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About Dhagax-Tuur

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  1. Miskiin, Qiyaali baa ku nooshahay. Somalinimo waa dhimatay or probably on its death bed. Nin walbow naftaa.
  2. Allah a kaa cafiyo. Used to be, not anymore, nor is it going to be. Dad masaakiin ah oo Gobolkoodu baadiya yahay waaye. Anyone that has some decent development work in their region doesn't bother with the Mogadishu, tuuladan reerku leeyahay. Dadka iska leh mooyaane, inta kale waa marti.
  3. Bluh bluh bluh, Waar Somali kala tagtey. Nin walbow tuuladaada.
  4. ^ Mohamed Saeed Al Sahaaf comes to mind. 'Baghdad is burning '. 'There's nothing to see everything is secure '.
  5. I have said it and I'll say it again. HSM will be/is the nail that finishes it off. By the time his term is up, there will be nothing left. He has opened Pandora's box.
  6. War bal faduushaan daya! War meeshaan wadan ma jiree nin walbow taada u tasho. Wiilku hadaas leeyahay waa ku meel gaareenaa (ha ila dagaalin) inta aan fully fledged Puntland state ku dhawaaqeeno waa talo. The f@ck with Xamar iyo hsm. Somali wax lala sheegto ma istashilaan. Yes, I said it. Xanaaq.
  7. Puntland always had secession tendencies but this is HSM's doing.
  8. I think Puntland should not mince their words. There's no country called Somalia, it's hijacked by a cabal in Mogadishu. Therefore, in every sense of it, they should build a separate entity until Somali isu timaado. Period. If you don't like it, cirka dhagaxyo kasoo daadi.
  9. It's the same currency. I don't think there's devolution in central banking and money matters in the UK. Politics, a bit, yes, but economically it's all one. Example comes to mind is the euro, all the same but different pictures and look for each country.
  10. War meesha ha lugu kala tago, inta Somali is rabta la helayo. Xamar xabsi loogu jiri maayo!