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Posts posted by BonaFied_CriTic

  1. Steelers got lucky and we all know it – The Steelers’s QB couldn't even get the ball to the receivers all through first half, all incompletes - Seattle played better then the Steelers and whoever watched the game knows it - On the half-time show the commentators even said the Seattle touchdown was a touchdown which the referees denied – The only mistake the Seahawks made was their penalties – I swear if I ever see that head-referee I might murder him –


    Steelers got a lucky break, and they only made one damn good play – But Seattle has proven itself in the season as well as the post-season – Alexander broke two records in rushing-yards and touchdowns, while the Steelers had to come back up from the 6th seat – And they had field advantage in Detroit – But hey no worries, the next season starts September – It may have been the last stop for the bus but the rain never stops – And lets not forget we had the Steelers on edge till the third quarter (they were scareeed)


    The season is over, so now peaze and bariis on NFL -

  2. Cricket used to be fun to watch especially when South Africa used to win (good 'old days) - But I haven't watched a single game in five yrs - And Pakistan and India will forever fight to dominate the game (and India will forever lose lol) -

  3. Seahawks wat, Seahawks wat - I watched the steelers rampage poor broncos (which was kinda of humiliating because the steelers defense was killing the recievers - talk about "I am locked up, they won't let me out, Its like they forgot about me!") -


    Then the game between Seahawks and panthers came - And it was like Smith on the floor - He was strapped down - On the first quater, he couldn't even touch the ball - That is when he started crying and nagging like a frigging housewife (Too bad the kusband wasn't there) - First panther touchdown was complete bull-Crap, there was a flag and Smith kept running even though the hawks slowed down - And the second touchdown, just call that a free starbuck farabajino on the house -


    Best in the West Coast - Seahawks

    NFC - Seahawks

    SuperBowl - Get used to the name and shout out SEAHAWKS -



    :D seattle is all that and more - and this time it ain't the flu talking -

  4. Man sues chatroom pals: I was humiliated beyond what 'no man could endure'



    Mike Marlowe fully admits that he sometimes gave George Gillespie a hard time in that AOL chatroom.


    But never in his wildest imagination did he expect to be sued in court for what he characterized as "razzing."


    "We gave him crap," said Marlowe, a 33-year-old welder in Fayette, Ala. "I'm not going to deny it. I teased him and he teased me back. He gave it back better than he ever got it."


    A generation ago, such petty personal beefs might have been settled with fists outside the corner bar, but now it's the Internet age — and Ohio resident George Gillespie instead filed a $25,000 lawsuit against two erstwhile cyber chums he met in the sprawling 900-room, mostly anonymous society that makes up AOL's chat universe.


    The Complete Story!

  5. ***In The Name Of Allah,

    the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "Jannat lies under the feet of your mother." ***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "If you read the kalima with conviction just once, Jannah becomes upon you." ***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "A women who reveals her body or even wears tight fitting clothes wont come within 500 years of the smell of Jannah."***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "The dust which settles on a man while he is out in the path of Allah; not only the fire, but the smoke of Jahannam is haraam for those parts of the body."***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "I only curse 3 types of people;

    1. Those people who do not look after their parents when they are in old age.

    2. Those people who do not take full advantage of the blessed month of Ramadan.

    3. Those people who don not say, 'Salallahu -Alayhay- -Wa-Aalahay Wasallam' when my name is mentioned."***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W said, "An intelligent person is one who is constantly thinking about and preparing for death."***


    ***Rasulullah S.A.W. said, "It is better for a man that a steel nail be driven through the centre of his head rather than if he touches the palm of a strange women."***




    Imagine this happening to you...


    One day during Jummah Salah, a 1,000 member congregation was surprised to see two men enter, both covered from head to toe in black and carrying sub-machine guns.


    One of the men proclaimed,


    "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Allah remain where you are."


    Immediately, the congregation fled, and out of the 1,000 there only remained around 20.


    The man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at the Imaam and said,


    "Okay Maulana, I got rid of all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your sermon."


    The two men then turned and walked out."




    **Funny how simple it is for people to trash Allah ... and then wonder why the world's going to hell**


    **Funny how we believe what the newspapers say ... but question what the Qu'ran says**


    **Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven ... provided they do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything the Quran says**


    **Funny how someone can say 'I believe in Allah' ... but still follow Shaitaan (who, by the way, also 'believes' in Allah)**


    **Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire ... but when you start sending messages regarding Allah, people think twice about sharing**


    **Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass freely through cyberspace ... but the public discussion of Allah is suppressed in the school and workplace**


    **Funny, isn't it?**


    **Funny how someone can be so fired up for Allah on Friday ... but be an invisible Muslim the rest of the week**


    **Are you laughing?**


    **Funny how I can be more worried about what other people think of me ... than what Allah thinks of me**


    **Are you thinking?**


    **In The Name Of Allah,

    the most Beneficent, the most Gracious, the most Merciful!**

  6. I have slept with anatomy,

    Fooled around with chemistry,

    Dated a Shakespeare’s play-script,

    Subtracted and multiplied with mathematics,

    Cerebral prostitute am I not?


    I had an orgasm with logic,

    Climaxed with physiology

    And reached my own sweet oblivion with psychology,

    A mental prostitute am I not?


    I have mastered French,

    Made love in English,

    Lusted after Spanish,

    And posed nude with Latin,

    A linguistic prostitute am I not?



    *I have not yet completed this piece just to let you know - and watch the cheap shots Lee - I already know you gonna give one below the belt -

  7. Damn why do they care what people do behind closed doors and shaded windows – Do it half-naked or in full-nudity-motion but the screwing is still going on – It is like getting a cheese-burger without the buns and pasta without the suugo – Neither has flavor without the other – And if you see where I am going with this then you get my point – If I am going to be with this person till death do us part then you better believe I want to see and know ever scratch and scar on their body from head to toe – Besides ain't the lights being off enough –

  8. ^^Love is a curse upon humanity - It is the most useless emotion one can possess if not drown in it - How many people commit heinous crimes in the name of "Love"? - That is why arranged marriages came into practice - If the fate of humanity were to be left in the hands of love to bring two people together so they can reproduce - Then sadly, we would have been extinct by now - For "Love" doesn't help fertilize eggs -

  9. Love is a make-believe word - designed to conceal the destructive and vicious emotions that come along with it – loving someone is like taking out a loan with 40% interest – the person who want the affections returned with full cost to the individuals returning it - love is merely a mutual feeling and a four letter word and so is hate, pain, and hell -

  10. Originally posted by Jimca Lee:

    ^Hear Hear.


    Rana, I have the perfect Somali girl (she is not yet a woman!) for you and she even speaks Urdu fluently. She is also a member on this very site but the sad thing is she doesn't live in Sweden. However, if you are willing to pay for airfare, nothing fancy just a box space on a cargo plane, I'll ship her to you immediately with her family's blessing.



    How dare you sell me out like that you lil egomaniac aficionado – I assure you that I am all woman and I am not the one with the added-male-hormones – Yes, I said it – Box ku tiri – xaasidnimo baa kufuushay – find him another woman for I am done with the existing male alive today – I have tried to lower my standards for them but I have realized that their lowly level is quite undeserving for my likes and their intelligence is 10% lower than my beloved gold-fish – it is the cruelty of fate to blame for me having been born in a time where no man alive can hold my attraction for more than mere minutes - I think my egg hatched before its time -



    P.S. I pray that the coming generation has ripe fruits to be picked :D - Ayeeyo says ameen - she is waiting for her share as well -

  11. Originally posted by Castro:



    Don't think these ayeeyos are there for show. They're the first and second line of defense. They're there to sift through the applicants and weed out the undesirables. Don't be fooled by their loving granny demeanour and soft speech. Treat them as the enemy that they are and use Ninja tactics on them. And keep your eye on the prize at all times.

    lol Should i assume you had a run in with an ayeeyo and lost the battle -

  12. I think it is ok to marry anyone as along as they are in your species - Besides, I thinking mingling with others will greatly help the Somali people - and maybe we will get rid of that famous forehead as well -

  13. I think this is worse than breaking Article 51 twenty times in the last fifteen years - but this gives a whole new insight of what the rogue states are actually capable of - kofi Annan is sure gonna like this - afterall he has let U.S. prove again and again that crimes are not of great consequence but disobedience is -


    Rice authorized National Security Agency to spy on UN Security Council in run-up to war, former officials say


    Raw Story/Jason Leopold | December 28 2005


    President Bush and other top officials in his administration used the National Security Agency to secretly wiretap the home and office telephones and monitor private email accounts of members of the United Nations Security Council in early 2003 to determine how foreign delegates would vote on a U.N. resolution that paved the way for the U.S.-led war in Iraq, NSA documents show.


    Two former NSA officials familiar with the agency's campaign to spy on U.N. members say then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice authorized the plan at the request of President Bush, who wanted to know how delegates were going to vote. Rice did not immediately return a call for comment.


    The former officials said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also participated in discussions about the plan, which involved "stepping up" efforts to eavesdrop on diplomats.


    A spokeswoman at the White House who refused to give her name also would not comment, and pointed to a March 3, 2003 press briefing by former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer when questions about U.N. spying were first raised.


    "As a matter of long-standing policy, the administration never comments on anything involving any people involved in intelligence," Fleischer said. "So I'm not saying yes and I'm not saying no."


    Disclosure of the wiretaps and the monitoring of U.N. members' email came on the eve of the Iraq war in the British-based Observer. The leak -- which the paper acquired in the form of an email via a British translator -- came amid a U.S. push urging U.N. members to vote in favor of a resolution that said Iraq was in violation of U.N. resolution 1441, asserting that it had failed to rid the country of weapons of mass destruction.


    News of the NSA spying on the U.N. received scant coverage in U.S. newspapers at the time. But with the explosive domestic spying report published in the New York Times last week, a closer examination of pre-war spying may shed light on whether the Bush administration has used the NSA for its own political purposes, as opposed to tracking down communications regarding potential terrorist threats against the U.S.


    The leaked NSA email detailing the agency's spy tactics against the U.N. was written Jan. 31, 2003 by Chief of Staff for Regional Targets Frank Koza. In the email, Koza asked an undisclosed number of NSA and British intelligence officials to "pay attention to existing non-UN Security Council Member UN-related and domestic comms (home and office telephones) for anything useful related to Security Council deliberations."


    One intelligence source who spoke to RAW STORY said top White House officials and some Republican members of Congress had debated in December 2002 whether to step up the surveillance of U.N. officials to include eavesdropping on home telephone and personal email accounts. Some feared that in the event it was discovered, it would further erode relations between the U.S. and the U.N.


    The source added that U.S. spying on the U.N. isn't new.


    "It's part of the job," the intelligence source said. "Everyone knows it's being done."


    Eavesdropping on U.N. diplomats is authorized under the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Services Act. However, it's still considered a violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which says that "The receiving state shall permit and protect free communication on the part of the mission for all official purposes... The official correspondence of the mission shall be inviolable."


    According to one former official, "The administration pushed the envelope by tapping their home phones."


    Koza's email, a copy of which is included at the end of this report, says the "Agency is mounting a surge particularly directed at the UN Security Council (UNSC) members (minus US and GBR of course) for insights as to how to membership is reacting to the on-going debate RE: Iraq, plans to vote on any related resolutions, what related policies/ negotiating positions they may be considering, alliances/ dependencies, etc."


    "The whole gamut of information that could give US policymakers an edge in obtaining results favorable to U.S. goals or to head off surprises. In RT, that means a QRC surge effort to revive/ create efforts against UNSC members Angola, Cameroon, Chile, Bulgaria and Guinea, as well as extra focus on Pakistan UN matters."


    Koza's email was sent out to NSA and British intelligence officials through a top secret surveillance network set up by the NSA, the British Government Communication Headquarters and similar intelligence agencies based in Australia, New Zealand and Canada known as Echelon.


    Moreover, the email was distributed just four days after Hans Blix filed his Iraq weapons report with the U.N.


    It was leaked to a handful of media outlets in the U.S. and U.K. by Katharine Tersea Gun, a former translator for British intelligence. Gun was arrested in November 2003 and charged with violating her country's Official Secrets Act. She said she felt compelled to leak the memo because she believed the U.S. and Britain were about to launch an illegal war.


    "Any disclosures that may have been made were justified on the following grounds: because they exposed serious illegality and wrongdoing on the part of the U.S. Government who attempted to subvert our own security services and, to prevent wide-scale death and casualties among ordinary Iraqi people and UK forces in the course of an illegal war," she said in a statement at the time.


    In his book "Plan of Attack," Bob Woodward, deputy managing editor of the Washington Post, said the administration was also spying on Hans Blix, the U.N. weapons inspector sent to Iraq to look for WMDs.


    "One of the things that's gone unnoticed is national intelligence assets spying on Hans Blix," Woodward told the Council on Foreign Relations on June 9, 2004 "And Bush was getting these reports and felt that there was incongruity between what Blix was saying publicly and what he was actually doing. It makes it very clear we were wiretapping Hans Blix."


    In an article for Counterpunch, media critic Norman Solomon noted that the U.S. media barely covered the U.N. spying.


    "Nearly 96 hours after the Observer had reported it, I called Times deputy foreign editor Alison Smale and asked why not," Solomon writes. "'We would normally expect to do our own intelligence reporting,' Smale replied. She added that 'we could get no confirmation or comment.' In other words, U.S. intelligence officials refused to confirm or discuss the memo -- so the Times did not see fit to report on it."


    The Washington Post printed a 514-word article on a back page with the headline "Spying Report No Shock to U.N," while the Los Angeles Times emphasized from the outset that U.S. spy activities at the United Nations are "long-standing," Solomon wrote.


    Solomon says his research turned up only one story which took the spying seriously -- a Mar. 4, 2003 piece in the Baltimore Sun.



  14. true say Castro but the somali one took me forever to read - the ayeeyo has already shown me the rotten leaves on the money tree - and i have noticed that things only glitter brightly when you want it to glitter - just like how beauty is in the eyes of the beholder -



    P.S. Atheer sounds funny but i won't mind Eedo - :D