress? let's see:


    Suit and Tie = that makes us look like westerners

    Khamiis iyo cimaamad = That makes us look like Arabs

    Shaati iyo macawis = That makes us look like Indonesians

    Lamo good = That makes us Soomaali


    So Which category do u fall in my friend?

  11. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

    was it really a secret that The neighboring nation would come aid the TFG if was attacked. IT will not only be ethiopia but many other countries. these nations have vowed to assist with whatever needs if these factions attacked the government. Who will come to aid these so called wadaads? Eriteria is only trying to distract ethiopia from its borders.

    You see you don't understand what is at stake? When the TFG says that publicly they loose public support and that is what matters.


    For the courts, they have Allah and the Somali public support with their side so who wins is clear if there is war between them but let’s hope that does not happen IA

  12. ^If he indeed said that how would he expect to get public support for his government? There is no love between us and Amaxaro everyone knows that.


    Look even if they get support from Ethiopia they shouldn’t make it public at least. Some times I feel no one from the TFG is actually a politian, every looser grubs the mice and says whatever comes to his mind without thinking the consequence of his speech.


    War wuxu maxay ahaayeen!