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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. Maahmaahdii, 'nin naagtaada u socdaa, gabadhaada ma celiso '. Appeasement.
  2. Hope they take over. No other way out.
  3. Somebody should invade and colonise. It's criminal not to utilise land that good
  4. Dhoocil baa la ceyriyey, is dhex galkii waa u dhamaatay. Intaa hadayba jirtey, waligeedba!
  5. This is an ideological war. Trump and Musk have one thing in common. Both have a family background of racial supremacy. Trump's grandad was a German, that says it all. Trump banned people of colour occupying his properties at some point, I think. So he's a racial supremacist. Musk's grandparents moved from Canada to SA to be with people they're ideologically aligned with, while supremacists. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. They're fulfilling their grandparents wishes. Rag rag dhalay.
  6. Blah blah blah, war meesha ha lugu kala tago. Somalia was in the ICU and HSM turned off the machine. Goodbye
  7. He's going to emerge with a bruised eye. I think they make sure compromising evidence, I.e, sodomy, and then they're an asset for life.
  8. Keep on deluding yourselves all you like. I'm not a fan of this somaliweyn rubbish these days, but the reality is Somaliland is beyond corrupt. Someone bigger than you lot is playing you, but we shall see where you end up. If I was betting I would say a province of Ethiopia- Kilil sabat. But what do I know. Your internal politics are dirty and tribal. The only thing going for you is the peace, how long it will last between the 'habro' is anyone's guess.
  9. Don't they get it! There's never a free lunch. Should have taken one of the many carriers from H town to DX. Or maybe just maybe, he's too afraid to say NO to the Emiratis, fearing for his life.
  10. He's going to 'kiss the ring'. UAE are definitely running most of Africa now.
  11. Unfortunately, dad productive ah ma degano. Reer Puntland bay ku fiicnaan lahayd.
  12. ^100%. Hadana waa meesha aan ku socono.
  13. Waan kala tageynaayee, waan kala tageynaa
  14. Puntland State and Somali Region of Ethiopia Sign Security and Trade Pact
  15. Miskiin, Qiyaali baa ku nooshahay. Somalinimo waa dhimatay or probably on its death bed. Nin walbow naftaa.
  16. Allah a kaa cafiyo. Used to be, not anymore, nor is it going to be. Dad masaakiin ah oo Gobolkoodu baadiya yahay waaye. Anyone that has some decent development work in their region doesn't bother with the Mogadishu, tuuladan reerku leeyahay. Dadka iska leh mooyaane, inta kale waa marti.