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Everything posted by Gediid

  1. Smith UDUB have already dug their own grave,I believe its only a matter of time now.I understand that there is already something in the air but what shape or form this is in I have no idea but influential people have already hinted at change.
  2. Gediid


    If I remember correctly Dravid has always had his moments this week I think happens to be one of those.I prefer Ganguly over him.....More consistent Who is your all time Fav player.....?
  3. Smith If you remember when the Monica story emerged Clinton attacked Afghanistan and Sudan to try to divert growing attention of his onfidelity,similarly this minister is trying hard to divert attention since there's growing concern among the people that the UDUB govt is incompetent so by coming out with this accusation against the leader of the opposition,they are trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. Baashi Weli miyaad so indha cadeyneysaa :eek:
  4. Dadka qurbo joogo meel loo raaco lama garanayo....Waar Baashi ma waxaan ku moodey mise waxaad noqotey.... I thought odey dhaqan garanayo ayaan ku heystey laakin after this short post waxaan fahmey in eey af gabaabsi uun kaa tahay. If I refer to the Somali book of Dhaqan rule #3 stipulates meel rag isku heysto maahmaah dumar lagama sheego.....
  5. Gediid


    I like cricket,especially one day matches.I saw pictures of fans celebrating the Indian victory on the web and I was ecstatic.Way to go India. Any cricket fans in here and who do yall think is better......Tendulkar or Lara
  6. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: I like the general Kaftan going on here. I hope some radical doesn't come into this and ruin everything. Horn I guess nin da'a weyne oo Libaax beri hore sanka taabtey baa sii saadaaliyey waxa kaa soo yeedhey..Nin indha la'a hadii la weydiiyo who the inhabitants of LA are wuu kuu sheegi doonaa.There's absolutely no need for you to name qabiil I guess kaftan iyo ilaaq yaqaan banaad aheyn or maybe you felt saaxiibkaa iyo compatriot in arms Guraad kaftanka culus ee aan la dhacey buu iska celin waayey.What ever the cause hadaad islaheyd wax u hilii dee wax aan kaga dago Guraad iyo L A maad sheegin weli
  7. This is the 2nd post I have seen in the last week or so on SOL about the church.The other had something to do with gays in the Anglican church by Kheyr I believe and now this about Catholics. Something is just not adding up here :eek: :eek:
  8. Originally posted by guraad: LOL , wawa-land(british somaliland) camp are running out of gas , getting mad and ALL. anger and insult will not get you SOOL ,SANAAG AND CAYN my dear dreamers lol. I can see wawa-landers hitting the wall with their heads in anger f,t LOL . sool , sanaag and cayn are my land ,part puntland part of great somalia , its my land and i will take it to where ever my people want , your so called president(riyale) is been chased out of sool , so wake up my dear friends and stop claiming land that dont belong to you LOL. I'm actually starting to think Guraad believes in what he says......Guraad any chance you might be in one of the pictures or even better ma rag aad jaad u qaadey baad sawiro la soo dhacdey..
  9. Originally posted by Nur: Gadidd Walaal I have just noticed how my words can be misinterpreted, I am extremely sorry and I apoligise, wallahi, that was not my inetntion at all, althought you are right that it may be understood as such, so I exten a sooriyo and to show how well I respect your opinion, May I ask the hand of of the muslim sisters from the area for marriage as atoken of my respect, that is the best testament to prove my utmost respect. But again, I blew it, and there is no second chance for a first impression. Extremely Sorry Foot in mouth Nur You already have my respect Nur and I'm sure the respect of many on SOL.Keep doing what you need
  10. Originally posted by illmatic: Hater's ,,,, She decent looking to me! Ever heard of the fox that could not reach the grapes and walked away in disgust saying they must be sour....kinda looks like that to moi....
  11. Libaax Waxaan islahaa iyo sidey noqotey baan islaheyn.Waxaan beri dhow ku sii socdey in moderator li'iga dhigo women's thread laakin like they say, when you decide to call it quits something or someone just pulls you back in.Well thats pretty much waxa i heystaa imika.Politics iyo afarta ku goolaaftama meeshaan waan ka reystey beri dhaweyd laakin amateurs bey igu noqteen oo islaanti googaratu ka yar dhacdey kal hore ayey yidhaadeen reer bey tahay taasna waa ceeb aan la maqli jirin.So as you can see I kinda have my work cut out for me but I will multitask, divide my time equally between Politics iyo women's forum.
  12. Ayoub Af daboolan waa dahab Curious to know if there are any Farahs on the catwalk or even heard of one????
  13. Originally posted by MALAIKA: lol@ gediid.. what have i done wrong now?...u r the 1 who talked about rogaine. ok am gonna shut my mouth now and do me a fav..dont let these nomads now about my past.. . Dee there's no need for you to rub that in my face Malaika maadaama eey tahay sir iga soo fakatey and there's no need for you to worry,I won't say anything as long as you don't rub me the wrong way
  14. Waar Baashi anaa kuu garaabaayo oo dee waan arkaa in forumkale lagaa waaleey.Arrinkaagu waa ala aboow ka yar iga qabo oo ka weyne igu soo daa.Bal markaad xaggaa iyo Islamic threads ka soo fara xaladid baan wax kaa qori doonaa Guraad I know the truth hurts but I tried hard to soften the blow by giving it to you in a joke but under no circumstances did I intend to hurt your feelings and the feelings of reer L.A ,they are very important pawns in this chess game
  15. ^^^^^I should and I know I could but I wont.I will let it pass this one time only but mar kale and oh boy cir iyo dul baan isku keenayaa Major booto dheh walee.....
  16. Originally posted by MALAIKA: lol@rogaine...Gedi id i had no idea u aged since the last time i saw u A.A Malaika QARXIIS TIME MIYAA,do you want me to open my books on you for the public to read???
  17. Anigu kaftan yaqaan baan ahey so Guraad bal tan iga jawaab saaxiib....Is L.A (Las Anod)that lil city with laba sakadood oo iska soo jedaa on the Mogadisho-Hargeysa highway.I heard it was a great stop known for its hilib.Madama ee badhatamaha ku jirto ,I'm sure meesha loo bado uun baa leysugu biyo shuban.Either way it will be follower:D Any chance you might consider changing your nick to the one I mentioned in my last post?
  18. Lakkadow has anything changed since we last met....Ishii yar qaloocdey ma dhakhtar baad ula tagtey and what about the receeding hairline....did you start Rogaine like I told you...I know it worked wonders for me laakin ma hubo if it would do the same in your case.
  19. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL and LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL some more....Guraad I think you should change your nick to Goebbells.... Just a suggestion
  20. ^^^^Waar xageed igala qaadey saaxiib.I posted 2 pics with similar poses,I think even an untrained eye can spot the similarity.......
  21. Waa kuwan hadana. Faduma Barud Ayan Yariisey
  22. I once had a friend who when he hears a disease jumps up and swears he has all the symptoms .The responses to this letter more or less prove that.We are somalis and though we are black we have our own problems as new immigrants into this nation.I think maybe a letter from a disgruntled Xaliimo or a Farax complaining about how their welfare benefits have been slashed in half and the responses they got from the social worker would be a more befitting amusement.
  23. Is this the Anglican forum mise SOL....... Just wondering what this debate will contribute to the NOMADS?