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Everything posted by Gediid

  1. Enjoy ===================================================== Gulf News, 01-08-2003 The publicity machine of the White House would have one believe that U.S. President George W. Bush's recent visit to Africa was inspired by a desire for humanitarian initiatives. Bush made a lot of promises during his five-nation swing through the continent. He proposed a $15 billion programme to tackle HIV/AIDS and pledged to help Africa find its way out of poverty. The depth of Bush's commitment to the world's poorest countries is hard to assess, but it is not difficult to understand the true motives which prompted the tour to a region that has long been forgotten. Since the 1973 Arab oil embargo the U.S. has been trying to reduce its reliance on Middle East oil. It has also been attempting to loosen Opec's stranglehold on petroleum prices. Conservative circles Little success has been achieved in these two areas. For the U.S., oil is not scarce, but most of it lies beneath the sands of the volatile Middle East. In addition, conservative circles in Washington argue, the health of the U.S. economy has always been hostage to Opec's tight control of the oil market. However, with a carrot and stick approach the U.S. has managed to cope with this situation until recently. The September 11, 2001, attacks dealt a severe blow to U.S. security and also exposed its vulnerability in the energy sector. Security and oil became inextricably intertwined in the minds of many Americans. On the one hand, the U.S. held some oil-rich countries responsible for tolerating the activities of anti-American militancy, while others, such as Iraq and Iran, were accused of using their wealth to develop Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). On the other hand, it became extremely difficult to decide whether the U.S. reaction to the September 11 attacks was driven by security motives - i.e. targeting "terrorism" and regimes that seek to acquire WMD - or by the drive to establish control over the world's largest oil reserves. For example, the invasion of Afghanistan has resulted in the destruction of a key shelter for Al Qaida and also made it easier for the U.S. to reach the oil resources of Central Asia and the Caspian Sea. In the past two years, U.S. oil companies are believed to have bought rights to almost 75 per cent of the region's oil and gas output. Similarly, the occupation of Iraq puts the globe's second largest oil reserves under U.S. control. Bush's visit to Africa was probably the last episode in a relentless effort to solve the energy question. For years, the U.S. has been closely monitoring the expansion of Africa's oil output. The intervention in Somalia in 1992 was widely understood to be part of a U.S. effort to control the continent's mineral wealth. Since then Africa has become the source of 15 per cent of U.S. oil imports. It is estimated that by 2005 Africa's share in the U.S. oil market will rise to 25 per cent. In addition, the U.S. finds African oil more tempting due to its high quality and its location at a shorter distance from the Atlantic coast compared to the Middle East. Africa, U.S. officials believe, could also contribute to breaking Opec's hold on the oil market. To this end, Bush has exerted tremendous pressure to convince Nigeria - the largest oil producer in Africa - that its interests lie with Washington not with Opec. If Lagos left the oil cartel, then Bush's African expedition would have yielded a significant gain for the U.S. Africa's share of U.S. oil imports, however, could by no means replace the Middle East's. Equally, it is Opec - with or without Nigeria - that can bring the American economy to its knees. For example, the three Middle Eastern oil crises - 1973, 1979 and 1990 - cost America $7 trillion and the U.S. economy could suffer even more if Opec members agree to counteract Washington's attempts to destroy the oil cartel. Yet, with Iraq and Afghanistan already under U.S. control, an alliance between African oil producers and Washington could deal a fatal blow to Opec's dominance and prestige in the international market. The other major objective of Bush's tour to Africa was to expand the U.S. military presence in order to combat "terrorism". The U.S. claims that Africa's large uncontrolled, ungoverned areas are becoming havens for terrorist activities. U.S. officials argue that African countries are extremely poor and have inadequate resources to monitor their borders or patrol their remote interiors. Since the end of the war on Iraq, Washington has diverted reconnaissance aircraft and satellites to watch the region more closely and provide valuable information to local governments. During his Africa expedition, Bush sought to strengthen military ties with many countries to enable the U.S. army to operate in the region. Understandings He tried to convince Senegal and Uganda to agree to aircraft refuelling understandings for enhancing the mobility of more than 1,800 U.S. troops already stationed in Djibouti to conduct counterterrorism operations in the Horn of Africa. The global "war on terrorism" and the attempt to reduce America's dependence on Middle East oil have put Africa on the U.S. radar. Bush's visit to the continent must be understood within this context and be seen as a true reflection of superpower politics. America's message was simple: give me oil and military bases, I will get you aid for HIV/AIDS victims and enhanced access to U.S. markets. The author is a Scholar in International Relations in the UK
  2. Gediid


    Gedid stop being cheap honey.. get her something for her to remember that day.. Magnoona I will get her something to symbolise from that day onwards she's been sentenced to life
  3. Gediid


    ^^^^^^Hablo keep dreaming.Gediid is wiser than you think.I might be ugly but I'm no fool.Taas hore loo sheegey.Markaas hablo the only reason I could possibly think of you 2 lighting a fire would be to stay warm in the dark cold solitude of the night.No Gediid to fry instead I will be beside some other queen in macawiis Abu Serandi laughing at your predicament and hoping sincerely that you 2 get nin qurux badan oo laakin dabaaal ah.
  4. Flying Hadaan kaa qaleeyey qarxis igama dhaaftiid.Run-Away Virgin waa ku fiirshey laakin waa leygu cabey nooh.Cadaani aa i joogo eey tiri only to find out Cadaani waa midko madow dhaafey oo aniga quruxloow aa u noqonaya.
  5. Gediid


    Seems to me like Hollywood is having an impact on us.Diamond ring,restuarants and the like. well I guess we might as well add champagne and a lil more fanfare. I personally would take my girl to a quite serene place preferably to a park with a lake.Look her dead in the eye and ask Suleekha(something about that name I love n I think I will marry a girl called Suleekha)macaaney do you think you can stand my BS for ever n ever n ever.You know the rest.Laakin no diamond ring in dessert,or a band of mariachis or what ever BS they do here.Just straight forward questions followed of course approaching her family for their consent n blessing.
  6. Wlc aboard Arul.Hope you enjoy your stay here.We have a lot of Somalis here who speak Hindi/Urdu so bedjaw,chai biyo or enjoy karo.
  7. ^^^^^ Enjoy but remember to introduce me to a quruxley,no more cute inside ugly outside kinda o girl.I aint providing charity here.
  8. All this tahniyaad without the great one from VA.Maba dhici karto Lovely-Me I wish you a very happy and blessed union Ilaaheyna ubad kheyr qabo ayaan idinka baryaaya.Amiin Pssssst Run-Away Virgin Any good looking Manxiisat at the wedding.Should I get my wedding suit ready,you know the one you introduced me to in the last wedding hal Il bey la'eed,lugna jiis bey ka aheyd.
  9. Gediid


    Nefertiti & Lucky Ana dhaxanta ha kaa dugsadaan baan lahaa habluhu laakin its all good now that I know you girls know how to start a fire Please make sure you put that out in the morning ,I hear a lot wild fires start that way especially ones started by single girls alone in the dark of the night.
  10. Gediid


    Ah the proverb,waa mixture of an old saying and a lil bit of xeyl on ma side......I cant remember the actual one.....
  11. Gediid


    Lucky It was hard finding the ingredients but even harder finding a nice lady for which you have to exercise extreme patience. Barwaaqo I'm not worried about the camel,kaas waa curyaan indha la ee waa Macaswiisda Abu Serandiga iyo the silk Abu Falaax that I need the Pre-Nup for.This year habluhu wax eey dheynayaan maba jirto.
  12. Gediid


    ^^^^^Horey Somali u tidhi fagare lagu kaftey nacasi in lagu kala guurey moodaa....Its all kaftan,gabadh kasta nin uun bey u dambey .....mise its the other way around.
  13. Gediid


    Barwaaqo Foolxumado waa Amar Ilaahey,fakhrikana due to my recent separation of you know who.Thats why I will no longer go into any commitment without the feel safe nature of a Pre-Nup,haddi kale the next one macawiisda ayey suuqa igala bixi doontaa and that waa ceeb ceeb ka weyn. Nefertiti & Lucky I would have preffered a much smoother way of conducting this but as always habloon baad igu noqoteen.Issues farabadan baad meesha keenteen therefore putting in me in an uncomfortable situation of having to put forth my conditions.I think I have satisfied some if not all that you have asked for laakin I don't see you coming forward with answers to mine.Markaas if within the next 24 HOURS I don't see any answers I will be forced to look elsewhere. REMEMBER THAT THE RATIO OF GOOD MEN TO WOMEN IS 1:10,000
  14. Gediid


    Nefertiti & Lucky Been away for a few days collecting the ingredients for the Pollo ala Cleopatra(tho I would have preferred making Pollo ala Nefertiti)sounds much more exotic.Laakinse what the lady wants is what she will get.However b4 I get ma hands wet,there are a few conditions she's gotta meet. 1-She has to have medical case haddi eey faraha is goosato. 2-Woman are known for their propensity to ask questions,after all has been done n finished she can't ASK for the recipe. 3-SHE HAS TO CLEAN AFTER ME If, waa haddi she can meet all the above conditions then I officially accept the post Nefertiti is offering......Haddi kale waa ku kaas.
  15. Gediid


    Originally posted by Nefertiti: Thank you Lucky, I am sure I will one day. I am determined enough... MMmhhh....*appraises Gediid* Can you cook??? If so, then you're HIRED!!! Better than a lot of xalimos I assure you
  16. Gediid


    Originally posted by Nefertiti: Lol @ all the reactions.. Ladies I can see the absolute disgust in your faces...looool. I apologise, didn’t mean to give you nightmares....NOW, lets look at the matter from another dimension. Four foolproof ways to guarantee that a brother WILL look SEXY in a Macawees: 1) Get a brother who is MEATY. None of that skinny “findiciil” resembling Faraxs. He has to have a nice well toned-trained-developed-body. The full works: EIGHT-pack, nice skin tone, lovely jubbly smile, straight teeth (etc, etc, etc.) 2) Then, make sure his Macawees is SILK, again none of that cheap market material that scrapes your skin off every time it comes in contact with you. Preferable colours have to be red, OR black OR sky blue. This will then compliment with his smooth-caramel-BABY LOTION rubbed skin. 3) Depending on the ladies style, the Macawees can be just below his knees to all the way down. I particularly prefer the knee length style as this gives me the chance to stare at his hunky Calf’s. "Mmmhh, all I can say at this moment is YUMMY!!!!" 4) Lastly, make him yours and yours alone. Ameenah, had the right idea, NO OTHER XALIIMO gets her hands on your new macaawesed-sexy style man! Good luck folks, and if this works remember who to thank Gediid, do you fit these requirements? Then get in touch for an interview!! *walks of the room pleased and intent on finding this special macaweesed brother* Nefertiti You are a true nomad who knows what she wants If you hiring I'm without a job at this moment.
  17. Thanks Siman It was beautiful,Any here has the song Suleekha please write it down,you know the one by Hadraawi sang by Mohd Nur Giriig.Thats awesome too.
  18. Gediid


    Latiif Waaban suuxi lahaa,sarjoogaan ka dhici lahaa ,sariir baa leysexin lahaa. Of caleek yaa intaa isku hela Barwaaqo Of course, why not...say when n I will don the whole outfit
  19. Gediid


    Lucky Darn,I just placed an order for some Abu Serandi ones from Ohio. Nefertitti you gonna pay for misleading me. :mad: :mad:
  20. Gediid


    Originally posted by Nefertiti: To all the brothers who find Dirac sexy, why don't you wear MACAWEES? I find that SUCH a MAYOR turn-on!!! Ma macawees Nefertiiti ,I never knew it was sexy but now that you mentioned it I'm going Macawees shopping.Any1 in here know a good store in the USA?
  21. Gediid


    Originally posted by Continental Batchelor: Why do some young somali women only wear dhiraac for weddings and western clothes on other ocassions?. Why not wear Dhiraac on outings such as going to the shopping mall. I find dhiraac sexy and I think our fellow somali sisters should wear it on other ocassions apart from weddings. :cool: Would love to hear your comments regarding this topic. Sorry if it is to vapid but thats all I can add right now! Continental,you voiced similar thoughts I had on Diraac.I also find it extremely SEXY but I think it should be worn at home or among Somalis only.
  22. Originally posted by flying-still: ^^^^ I love clown...this cajuus is just tryin his game on me thats all ....aint no replacing clown! You mean Clown is the backup incase you come up empty so maaha.And I thought it was YOU trying ur game on me.
  23. Ameeneh I spoke the truth and tho it hurts slightly it dont kill walaalo.Don't you think it was wise of me to tell her rather than hear it from some foodley in a catfight.
  24. ^^^^^Somalis say "I jiid aan ku jiidee waa Gacmo daaliis"