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Everything posted by Gediid

  1. ^^^^Call it what ever fancy term you call it but to me its CHEATING...
  2. Seven You think cyber love is easy well sweety it's not.It requires far more than you willing to give up emotionally.... Nyways why do you care now,am getting lots of it somewhere else
  3. Gediid

    Ali G Show

    ^^^^^^^ Must move a lot hey.
  4. ^^^^She who wants to box among heavyweights must kiss her smile Goodbye......... An old korean proverb and it makes a lot of sense too
  5. Aeryn Thanx for putting Seven in her rightful place.That brought a to my face.
  6. ^^^^^Trust me you gonna bite a lot,am just hoping you were either blessed with dinosaur teeth or you have a great dental plan
  7. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Gediid thanks, Missed you too.. About posting in this section, Brother as Dr King said " Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" This Issue does matter for ALL of us not only for these you called them wolves. Isn't enough they are in Nairobi representing us; when none of us voted for them and still they are negotiating with each other on our neck like Sheep in animal market? :mad: As there are warlords in Nairobi there is also Internet need to be stopped I am still nice though Salam Oh my God Og Girl waan ka baqanayaa.You are starting to sound like them now Ok but lemme know if you need help cleaning the internet warlords,I designed a vacuum with dual retro motors with built in console that contains its own chemically enhanced formula(top secret) that will even remove the strongest of them all A word of caution here OG ,remember cleaning involves dirt make sure you don't get dirty in the process. Horn
  8. My worst all time definately has to be Mechanical Vibrations.Hated the subject so much I had a few nightmares then Favorite Well subjects that required me to not study were always my favorite History and Economics in HS Stat in Uni
  9. Even an election in Communist China would require less posts and less space.Waar Libaax whose potraits do we start painting.Spill the beans saaxiib Ina Yusuf mise ina Cadoow.
  10. OG Girl This whole war is about KISMAYO. Anyways since when have you become a member of the politics section.I remember your FAVORITE hangouts were in the womens & general sections and I followed them before but I kinda lost you for a couple of weeks only to find you among the wolves of SOL.Now before you start growing dirty facial hair and fangs the size of Kuwait we want you back where you are loved.
  11. Boolbaro Succesive governments in the past have planted people from areas either hit by droughts or people who just wanted dhuul boob.Sad that the decisions of those past tribally minded governments haunt these innocent folks still today.
  12. Gediid

    Ali G Show

    ^^^^^I heard him mention that name Julie on his shows.One episode if I remember correctly had him say how ugly she was and the lady he was interviewing said that Julie would not like hearing that and he replied I tell her all the time I caught him on one of talk shows the other day and he jokingly said once his name becomes famous he's gonna move somewhere else maybe Mexico and do everything in Spanish
  13. ^^^^^Negro? :confused: :confused: Kettle calling the pot black.Wow ismaan laheyn dad sidan oo kale u caqli xun baa aduunka ku nool.Like the Somalis long said cimriga oo dheer geel dhalaaye ku tusaa.
  14. Gediid

    Ali G Show

    Yeah the dude waa bananas.I wonder sometimes if those people he's playing with are that dumb or are playing along. Borat waa extremely funny.I think thats the highlight of the show.Any1 see the episode where Borat gets a redneck bar in Arizona to sing along Throw the Jew in the well, grab the Jew by the horn and everyone is joyfully singing along with him How about the show when he goes up to a priest in an anti abortion rally and asks him before you say sumthing is bad don't you think you ought to try it first How about Borat asking a self defense expert how to defend against a Turkemistan giant attacking you with a penis
  15. Gediid

    Ali G Show

    Anyone catch the Ali G show on Hbo?Only Brit in the last decade with some sense of humor in an otherwise stuck up nation(direct result I assume of that dull weather or those tight polyester underwear they wear year round or what ever)but if you have to try one new show make it the Ali G Show,the dude is LOL hilarious. A lil preview of what to expect. There was this episode with the conservative radio commentator Pat Buchanan where he asked if Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or as they are more commonly known as BLT's.Dumb azz Pat kept using BLT's thinking maybe that was a new term.BLT is bacon lettuce tomoto for those who don't know Respect
  16. ^^^^^Finder's keeper yaah? Shoo I'm just a tad lil taller than the brother Sophist Succinctly described old chap.I just wonder who your buddy had in mind then :confused: :confused: :confused:
  17. Aeryn Am just an average Farax minus the big forehead 7 of 9 U too much qarxiis,I will wait for you to return,the desert sun I think is messing with your head now. X-quizit I thought I had my pic under lock but it seems like someone smart found the key. Sophist Serious, I thought that was a word with no practical applications.I guess I might have been wrong but to paraphrase what a famous nomad said,this is all just words and only words on a screen.... Nothing more nothing less. Now other nomads I have never given much thought on how most nomads look but those that have crossed my mind, I think I saw how they look like so I guess that leaves nothing much to my imagination.But lemme reassure you they were all as beautiful as their words......
  18. ^^^^^^^Good news Mr,for pointing that out here's a cookie............
  19. I first wore a pink shirt when I was 15(many years before R kelly/P Diddy came onto the music scene).I still remember that shirt, it was a gift my dad bought for me from one of his trips he made to London.It was light pink and my young French teacher adored that shirt.Since then I have always made it a habit to at least have one among my shirts Now pink pants well thats a whole different story........
  20. Gediid

    Somali forum

    Ah finally a playground for the refugees.Admin Ilaahey ha idin daayo.I have no problem with a Somali section.I even have a name for it.Xeerada Niicda iyo Niiclayaasha.Kinda of a tongue twister so maaha.Well somalis horey u tidhi naacaas iyo habeen baa madow now its niicle iyo naacaas no English.Me beri hore learned my verbs come before the nouns mise it was the other way round. Anyways me point waa simple no broblem kaad ku hadashaba waa the same, most people have no problem switching back n forth between languages(that already happens in almost all the posts).Only problem imika my fingers will get tired from too much clicking back n forth between more threads but laakin the same people each one trying hard to prove how their level of intelligence is far superior to the previous poster.
  21. ^^^^Do you feel defending those alien cultures and attacking yours is the appropriate response?
  22. I base my culture on how I was raised by my parents.What Ali did to Mariam should have no effect on how I percieve a whole community let alone portray others negatively.I just dont see where all this negativity some have of their culture comes from.I have sisters as educated if not more educated than most in here and I have yet to see them talk as bad as some in SOL do of their culture.I know and they know there are a lot flaws in it just like there are flaws in every culture but it does not mean that every moment one gets a chance they should demonise it.I do not wish to get into a lenghty argument on this topic but please your culture is yours to protect,if you feel there are flaws in it its there for you to correct it.
  23. Looked through the Somali gifts dictionery and never came across giving and women.Getting and women on the other hand had 1 billion entries.
  24. Viking With the white man in control of the farms Zimbabwe had enough food but now that Mugabe has given away the land to their "rightful owners"(a bunch of his cronies who have no wish nor the know how to farm)Zimbabwe now has to beg for food. Warya Dude So pictures of starving kids on TV signify dignity??
  25. Mugabe is a true example of an African dictator.I guess Africans don't really care about his record so long as he defies the white man he's a great leader but for the record when ZANU took over in 1981,Zimbabwe was by far one of the wealthier nations in Africa now they are one of the poorest.Ironic that the man who took that nation from wealthy to poor in a record 12 or 14 years would be voted the 3rd greatest African leader.