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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. "All that I have been doing - meetings and organising - were dangerous enough to make me a marked man for some old ghosts" Wow. I wonder who those old ghosts are!
  2. First time I came across the so-called passport of Somali land was at Addis Gegideeda dayuuradaha. Elderly fellow oo wata ayay u diidanayeen inuu duulo. He was actually convincing the authorities that this document is accepted by the Ethiopian authorities. Meeshii baa iigu danbeysay. True story this. /Rumeyso ama ha rumeysan.
  3. A lasting solution is what is needed in the country. Can the current cock-up bring that about? We all know the answer is a resounding NO. Al Shabab are not without their fair share of shortcomings, but the fact is they're the closest thing Somalis have to a lasting solution.
  4. Prubogaando iyo ku tiri ku tiri weeye waxaad sheeganaysaa ee afka iska soo dhaqa.
  5. Ah, and one more reason for the visit to Washington is, of course, the rise of the Dhalinta Wadaadada ah and how these regional admins can be used to stop them. Old isticmaar tactic, 'iyaga isku dil'.
  6. Rest ku lahaa. Waa totally unnatural. Ummadani wixii loo sheegay iska qaadaneysaa, maaha, nowadays?
  7. ^"No surprise from al-shabaab concerning themselves with expired food when 3.5 million are starving and without clean running water or shelter. Thanks to their killings and bloodbaths that they reap on the nation" Dadka Soomaaliyeed waa la laynaya, dalkana dhiig baa lugu daadinaya, wax cadli ah oo ay heleena ma jirin from anyone of the thugs who have been killing them for the decades. Hadase cunadii iyo dawadii ay sida daran u rabeen baa wadaadada Somaliyeed nadiifinayaan. Whatever you allegiance, at least be man enough and accept the action they've taken for its merit. Sheekadan daciifka ah ee waa Al-Qaeda iyo bs-ka aan iska deyno. We're Somalis and we should know the true score of our land. Our people need security and law and order so badly, and the attempts of the past 20 years have not materialised, add that to the fact that no outsider can or will ever bring a solution to our problem. So, if that solution comes about with the sword first, let's talk about the consequences later, I think we should take it. And the fact is, our number one cancerous disease, waa naqaan, waa qabiil. And that has eluded all solutions. The only silver bullet is Islam. It has done it before, it can do it again. For the sake of Somalia and Somalis back home, we need a lasting solution. And Shabaab seem to have it for now.
  8. Good photos. But who are we really kidding? This is nothing but in the interest of Washington and its allies, i.e., stopping the plague that is Somali piracy. And we all know, majority of it hails from Gobolka Bari, so it makes sense to talk to the admin. Nothing else. Don't get me wrong thoug, I sincerely hope that they get some sort of help for the progress and prosperity of the region and its people, but I really doubt that.
  9. I still can not understand why these so called pro reform Iranians can't see the Western trap. They're trying to bring down the Islamic republic without 'shock and awe' using its young people with pre text of freedom and democracy etc. Crap.
  10. "I find it is the ones who protest the loudest (men & women) turn out to be the meekest" - True most of the time.
  11. Given what I read so far, I have to agree with whoever that deleted it. Remember, though, the forum is Muslim - majority forum, and modest is a must in all discussions. I never understood, however, why this doesn't apply to the Poo-litics part. Kii nac nac keenaba tir-tira, please. SomaliaOnline educates and informs, not a place for the degenerates to get together....
  12. Untill they clearly declare that Daallo will take me directly to my Tuulo, I won't fly with them. Good for them, though. About time to retire those crappy planes from Soviet Union.
  13. It is healthy to think that prices of goods into Somalia would rise due to the piracy, because most of the goods going into Somalia come from abroad, mainly I would say Arab countries, and if the owners of these vessels are worried for their ships, it is only fair for them to put up the price as the risk of loss is great. Apparently, as we're talking about Somali pirates, they (the pirates) are huge Arsenal fans. I caught up the last few minutes of a TV programme (in search of Pirates on Sky1) and they found a boat abandoned by the pirates and they had few items engraved with Arsenal name......So there you have it. Next time, you are caught by a Somali pirate, strike a footie convo, and you better be an Arsenal fan or else there will be a long long silence (whilst you're their captive).
  14. but we should celebrate diversity and not use it in an aggressive way that deprives others of their natural born rights so maha?? sxb! Saxiix.
  15. Jazaaka Allah kheyr, Nur. It's a timely advice and we should all heed to it, insha Allah. Now, the beer relaxes the mind, taking away the effects of shyness, which is an embedded trait in humans and a remnant of the Iman (The default instinct of belief in God), shyness is also a speed bump that gives you the last warning before a crash, or a a crush, in this case . so, from this point, the happy Nomad criss crosses all moral boundaries until the party is over and he has to pick up the pieces the day after. Words can sometimes turn into pictures for the mind, and you've a beautiful way of putting them together to give such effect. May Allah expand your heart for the work you do.
  16. If Sir Alex gets to spend all that £80 million then who can catch them next year, with that they can bring Ribery, keep Tavez and mowt def Valencia, who needs Ronaldo after that Man U is in £650m in debt. Don't expect them to spend to buy players. They'll have to service the debt.
  17. I would rather buy Newcastle for £100m. Football is becoming mindless, financially.
  18. Ku qaraara dee, Soomaalaay! Apparently, he paid Riz Khan to write his autobiography.
  19. The worst Israeli nightmare, Obama turn out to be a full blown practicing muslim whilst in office. How about that, eh?
  20. don't think this is a true story. However, If I were him I would have taken a Daallo flight and see if the admin can stop me from attending my father's funeral. Joke! Btw, I like the tone of his voice, the fella has a funny tone.
  21. Ridiculous amount of money. I don't believe that he is worth that much. For me, he is not the most gifted player. He's average.
  22. It is still damn boring. It's useless sport. It shouldn't be called sport.
  23. Zidane humiliated himself at his game's most previleged tournament, so you should add him to the failed bunch, right?
  24. Lord Sugar likes that nag/instinct for business and that is what he saw in this lady, even though he might have doubted her motive. I got it wrong.