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Everything posted by Gediid
^^^^^^If thats the case then I say bring them all to justice including my uncles and YOURS...
^^^^^Shows how when one covers his eyes with his hands,he will never go far. Horn Are you afraid someone dear to you might pop up in the second list? Nationalist I definately think you carry a name beyond your comprehension.Suitable name changes I think you should consider are Cuqdadle Qabiil yurura Senor Repetitious To the rest I just hope that this case isn't the first nor the last.We need to hold people like Samater and their likes accountable for their crimes.By persucating them victims who suffered will get relief and future leaders will now know they will be held accountable for actions no matter where they run off to.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Sheekadu waa caddahay ............ Aaway haddaba kuwii dhihi jiray wax baa is shukaansanaya Two posts only and you cry foul.What if this was 10 pages long :confused:
Originally posted by BARWAAQO: quote:Originally posted by Muad: Personally, I want someone, when I tell her, "I dream of You and I on a White Stallion, riding across Andalusia under a crescent moon!", would know excatly what I mean, and not just knows but feels excatly how I feel! Ahh...how romantic! Ala maxaad Barwaaqo maskiin yar jar uga talaabsadey...White stallion riding across Anda where.....
I dont mind people hijacking topics once in a while(I myself has done that once or twice in the past) but doing it excessively is kinda boring and unfair to most.I think thats why the Admin thought about that by giving us the use of private messaging to discuss,tease and agree to our hearts content in private.I think its only a click away and one that can be as easily utilized as the public forums......
Originally posted by HornAfrique: Spoken like a true ignorant person Gediid. All of thos places, except for the two small towns are peaceful and developing in the greatest of rates. HA "A blind man knows he cannot see, and is glad to be led, though it be by a dog; but he that is blind in his understanding, which is the worst blindness of all, believes he sees as the best, and scorns a guide."
X-Quizit said TM- to respond to ur first point, how back home ppl weren't allowed to easily leave a marriage, I actually prefer that someone isnt there forcing me or guilting me into staying in an unhappy union, if God has allowed me the choice of divorce, why should my culture be in the way? Im not saying, divorce at the 1st sign of trouble, but theres only so much someone can take and who is society to stand in the way....i believe that old mentality of basically forcing a couple to stay together is unhealthy, not only for both mates, but their children as well...u only have to look at stats to show ya how kids growing up in abusive homes end up...(not just physically but mentally)... I agree but that also will mean more single mothers.Its a catch 22 situation.But I think more of the divorce cases in our society are by nature not what you mentioned above but rather men or women simply walking out on trivial issues that in the past were shunned upon. Ur second point-about blatantly blaming the women and not once contructively criticising our male counterparts strikes me as narrow minded...and no, i do not buy the notion homes are breaking up because women are competing with men...they are breaking up because men have lacked what it took to step up to the plate....ex..-moving to the west..being on welfare...the husband thinking why settle for being a taxi driver when i can be CEO, therefore refusing any job that would feed his family b/c his pride is in the way....and what some have resorted to, is wasting their time on unworthy endeavors, such as khat meetings aka coffee shops 9-5, as if it was a full time job...neglecting their wives not to mention the children...now the woman is left at home, taking welfare, raising 6.5 kids, worrying about the bills, their food, cleaning the house, while the husband is MIA....now...thats one example of whats happening to many families....resulting in kids being raised by a single mom that is forced to seek employment in order to better the lives of her kids....and it truly makes me sick to see ppl who blame them for only doing their job... I wish that was the case but most single mums we know of end being a burden on the welfare system which makes me think that the cab driver would have raised those kids on his blood and sweat instead of welfare.That I beleiev is more honarable and great for the childs self esteem. Now...about women who choose to work....if a husband would leave his wife for that...not her fault....we are allowed to pursue education and work, and i challenge anyone to show me a household in the disapora who can live on one income w/o depriving themselves of many opportunities and a better quality of life....being that the average somali family is over 5 kids, how can one income cover that, not to mention bills, their food, clothing, etc....thats a heavy burden on the husband and its commendable those striving to do that on their own, but do not shun the sisters who wanna help out their mates and relieve some of the stress....which leads to them often working overtime...no time with family...and how is that beneficial at the end of the day? I know of many who have been raised in the west on primarily one income,that of the husband but thats not the issue here.Most of the conflicts that lead to a break up of a home do not evolve around work and education as you have suggested.Majority of the single mums we see today do not pursue education nor do they hold top notch positions in fortune 500 companies.Instead they work in entry level jobs in malls that can not even pay for the diapers of a child. ..the repercussions of absentee fathers can be seen today, in the many male youths joining so called gangs and needlessly taking each others lives, drinking, dropping out of school...and thats b/c a solid father figure isnt around, not just those that have separated from their wives, but those that are still married to them yet not fulfilling their role...thats the true shame.... This I agree with you whole-heartedly.Young boys have to have a father figure to emulate,to fear and to respect to grow up and be productive members of society. One final note I wish to add here.I think women need to step up to the plate big time.Behind the small squabbles Somali women need to recognize that they possess enormous strength which we men have not been blessed with,the strenghth to nurture,to sustain and to develop a perfect family.If that goes then with that goes the whole principle of what we Somalis percieve familyhood.Women are after all the brains and the power behind a successful family.
^^^^^Queen is my grandma you say(total BS by the way) and I say Auto Zenewi is your grandpa(sad but true)........What do I get from grandma Eli, books,medicines and funds to develop a nation...What does grandpa Zenewi wrap for you on christmas, used AK47,RPG's,grenades and used underwear of the woyanes to keep the flames burning in places like kismayo, Galinsoor,Baido Gedo, Cadaado and countless other little towns and villages I have no name for.
He Coulda Put Spice In Bush's Cabinet By Peter Carlson Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, December 14, 2004; Page C01 Come back, Bernie Kerik. We need you. We want you. We love you. We don't care if your nanny was an illegal immigrant. We don't care if you didn't pay income taxes for her. We forgive you, Bernie, because you allegedly have what Washington desperately needs in this era of tepid, tedious bureaucrats -- multiple mistresses, mob ties, $6 million in dubious stock profits on stun guns, an arrest warrant that was never served and, best of all, a "secret love nest" that the New York Daily News reports you used for "passionate liaisons." Come back, Bernie, come back. We need some "passionate liaisons" in this town. We haven't had one since Bill broke up with Monica. When President Bush nominated you for secretary of homeland security, we were thrilled. It's not that we didn't like the outgoing Homeland Security czar, Tom Ridge. Tom is a great guy and he kept us safe, but not even the world's most imaginative pervert could conceive of Tom Ridge keeping a "secret love nest" for "passionate liaisons." Come back, Bernie. We love your bald, bullet head and your tough guy rhetoric. We love your delightfully Dickensian life story -- how the son of a prostitute grew up to be New York City's police commissioner. We love the fact that you'd married your dental hygienist, that you used to be the mayor's bodyguard, that you were once kicked out of Saudi Arabia while working there as a security consultant. Bernie, we need people like you in Washington. We're drowning in colorless, button-down, blow-dried, respectable family men with respectable Red State family values. Bernie, we're sorry. We admit we laughed when you called the White House on Friday night to back out of the Homeland Security gig because you suddenly remembered that you'd had a nanny who might have been illegal and that you might have forgotten to pay taxes for her. We made cynical jokes about the FBI's vetting process. We're sorry. We regret that. We really do. In fact, we've been regretting that pretty much full time ever since then, Bernie, because every story we read about you makes us miss you more. On Sunday, the New York Daily News reported that you were "deeply entangled with a New Jersey construction company long under fire for its alleged mob ties." The story said you'd gotten your brother, Don, a job with the company, which a "mob turncoat" had identified in court as being tied to the Gambino family. We love the delicious details of the story. We love the fact that your brother's job was "to run a dirt and stone transfer station." We also love the fact that the company hired a friend of yours after you recommended him as a "top-shelf guy." In Washington, we need more guys who use the phrase "top-shelf guy" instead of the phrase "my distinguished colleague, the senator from the great state of North Dakota." And, frankly, Bernie, we don't care that the guy you called a "top-shelf guy" later pleaded guilty to a felony conspiracy charge. Hey, as we say in Washington, "mistakes were made." That story made us miss you, Bernie, but it didn't make us miss you half as much as the story in yesterday's Daily News -- the one about your "secret love nest." Oh, boy, did we love that story. We loved it so much we've been e-mailing it to each other all day. It said that while you were living with your lovely dental hygienist wife and two kids in "posh digs" in New Jersey, you also had a Manhattan "love nest" where you entertained not one but two mistresses. God bless you, Bernie, you have more libido than the rest of the Bush Cabinet put together! The first alleged mistress is a prison guard, and, Bernie, we understand how a man's heart can go pitter-pat at the sight of a woman in uniform. The second alleged mistress is "literary lioness" Judith Regan, the "stunningly attractive" head of ReganBooks, which published your memoir, "The Lost Son: A Life in Pursuit of Justice." Bernie, we love a hands-on publisher, particularly one who once told a Daily News gossip columnist: "I've had an amazing sex life, but I'm not perverted." Washington is a conservative town, Bernie, so we're glad that your alleged mistress isn't perverted. And we're sad that all your alleged fun allegedly ended when your alleged prison guard mistress allegedly found a love note that your alleged publisher mistress allegedly left in your love nest. But, Bernie, we're not sad that the Daily News has uncovered all this. The Daily News story made our day, even though it was so much fun that it spoiled the Newsweek story about you that also came out yesterday. Newsweek told the story of how you'd once made $6 million "without investing a penny" by cashing in stock options in a company that sold stun guns to the government. Bernie, your stun-gun fun out-Hillaried Hillary! Newsweek also mentioned that a New Jersey judge had once issued a warrant for your arrest for allegedly failing to pay $5,000 in condo fees, although the warrant was later withdrawn. We can identify, Bernie; we all hate paying condo fees. Finally, Newsweek brought up that time you went to Iraq in 2003 to organize the Iraqi police but didn't spend much time organizing because you preferred chasing "bad guys" with a band of South African bodyguards. Bernie, we love a hands-on cop almost as much as we love a hands-on publisher. Don't go, Bernie! Come back! Bernie, we need you to liven up Washington. In fact, you already have: Now we learn that the Bush White House knew about the alleged mistresses and the alleged mob ties and didn't care. Who knew they were so liberal? Maybe it's their way of reaching out to Blue State voters. Sure, the Homeland Security offer is no longer on the table. But don't worry. Just come here and be yourself. Bask in our love of your sheer entertainment value. Bernie, love nests are cheaper here than in Manhattan. And if you need money, you can always put out a new, updated edition of your autobiography. Call it "The Lost Son: A Life in Pursuit of Justice . . . Among Other Things."
OMG Reer Ohio being complimented on sophistication :eek: :eek: *** Wondering what the folks in MINN are like haddi kuwa OHIO noqdeen SOPHISTICATED ***
^^^^So Sophist if I go by what you have written above the charter having not being passed by the Parliament is really no longer the law.Markaas if thats not the law then people elected on the principles of that charter and their subsequent actions are all NULL n VOID........unless of course somewhere along all this confusion it has been ratified into law by the assembly :confused:
This is so unfair I have heard of several other well known personalities running for Muta's post.If only the President had waited a few more days.........
Originally posted by Nayruus: Gen.M.Xaashi Gaani My hero, I thank you from the bottom of heart for following the footsteps of our first president Aadan Cabdulle Cusman by accepting without hesitation the judgment of your fellow MPS as you immediately took a honorable action in which you congratulated your opponent on his success to win the position of first assistant of the parliamentary speaker for the Somali National Assembly. It takes individual dignity and sincere self possession of nationalist drive (which a rare commodity amongst Somalis including these who claim they have been enlightened in the books of knowledge and modern human literature) to do what you did. Your example must be followed by all other mps who are planning to run for a position of extra responsibility especially by the likes of Aadam Madoobes. Someone who claims to be from Hargeysa surely will not claim Gaani as their hero.That is a fact even a dimwit will not claim. PS If being a dimwit is a serious medical condition and not of your choosing then I'm extremely sorry to have portrayed/labelled any1 as such.
Dude thats so UnSomalilike.Sorry is by far one of the least used words in our vocab almost to the point where it might end up becoming extinct.The only way I think I could accept an apology from the warlords or for that matter an apology from the remnants of the old government is if they all came forward with their crimes and then committed haro-kiri in a public square or somewhere for all to see.Now that would be an APOLOGY.Inta kale BEEN.
Hibo I put the L Lahore back in the day Back then there were very few Somalis but the place was lively.It had a good number of foreign students and we did have a great time.Its a place I miss especially the Sahiwal and Sialkot people....so gullible walaahi. I'm assuming you are in hostel #2 right across from the shopping center at New campus.The best time in Lahore I think is the winter.Summer with all its heat and humidity wasn't for me. As for the Somalis the time I loved them most was when someone got sick or hurt or in a fight with the other foriegners.Thats when you know inspite of all the gossip you know you are loved and you can count on them for help.... Enjoy while you are there and I'm sure you will have a thousand stories to tell when you are out of that place....
Hibo bhaji Sad to see that you are having a bad experience in Pak.... Here are a few tips on Lahore 1-Make sure you take a Rickshaw trip down Canal Rd in the winter.Its just an awesome sight that will stay with you forever. 2-For Shopping Liberty Market..CD's and Tapes Fortress Market. 3-Am assuming you are in FJ medical so try visiting Shalimar Gardens. 4-As for the guys make sure you only get to know the real guys only.As for the all gossip well if there aren't women around to spread it, there wouldn't be any gossip so make sure your women friends are cool as well.I'm sure there's got to be a few who might be making up stories just to justify their words. 5-Never go to UET,I myself have never been there,kuwa xagaa joogaa are deprived of the luxury of seeing a woman let alone a beautiful one...... 6-Try the Chicken Shashlick at New Campus.It was awesome when I was there. 7-Capri Restuarant at Old Campus beside NCA if its still open had great food. And last but not least for my effort,after a delightful meal at Capri, Panoroma Shopping center is a stone throw away and the leather jackets were the cheapest of any I seen....
^^^^I would actually enjoy it but mind you those shoddy Ministers mostly are civilians who have maintained a semblence of peace for a while now....
Originally posted by Nationalist: First the designer of the flag is a Northerner and now Muhammad Ibrahim Egal is one of the primary architects of Pan Somalism? Egal government quote: A more important difference between Shermaarke and Igaal, other than their past affiliations, was the new prime minister's moderate position on pan-Somali issues and his desire for improved relations with other African countries. In these areas, he was allied with the "modernists" in the government, parliament, and administration who favored redirecting the nation's energies from confrontation with its neighbors to combating social and economic ills. Although many of his domestic policies seemed more in line with those of the previous administration, Igaal continued to hold the confidence of both Shermaarke and the National Assembly during the eighteen months preceding the March 1969 national elections. Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. LOL @Beenfaafinta.The events that defined Pan Somalism preceeded the goverment of Egal and was shaped way before 1960 but I see that it will be a real challenge to make you see differently.
Originally posted by Nationalist: First the designer of the flag is a Northerner and now Muhammad Ibrahim Egal is one of the primary architects of Pan Somalism? Egal government quote: A more important difference between Shermaarke and Igaal, other than their past affiliations, was the new prime minister's moderate position on pan-Somali issues and his desire for improved relations with other African countries. In these areas, he was allied with the "modernists" in the government, parliament, and administration who favored redirecting the nation's energies from confrontation with its neighbors to combating social and economic ills. Although many of his domestic policies seemed more in line with those of the previous administration, Igaal continued to hold the confidence of both Shermaarke and the National Assembly during the eighteen months preceding the March 1969 national elections. Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. LOL @Beenfaafinta.The events that defined Pan Somalism preceeded the goverment of Egal and was shaped way before 1960 but I see that it will be a real challenge to make you see differently.
Originally posted by Nationalist: First the designer of the flag is a Northerner and now Muhammad Ibrahim Egal is one of the primary architects of Pan Somalism? Egal government quote: A more important difference between Shermaarke and Igaal, other than their past affiliations, was the new prime minister's moderate position on pan-Somali issues and his desire for improved relations with other African countries. In these areas, he was allied with the "modernists" in the government, parliament, and administration who favored redirecting the nation's energies from confrontation with its neighbors to combating social and economic ills. Although many of his domestic policies seemed more in line with those of the previous administration, Igaal continued to hold the confidence of both Shermaarke and the National Assembly during the eighteen months preceding the March 1969 national elections. Gedid, beenfaafinta naga dhaaf. LOL @Beenfaafinta.The events that defined Pan Somalism preceeded the goverment of Egal and was shaped way before 1960 but I see that it will be a real challenge to make you see differently.
Originally posted by Maakhir: Gediid, all i know about this General Cabdiraxmaan ( Jiis ) is that he served in the military as Captain and as a Colonel during Somali's fight against Ethiopia. He was in charge of a whole division. He was also the trainer of young General Gaani. They had serious fight once in which General Cabdiraxman Jiis forced Gaani to be transferred from his base as a disciplinary action. From 1981 to 1991, he was a military ambassador based in U.S. He was also a consultant to General Mohamed Siyad Barre. He is strong man and is said to have educated himself to a Master level and knows more war and strategic defense tactics than any General in Somalia. Moreover, he knows more than 4 languages fluently including French, English and Arabic. Piece of Advice saxib, don't ever let statement on the public without first weighing its objectivity. And a piece of advise to you Mr Objectivity....Never let loose your "emotions" on a joke that even the blind can see...
Originally posted by Nationalist: quote: Does the name Abdullahi Isse ring a bell? I don't think Abdullahi Isse was in the position to spearhead Pan-Somalism during Italian UN Mandate in the late 50s. Actually Abdillahi Isse and another young ideologue by the name of Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal were the primary architects of Pan Somalism but like all Somali history it has been twisted and turned to suit certain individuals.
Originally posted by Nationalist: quote: Does the name Abdullahi Isse ring a bell? I don't think Abdullahi Isse was in the position to spearhead Pan-Somalism during Italian UN Mandate in the late 50s. Actually Abdillahi Isse and another young ideologue by the name of Mohammed Haji Ibrahim Egal were the primary architects of Pan Somalism but like all Somali history it has been twisted and turned to suit certain individuals.