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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. i have slight suspicion that this has been copied from some western love - women mimicking- website.....sorry i am wrong. tht is the way i was born...doubtful and secretive (defines a somali). By the way, liked the girls's response in her dictionary. sounded more in touch with reality of men, bad men, anyway, like me....Truth doesnt hurt, does it? Guys, i think there are different categories of somali girls today....and i mean girls in the west. there are those who have taken most of their life somalia and those who lived the west more. the latter would understand if u do things in the western ways, but the others it is just somali ways. P.S. Aint no scaping from Calaf...travels thrice the speed of light.
  2. Extremely interesting idea, bruv. Go on, get going...roll...we will be with you in secs. P.S. joke aside, the idea sounds good.
  3. Asalaama calaykum. Pretty much asking what ProudSista asked. - where are you going? you seem too good to lose - why are you leaving this place? Are you going somewhere where there is no communication or is there something else. - If you decided to leave for good, why did it happen to you to mention that on this site? If you have decided to, then I think you owe us to respond all the relevant questions of your sad departure. We hope to hear from you - I hope I speak for everyone in asking the above questions and using 'We', if not, sorry. Wrong assumption. P.S. Sorry for being nosy.
  4. Asalaama calaykum. Pretty much asking what ProudSista asked. - where are you going? you seem too good to lose - why are you leaving this place? Are you going somewhere where there is no communication or something. - If you decided to leave for good, why did it happen to you to mention that on this site? If you have decided to, then I think you owe us to respond all the relevant questions of your sad departure. We hope to hear from you - I hope I speak for everyone in asking the above questions, if not, sorry. Wrong assumption.
  5. Kilroy is an ignorant public figure. However I have never thought - having watched his daytime prog - that he would sink this low. This might have been a publicity seeking article that backfired badly, pretty badly. We all know how pathetic western celebrity are when they want get their names mentioned in the media. Back to the point. few people seem to be missing the plot here. Ok, the man mentions the ills of the today's Arab world. True. But as, HornAfrique, mentioned, who is the machine behind these states. These puppet states are nurtured to degrade their people -Arab people- the state they are in today. No wonder he doesnt see what they are doing behind the scenes and can only see what the puppets do. Ask yourself what has caused thousands of muslim, Arab young men, to be up in arms and ready to take their own lives in all sorts of methods? They have lived in what Kilroy described in his article and decided to do someting about it, rather than end up in prison jail (that is what happens when you go about things in peaceful ways in most of Arab world and dictatorships). To sum it up, the Arab world today is a wound, a very infected wound. The cure of wound lies in determining the cause of the wound and starting the fight there. The cause of the Arab world and most of the so-called 3rd world is America and its western allies. That is my view. P.S. Is Kilroy a Jew, by the way?