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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. The writing was on the wall. XSM will NOT change. Period. He doesn't have the background not the worldly educational experience. He is just a quiter version of Salad and Sanbaloolshe.
  2. ^ka qariya 'copycats'. They will copy and paste.
  3. Lack of substance. No depth. You can't buy class.
  4. 'Unukaa leh' justice system ain't justice system. Whatever the last administration left behind, YOU are deliberately dismantling. What this lot are about to do will eclipse anything prior. HSM and co., have actually made it clear that they intend to avenge and I for one wouldn't want to be in Mogadishu right now if I wasn't Hag. Dude, you and your folks should stop threatening, do your worst.
  5. Who's going to bring them before the 'tribal ' Court? The militia in Mogadishu led by Darbaweyne? Only thing that's going to happen, without a shred of a doubt is make a mess of everything Fahad built the last few years. And I'm not a big fan of Fahad.
  6. ^whatever happened to 'Somali heshiis ah'?
  7. Goofka usheeg. Goofkaas madaxeeyne u yahaye.
  8. The beginning of the mess. The sad part is, someone will have to pick up the pieces after them. It's just not right. This country has to become independent Emirates. That's only way forward. Is it confederation system? Haven't these motherfckers (hsm and co.)heard, 'if it ain't broke, no need to fix?' Just take the good the last administration had done, and maybe mould things to your liking without effing everything up? This is dismantling. Pretty much 'unukaa leh' mindset. I, for one, don't really have any hope in Somalia ever getting on its feet in my life time. Long resigned to be stateless, but this is the loss of the generations to come. And God knows what enemies have in mind for the future.
  9. Everyone will get a post. Including Rooble. You'll see. I would have suggested that all the members (sp. Cabinet) should effing fly out of Mogadishu. They'll either be humiliated or outright threatened. Let these new guys run this ship to the ground.
  10. ^is this bot, one of them? Spot on Cali Yare. Say whatever you like about this fella, but he stood alongside a president of Somalia that he isn't tribe-ly associated through thick and thin, literally. Any average Somali would have bolted and sided with his/her tribe. Kudos.
  11. ^The whole clan is moving in to the Villa. Signs are not promising.
  12. It's the optics. In Somali poli, nobody gives a flying fck about qualifications. Next you'll tell us Darbaweyne is qualified spokesman for the president!
  13. We are hoping for a changed man through his actions, for the country's sake.
  14. As of now, hsm appointees are all 'tolka' exception being he fellow from Koonfur Galbeed. Some are apparently his kin. Hopefully, this isn't the new HSM.
  15. Last kick oo aarsi ah waaye tan. HSM is implicitly giving him a green light or is it opportunistic?
  16. If this is the new Xasan, he would have supporters from all Somalis but let's wait and see.
  17. Doc-ka-yeer daankaa la jabiyaa! It's a matter of principle (guess that escapes you). Doing the right thing. Shall I carry on? Yes, any government has its foreign policy allies but how come you are not Aware of Emirati and Saudi zionist policy towards the whole of the Muslim world. I'm not saying every country has its own interest, but how can you compare UAE/SAUDI policies to that of Turkey and Qatar? This is the face of pure effing blind hatred of a man, then throwing the baby with the bath water. Grow the fck up, and call a spade, a spade when you see one.
  18. Apparently, the man is in town.
  19. Is it true that Bryden is in Mogadishu (Xalane)?
  20. ^ nothing will change. Hope isn't there. It's more like how bad is it going to get? Qoslaaye doesn't have it in him to turn the ship around. He's a man backed by Deni and his ilk to get back to the presidency, therefore, 'hal xaaraan ah, nirig xalaal ah ma dhasho ' . Good luck to Somalia.
  21. ^Damn! He is back to fck it up.