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Posts posted by BonaFied_CriTic

  1. You are my perfect example - incoherent as it is - everything has complexity or simplicity - nothing can possess either two nor can lack both - the post was about abortion - i am not its writer - someone passed it to me - the point isn't that jesus's name is in there - it is the act of aborting a child - whether or not you find the act barbaric is not the case - the act is simply wrong because it involves another life - and i am not pointing fingers or feeling the need to label someone - i consider that beneath Moi - anyways ina abti - stop paying attention to mere fragments in the issue - consume the whole idea as it is - without judging it nor accepting it - abortion can't be understood from a point of view -



    switched faith? - utter blasphemy - how rude -

  2. I doubt you will grasp anything i have to say my dear - people here either have simple mind or they lacking the understanding of simple things - which ever way that might be - coherent thought isn't lacking - we should all be thankful of that -


    U dig - tu comprende

  3. I do not think it is a joke at all - the jews want our pity and sympathy for whatever Hitler has done to them - but Palestine's deserves it greater - let Europe shoulder for its consequences - if the Europeans don't want the jews - why the hell would the muslims want to burden with them - and i can't beleive France has stooped down to mere threats - the world is no longer civilized - the jews should leave Palestine land - for a guest more then three days stinks like 3-day old rotten fish -

  4. My favorite book in the whole world - my beloved story book as a kid - my guidance - my knowledge keeper - can answer all these question with simplicity as well as deep-based wisdom - a scientist would have to have faith to understand and accept my beloved book - it is called the Quran - and i would like to introduce it to him - and if he likes it enough - i will let him borrow it -

  5. Originally posted by Wordette:

    ^They will lose. Insha'allah


    Despot: Now I know the reason why only
    like football: Convert to Boxingism maandhay.

    Why would i wanna watch a couple of men acting like savages - a better man walks away from a useless fight over fame - idiocy must think highly of you for that matter - and seahwaks will WIN- the only one converting if you from doqonimo - i find maryooleynimo quite the neighborhood - hahaha i should be a philosophical comedian

  6. Depression and my maryooley peeps, war nagadhaa, walaahi dheh. I always thought Somali people had too much dynamism and pride to let depression to hold them down. But guess I forgot they are humans after all. There are those blue moments – nothing a good shah won’t mend. No medicine can cure depression – but prayer and faith would do wonders. I pray for those and hopefully they will have nothing to be depressed about.



    Ameeeeen dheh!

  7. Month One


    Mommy, I am only 8 inches long, but I have all my organs. I love the sound of

    your voice. Every time I hear it, I wave my arms and legs. The sound of your

    heart beat is my favorite lullaby.



    Month Two


    Mommy, today I learned how to suck my thumb. If you could see me, you could

    definitely tell that I am a baby. I'm not big enough to survive outside my home

    though. It is so nice and warm in here.



    Month Three


    You know what Mommy, I'm a girl !! I hope that makes you happy. I always want

    you to be happy. I don't like it when you cry. You sound so sad. It makes me sad

    too, and I cry with you even though you can't hear me.



    Month Four


    Mommy, my hair is starting to grow. It is very short and fine, but I will have a

    lot of it. I spend a lot of my time exercising. I can turn my head and curl my

    fingers and toes, and stretch my arms and legs. I am becoming quite good at it




    Month Five


    You went to the doctor today. Mommy, he lied to you. He said that I'm not a

    baby. I am a baby Mommy, your baby. I think and feel. Mommy, what's abortion?



    Month Six


    I can hear that doctor again. I don't like him. He seems cold and heartless.

    Something is intruding my home. The doctor called it a needle. Mommy what is it?

    It burns! Please make him stop! I can't get away from it! Mommy!! HELP me!! No .

    . .

    Month Seven


    Mommy, I am okay. I am in Jesus's arms. he is holding me. He told me about

    abortion. Why didn't you want me Mommy?



    Every Abortion Is Just . . .


    One more heart that was stopped. Two more eyes that will never

    see. Two more hands that will never touch. Two more legs that will never

    run. One more mouth that will never speak.

  8. OOh the fascinating issue about "natural selection" and the constantly changing template in its selection of winners and losers. But although Darwin correctly understood that natural selection is usually the most powerful mechanism of evolution, he did not fully comprehend how it operates. This was due to the fact that he was largely ignorant of the mechanisms of genetics. The cruelty of time, or so to say.

  9. Cool, so if i ever lose a toe i did be able to grow it back, lol shidy are my pretty toes...anywayz i hardly doubt one can grow back an organ they lost. If we are ever meant to regenerate like salamanders, then i did think we would have discovered this trait a long time ago. Besides things are easier said then done. I feel sorry for the people they are going to experiment with. Someone is sure gonna miss few toes and thumbalina(aheem aheem wordette) would miss her thumb.

  10. Originally posted by Pucca:

    safe sex? no sex? ...many options but hardly any 'smart' folks out there.



    religion doesn't seem to be keeping folks from poking one another ...bout time parents *yes even somali parents* sat down with their kids and gave them the 411 on safe sex; cant stop them? then might as well save them...


    :rolleyes: ...happy aids day?

    You gotta be kidding me Pucca. Your stup*dity truly annoys me. How can you just label people "dumb" when it is merely the lack of resources and proper understanding of AIDS. This disease is not native to them but i am not here to explain simple details to you. So go learn more about the issue before you post again.

  11. Darwin may have been a brilliant man but when it comes to his theory of evolution I lose interest in his luminosity, which is where I find him utterly diabolical. How could one ever compare two species by stating that there may have been a time when humans were beasts in the jungle? Survival of the fittest, that I can comprehend but evolution, I did rather be blessed with a fool's ignorance then accept that my ancestors were apes. And Social Darwinism is quite interesting when applied to the concept of natural selection to human cultural systems.

  12. How rude my dear, where are your hostess manners. Besides i refuse to leave for i am a legal member of this board. And your derriere is quite unpleasant if i may say so, you have a foul mouth you despicable hobo(nayaa you will love to find out wat this means, i ordered it just for you, all the way from wikipedia).


    And i like the "ette" in my nick. But you have every right to change it as i have every right to keep it. I am pretty sure no one would confuse me for you by which i would find it very insulting. However, i think i can manage a heart attack as such time ever arrives.