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I Man 1 Vote Farmajo style.....
Mid dhulkooda reer kale oo ka awood badan ka heystaan iyo mid markiisi horeba laangaab ahaa.....
If the current world problems, pandemic, unemployment etc aren’t resolved fast sadly the inflation will not only spread Within the Somali territories which relay heavily on remittance from overseas Somalis but it could engulf most of Africa and many other nations across this world Causing an economic meltdown rarely Ever seen before. What happened in puntland Today will replicate else where in the Somali regions soon if the hawalas can’t transfer money. Ilahow na badbaadi.
Oodweyne in a moment similar to Nostradamus forewarned us. LoL The boosaneero I crawled out of is the upper east side, manhattan, USA. You might have heard of it but sadly they don’t allow your preferred trade. It’s strictly against the law.
Oodweyne, Glad to see you all. It’s been a while since I last checked sol but it took a pandemic and lockdown in NYC To return me back to it. I saw the posts and most are positive banter but this fellow was always outright negative and talking from where one Normally does not associate speech with. It made me question why knowing full well our camels don’t graze with the few they have and no recorded history of animosity between them and us except when Riyaale expelled en masse the hundreds of beggars from his hometown. That’s when I came to the conclusion Maybe this must have hit hard the city and local economy And he just can’t get over it but 20 years as an awfully long time to carry a grievance and he might, MIGHT just die not with the shahadah like a normal Muslim would but with Burn mirqaanland on his lips instead .
Hello; Roughly 20 years ago I remember this beggar from Baidoa nearly lost it when President Riyaale expelled from Somaliland a couple of hundred Professional beggars from Baidoa and it seems he’s still bitter about it. Sadly in my absence from SOL no one bothered to set him straight so I will try to play the devils advocate here and break the sad news to him knowing fully well how obstinate beggars are. President Biixi does not chew qaad, smoke or drink. I know your beggers mind can’t and won’t grasp that but it’s a FACT. However I can’t say the same for your Fellow beggars back home in Baidoa and among the few in the diaspora. 75% of the income your folks earn begging in Mogadishu is spent on those 2 vices. both alcohol and qaad have become a favorite pastime in Baidoa enjoyed by many of the locals. Even the former chief beggar Jawari was an alcoholic. Excuse me if I forgot my manners but one can’t but help kick an obtuse beggar once in a while. good to see the old folks who I knew from many many years ago btw.
Muuse Marqaanweyne must release hostage Coldoon
Gediid replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Norf ha layaabin Xiin he has every right to wish for what ever he thinks is right but wishing is one thing but putting those wishes into action is another. At the end of a beautiful dream one has to wake up and face the reality n Old Xiin just wants to hold onto that dream while his deeds are the exact opposite. Haatu, no libaax I am only passing thru.
^^^^ Thx sxb, it's good to be back, I am in Jakarta. Maxaa meesha lagu hayaa?
xiinfaniin;931838 wrote: Apophis's one lines are more lethal it seems than Oodweyne's ; just like a skier's foot awakens the sleeping snow and still survives, Oba survives (in fact he seems to enjoy) Oodweyne's torrent Left this forum roughly a decade ago though I do check the posts from time to time for news and it seems old Xinny is still up to his old ways of jirjiroolenimo iyo diradiraalnimo, who ever said u can't teach an old dog new what ever comes to mind. Anyways Greetings to y'all from the beautiful island of Indonesia. Keep on fighting and arguing about intiina ka ugu what ever dheer, it's quite entertaining.
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: @ I've left out the names of the organizations for the common security reasons. …yet secessionists and their hired pens have yet to find their voice in a manner that could convince the world about the merits of splitting Somalis along clan lines. Recent election and the manner in which it was executed were impressive…the resultant outcome in the form of Siilaanyo’s leadership represented a ray of hope in the region. Still in the eyes of the power centers that matter, it was indeed a local in nature and had nothing to change the geopolitical equation. Even this had me wanting to drop a comment or two.Waar Ninka sidan ka daaya, this is bigger than a setup.Sidii suuqi doqon ma waaye ayaad Xiin intaad buudhi sarteen ayaad kaga tagteen.Talk about him quoting that old adage a few days back waar reerku ma sidan ayuu u sal fududaa...... Markuu Somaliland maqlo ayuu odeygu sidii Islan saar hayo ayuu u soo boodayaa. Its been a while,Good to see yall,SOL was a great pastime...
^^^^Brother I can save you 0.03c for your Somalia calls.I have something that is way cheaper than what you are using, and if you call anywhere else like Kenya its only cents per minute.Try us we are at www.easytodial.com or call us on our toll free number.....Trust me you will like the service
^^^^The signs are everywhere,time to throw away the pants and put on the khamiis and get the cumaamad out yaa Ngonge
Islaamaha meesha mashxarad(sp) ayey kala daaleen ma istidhi, sadly though I doubt if any of the women understands a word of what the kids are saying.That video says volumes about where we Somalis find ourselves.I know in qurbe it has become a norm for most kids to not speak Somali while their parents sadly enough do not speak English.A while back waxaan is odhan jirey waar dadkan maxaa ka si ah but now I realize why.Diinta Islamaaka I believe (correct me if I am wrong here)says something like aduunya gudoonka calamadaha lagu garto waxaa ka mid in caruur iyo walidku is af garan wayaan.That is what we are seeing today.Only 20 years later 80% of Somali kids from the first generation of refugees can not have a one on one serious conversation with their dads or mums and its truely a sad affair.
^^^^ KK yeap the guy is a petro chemical engineer and singing is a hobby of his...During the tour to the USA, he had a job interview in houston with one of the big compnaies there and he has been offered a job there.....Ha degdin yaah KK ninku waa real Engineer and not the reer Xamar Injineere....
There is a known Somali pimp is Vegas.And I have seen a former Somali general,you know kuwii lagu toli jirey garaadka pimping for Durdur band back in the day in Addis Ababa in exchage for beer and jaad.....And like AT said there is many who help people with money get around and make "introductions" but waa fataal lama yidhaa wax kale ayaa loogu yeedha.
If the Amir of Al Shaabaab is Ahmed Godane, Ahmed was a brilliant student at the Islamic University in Islamabad.He studied Economics and graduated 1st in his class both at the undergraduate and post graduate levels.He also was notable for being a tutor to nearly every somali in every field in the university whether it was sharcia wa qanuun,economics or arabic language.He was also one of the youngest somali students there.That was all I remember of the guy.
The pretty girl Shamkaroon has an old ugly guun tagging on her heels....
^^^Duke that was funny walaahi.Thank God for adeero's we now get to see a Duke like we have never known before and your sense of humor is wicked sxb.Pity all those years when you were a copy and paste artist if only this side of you aad na tusi laheyd before you and me laba saaxiib oo is jecel baan noqon laheyn. Never too late though...Welcome back saaxiib to the both of us..... PS Horn hadalkiisa waxey la mid tahay islaantii in her yonger days suuqa gashey but when she turned 80 would look at the younger women in their prime and with all their beauty and say mar baan sidaas oo kale ahaa....
Gediid replied to QabiilDiid's topic in Politics
The vegetarian VP let the cat out of the bag but unfortunately UDUB don't have the mandate nor the balls to decide on the future of Somaliland.Waa afar jeeblayaal oo dadka maskiinta cashuurta yar ee ka qaadaan ka taajira is leh and for that matter I honestly doubt if Somaliland or Somaliweyn is on their to do list.Like someone earlier mentioned this is all election BS and the fatboy must be high on some vegetable and is getting way over his head. -
Gediid replied to QabiilDiid's topic in Politics
The vegetarian VP let the cat out of the bag but unfortunately UDUB don't have the mandate nor the balls to decide on the future of Somaliland.Waa afar jeeblayaal oo dadka maskiinta cashuurta yar ee ka qaadaan ka taajira is leh and for that matter I honestly doubt if Somaliland or Somaliweyn is on their to do list.Like someone earlier mentioned this is all election BS and the fatboy must be high on some vegetable and is getting way over his head. -
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: This is not culumadda kala qabta thing! That straw mat you have there looks very similar to the one I have in my bathroom yaa Xiin.Ragga ma musqul baad ugu gar qaadi laheyd sxb ...
Peace Caravan v1.1: The coming of the Somali Republic!
Gediid replied to xiinfaniin's topic in Politics
boqol saano ayaa Xiinow peace caravan wadey waxna kama soo naaso cada.MAalin kasta waxbaa so socdaad leedayahay ee ma qolyahaya rajo ku nool ah baad tahay saxiibow.