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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. We, Somalis, need a place to call home. The world is changing
  2. I would say one last thing, the sexism among the American right and even among liberals is deeply rooted. Some white men would rather vote for a black man than a white woman. So, in that case, most of Somalo-miyi's attitude to women waxba ma dhaamaan, uh? I always knew, deeply, this equality of the genders thing was superficially constructed by the west to demean other worldly people's attitude of the tender gender. Look, the west's attitude, we would be selling a £5 t-shirt, and for a good measure, we would be using a beautiful young lady's naked body to sweaten the deal, alright? But you respecting, covering ladies' modest animal, you're an animal and they need to be liberated from you! YOU MONSTER! Wallaahi, it's exactly how Che put it. Most of them Americans can't stand a female leader. I will pick it up later
  3. Donald JT waa nin rag rag dhaley ah! You have got to take your hat off to him. Misygonic, narcissistic, psychopathic, lying trader who built everything he got on bravado has done the ultimate 'grab n run' with the most powerful seat! Now that's 'nin rag ah' Galkacyo style.
  4. That theory, A. Mansuur's, is very strong. I say that because sometime I was watching a program of a dude traveling through the area South of Egypt and North of Sudan, and I was amazed how these people structurally resemble Somalis,and not only that, but almost every other part of their culture is similar to our own. Heck, they even cook 'canjeero' exactly as we do, not the Ethiopian type. So, that theory rhythms with me.
  5. They (3rd world thiefs) will never be caught, neither do the western authorities want to catch them. Who do they most plunder their resources? Their land and peoples'. Actually, they are an asset to exploit at will and very reasonable price at that. If you are thinking what I'm thinking! Particularly, if they're posited at a sensitive position
  6. Nasir Horta thank you for the effort and the info. If you're genuinely serious about getting people in our community to unlock their investment potential and gain from this as others are doing, you need to raise the game, I.e., our people have trust issue, a huge one. You need to get practical examples of your nearest and dearest mining/minting this Fintech gold rush to show as an irrefutable evidence. Waa iga talo. However, this is not related, but the cynic in me says, 'you have been sent by 'sharks' to introduce this to your community and in the process plunge their meager savings with a promise of making more dough! That's cynic talking. If you are serious start with your kin, and bring that out to the doubters, my advice.
  7. The impact of unfettered privatization will only harbor future societal issues.
  8. Nin British ah baa waxaa laga sheega, "I disagree everything you say, but I will die for the right for you to say it". Ma dhici kartaa in dadkeenu - Soomaali - ay xumaanta iyo wanaaga kooda ah iyo kan kaleetaba arkaan ee aanay noqon kuwa aan arkin xumaanta kooda ee arka xumaanta ka kale? And while you are at it, kuwa xaqqa u istaaga ee aan hal meel wax ka arag. Hadaan anigu dhibkayga uun arko, oo aanan wax tixgelin ah siin ka kan kale, meel gaari meyno. Waxaana taa oo dhan kasii muhiimsan inaan wixii tagey iska ilowno, ileen awal baa horey loo yiri, 'tiigsi maleh'e'.
  9. Uplifting stuff from a young, African American Harvard graduate. Indeed, we were born to be comets rather commoners. Enjoy it. Graduation ceremony speech
  10. Xikmadda tiraahda, 'dad iyo hogaamiyeyaashood waa Isu qalmaan'. I don't know if Somalis realize their hypocrisy. They would condemn the wrong doing but at the same support it.
  11. maxad iyaga ka sheegi, hadaad ka guursato qabiilada Somaliyed qaarkood, bulshada iska dhaafe, Reer kaagaa ku takooraya, marka carabta intooda badan aan il baxaaha ahayn yaan farta lagu fiiqin. Anigu, Allaa runta jecel'e, gabdhaha Somaliyed ma jecli iney shisheeye guursadaan. Then again, dad sidii dhimbil dab u firirey, cid walbaa ugaarsaneysa.
  12. Ha karaamo seegina Habaar laygu kari waaye Habaar maaha, gacan qaad bay maraysee, waa haddii warbixinta Geedi sax tahay. Aniga aragtidayda, 'stick' wax un bey haleyneysaa maahine, wax hagaajin meyso. Maybe, try and isolate the groups that want the 'un-attainable' dream and bring in those who would support 'unity'. Maybe show symbolic moves of brotherhood with the North, rather than a threat of violence. Don't we ever learn from our recent past? Violence will only breed violence. Tan shacabka iyo Dhalinta, it is only a case of 'whoever is going out with Mommy is my uncle'. It's true that people are tired of the mindless violence, but they would praise whoever is in charge. Wallaahi, this country is let down by its educated young. With oomph this group can change the narrative, and pick the baton where SYL left it. P
  13. Minister stood on his ground, but the RT = Russian state propaganda was having a dig at the western involvement in the country. U.S boots in the ground,IMF funding, why not Brics investment. I think he's from north, right? And the statement, 'we're one people, and we'll stay united' was wonderful comeback.
  14. ^you two are not helping. Walaalihiin si laxawsi leh ula hadla, laga yaabo iney soo jeestaane! Waa idin see?
  15. ^adduunka aynu ku nool nahay wuxuu si fiican u fahmay in midnimo iyo wadajir horumar lagu gaaro, danta guudna sidaa lagu gaaro. Tan ugu muhiimsana waa inuusan cadawgaa kugu soo deg degeyn markay hujuum noqoto. Allow caqligeena Kuwii maala naga yeel!
  16. Dhul aan ceel lahyn baan Dhaankii u rarayaa Adna dhool guyaad iyo Dhibicdii ma hayside Dhacar baad ku nooshahay Dhankaan anigu kaa xigo Dharka la ma yaqaannee Dhuub baannu xirannaa Adna dhogorta xoolaha Malaha waad ka dhigataa Buuraha dhexdoodiyo Dhagax baan ku seexdaa Adna wax i ma dhaantide Dhulka hoos u qodan iyo Dhufays baad u hoyataa Dhulkaan kala fogaadiyo Labadeenna kala dheer Yay isu soo dhaweeya? Kolkaad adigu dhimataa Naftu iga dhaqaaqdaa Kolkaad adigu dheregtaa Dhibaatadu i daysaa Dheehaaga wacan baan Aniguna ku dhaashtaa Dhaxalkii aad reebtaa Dhitadaydu noqotaa Markaan soo dhawaadana Waad iga dhaqaaqdaa Anna ku ma dhagaystee Dhegahaan kaa furaystaa Dhaandhaan haddaan ahay Adna dhoohanaad tahay Dhulkaan kala fogaadiyo Labadeenna kala dheer Yay isu soo dhaweeya? Kool haddaan dhuuxiyo Dhiiggii ka siman nahay Midabkiyo dhawaaqiyo Diintiyo dhalashada Iyo dhaqan-wadaag nahay Dhudhunkaad i goysaa Waa dhantaalan-kaagee Labadeennu dhuun iyo Dhogor baan ka dhigannee Dhidibkaynnu taagniyo Dhismihii adkaan jiray Inaan kala dhantaalnaa Dheg-xumiyo yaab iyo Talo dhacantay weeyee Dhaxdin baan wadaagnee Aayaha dhasheenniyo Midnimada ma dhawrnaa?
  17. ^munaafiqiin weeye. Hal ilbiriqsi kama fakarayaan afkooda hadalka kasoo baxaya iyo ficilku inuusan is raacsanayn! Dad bey leeyihiin 'ama jooga ama laabta' iyagiina sidaad tiri meeshey soo fadhiyaan oo kasoo carareen dhulkay sheegayaan aanayna ku laabanayn.
  18. ^great grand-father was Turkish, Kemal Mustafa or something like that which was anglicized as Wilfred Johnson. He doesn't deny it, and he himself was supporting Istanbul's recent unsuccessful bid for 2020 Olympics due to his ancestral connection to Turkey. He was born in America while his father was studying there, that is the only American connection. Khan, on the other hand, is shrewd politician, and ambitious one at that. However, I have heard people in his constituency say good things about him. We shall see what he's like now that he's the mayor. I think this guy will have a go at running for labour's leadership at some point, and consequently the Premiership, whether he be successful, we shall see.
  19. Wow, that is a first in the recent Somali history.
  20. That's quite a balsy statement. Human emotions are very complicated. People come in different mentalities and what you said up there maybe true for some, but not for others. As believing people in the west, and the fact that we don't have systems and ways to determine the suitability of the opposite sex, and please let me expand on this, the reality is we're not hopefully going to opt for cohabitation, we must use our better decision making organ when it comes to matters of relationship.
  21. Mioew! Take it easy. I was talking generally. Besides It might have been three months but she could still be expecting, knowingly or unknowingly. Besides, this new age crap with the assumption that the grass is always greener on the other side is rubbishy. Families should stick together unless there is a very good reason why they should part ways. Don't live in dogma diatribe is shyt to put it politely. Jobs himself didn't blv it, heck as he was giving that damn speech it is said that he was lying about his health. Live in the real world, a world of give and take.
  22. That saying of Jobs is not always true. There are times that you need to consider the bigger picture, and there are issues that are far more important and require one to put up with than simply following your intuition. If you got kids with the man, he doesn't mistreat the women and looks after them, isn't it worth considering the family unit than being effing selfish?
  23. Harvard educated leader You can graduate from the best uni in the world, but if your mindset doesn't change, the tag won't do shyt! Mr Obama graduated from the same uni, and went on to lead a world superpower! As it happens, sheekaba sheekey keentaaye, I was watching the new doc 'Obama in the White House' series by the BBC, and I have new found respect for this guy's brute intellect and skills. E.g, students activists from 'black lives matter' met him, and instead of getting emotional, he just told them to play the long term game as the 'arch of history edges to justice' in the long run. I guess you don't make it that far unless you have got it.
  24. Suck it up, unless of course you don't have kids or aren't expecting.