Lame Radar
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Everything posted by Lame Radar
Originally posted by Rahima: Lame Radar, the basic point that the Hijab is wajib. The dirac alone is not a type of hijab. Can someone not be humble and gracious whilst wearing the appropriate hijab? Must it be one or the other? Islam is a deen- a way of life, hence what's in the heart is very important, but it MUST be accompanied by actions. You seem to a chip on your shoulder, hence why i don't really wish to get into it with you . Anyhow wlc It's highly presumptuous of you to explain what Islam is to me when you don't know anything about me. As for my having a chip on my shoulder, I would say that you might be projecting here. You don't really wish to get into it with me? Since when is my perspective and my opposing view about you? Is that not slightly self centered on your part? I was under the impression that people have a dialogue on here regarding topics that are brought forth. As for the your comment on being humble and gracious, well self-righteousness doesn't fit well with those two is what my comment was about. Thank you for the welcome! Salaam
I don't know which basics you refer to but I do not concern myself with what makes up anyone's basics. I do know that historically, the self-righteous always were blinded by their stance. Being a Muslim is so much more than what you wear. After you are finished looking over the checklist of requirements, remember that being humble and gracious are actually on that list too. It's not how loudly you announce being a Muslim, but how quietly you defer to Allah, that matters IMO. Dismissing a person's perspective by stating that you don't agree with their basics, and to question how Muslim one is, is probably the last thing Islam wanted people to do. But good luck to you in your attempt to isolate people from being part of the highly coveted Muslim of the year winners circle. I may not agree with you but I don't question your faith as the basis for my argument in a debate or a commentary. Salaam to all
Originally posted by Rahima: quote: ^^Thats assuming the Taliban, I mean AlShabab don't get wiff of this. It has nothing to do with any group Lilly, but the sisters are inappropriately dressed in a place where men are present. It's one thing for someone to do something, totally different to condone it or justify it. Wrong is wrong, nothing to do with Alshabab. The event would be great, if all the spectators were women and no photographs for world viewing were taken. How self righteous we are, sitting in our living room with the world at our fingertips..everything a few clicks away and you question the intentions of this basketball tournament? Would you rather they stay at home until someone bombs them in their bedroom or they get sold to an elder man who wanted a 6th wife. Religious anything begins with you, the individual. If you believe people should be restricted and go without, then START WITH YOURSELF. I am happy for them that they were able to organize something for the community to come together to view in peace. As for what they are wearing and who is watching, since when did Somalia become Saudi Arabia...Isn't the Diraac the women's national dress. LOL...oh the hypocrisy of the haves in comparison to the have nots. Wrong is wrong? What's wrong? Getting exercise and doing something with yourself since you don't have cable television, internet, electricity and all the other forms of entertainment you consume daily? Honestly, must everything be restricted because of a perceived and individual stance on Islam and it's laws? :rolleyes: I hope those ladies get to play more often.... Salaam to all
I just have one question, How is it that Bare Breasts are unhygienic? Do those skimpy little tops have some protective, antibacterial, HAZMAT ap proved layering? Dunno why they won't give'em the right to offend society especially since we all know what happens to Breasts that are not held up by bras over a period of time. Then we can start singin', "do you boobs hang low? do they sag and touch the floor?" la la la la I am sure there are more important issues than fatty tissue and nipples.
^^ May be it is the casiir Lool@ lily strangeled cat! Walaaley malaha waa da'da
Deep in the heart of Little Mogadishu, a suburb in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, a pop group called Waayah Cusub (New Era) is causing a storm. We are not happy with what is happening back home Jamila Jamma Waayah Cusub member Frustrated with the traditional norms of living within the Somali community, which to a large extent restricts open expression; this group of young men and women are now using music to break the barriers. Most of them are in their early twenties and have been living as refugees in Kenya for more than a decade. They have stepped out of the old poetic tradition and introduced more creative and modern lyrics to the Somali music industry. "We do not copy songs from old musicians, we come up with our own ideas and sing about what is happening by the day, something that rarely happens," says group member Jamila Jamma. The group, which has been enjoying a lot of airtime on Somali radio stations and music programmes on Kenyan television channels, has been pushing for reconciliation in their country. "We are not happy with what is happening back home, in fact we have recorded a thought-provoking song that we hope will bring our leaders back to their senses," Ms Jamma says. The song, entitled Somalia, rebukes the country's leadership and warlords for causing the pain and destruction as they fight for power and challenges them to outline what they will do to restore order to the country. 'Bold step' Apart from singing about the war and destruction in their homeland, Waayah Cusub is equally convinced that there are current social issues which are being ignored to the danger of the Somali community. The band members have grown up as refugees For instance, they say Aids is a reality among Somalis but no-one talks about it or if the disease is discussed, it is a low-key affair. Most Somalis are Muslims and according to Islamic teaching, the disease is mainly associated with adulterers and people with HIV are often ostracised. "Most Somalis are not educated and they do not know what causes Aids, so we decided to take the bold step and tell them what this is and its dangers," explains Ms Jamma, who is one of the female members of the group. Shino Abdullahi Ali, who features in the song Ka digtoonow Aids Ka, says they decided to be blunt in their message that Aids is dangerous and has no cure. Apart from breaking from tradition and talking about the disease, Waayah Cusub has been careful not to cause a furore by suggesting ways of prevention like the use of condoms and simply advocate abstinence. Diaspora appeal Having lived in Kenya for the better part of their teenage life, the group members have also drawn fans from their host country by singing in Kiswahili, a language widely spoken in East Africa. It's an open secret that if you do not come from a noble clan, no matter how much you love a girl, she will never be your wife Abdimalik Awil Isaac Film producer "Swahili has become a major mode of communication among us and our peers, we cannot match Kenyan musicians but singing in the language in Somali style has been appealing to our fans," says Shino Abdullahi Ali, who raps on the popular track Sina Mwingine - Kiswahili for I Do Not Have Another Lover. The group also has a big fan base among Somalis elsewhere in the diaspora. They performed in the Somali movie Ali and Awrala about the caste system of marriage within Somalia communities. The producer of the film, Abdimalik Awil Isaac, who lives in Denmark, says his intention was to show Somalis that the taboo of marrying across the castes has caused much pain. "It's an open secret among our people that if you do not come from a noble clan, no matter how much you love a girl from that kind of family, she will never be your wife. "These guys conveyed the message pretty well," he said of group members who had leading roles in the movie, which has been screened widely in Europe and the United States. And what are Waayah Cusub's future plans? "Just like everyone says, the sky is the limit. But our mission is to put Somalia on focus in every area and we will be bold in our music," says Ms Jamma source
Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: quote:Originally posted by roobleh: quote: City = magaalo Town = degmo Village = tuulo Hamlet = buulo Boorama is a degmo . Having said that, it looks good. MMA, I am afraid you did not get it right this time. If this was a guess, then you guessed it wrong. Borame is a not only a city, but is the capital city of Awdal . Following is the definition of a city from Barron's Dictionary from answers.com "In general: subdivision of a state, with its own local government. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the average population of a city is 5000. Several cities can constitute a county. A city is usually chartered by the state." BARRON'S Boorama is not magaalo; it never fitted a magaalo discription, either pre-war and post-war Soomaaliya. Neither is it 'magaalo madax.' There is only one magaalo madax in Soomaali sense and that is Muqdisho. What you meant, however, is xarunta gobolka Awdal, which Boorama is not either. The last I knew in pre-war, it is some place called Baki. The reason aan loogu dhigin xarun, unlike most other gobolo's largest degmooyin, I think, has to do it being too close to Soomaali Galbeed and thus out of Itoobiya since there was always wars involved with them. All other gobolo had xarun laga xukumo, not 'magaalo madax' or 'capital city.' The classical definition of 'city' [magaalo] -- not the American government's definition of it, which has a political meaning behind it -- is a place that has at least 100,000 people. A 'town' [degmo] has less than that and between 10,000 [and sometimes 5,000]. A 'village' [tuulo] is between anywhere from five hundred to upto 5,000. A few hundred or tens is a hamlet [buulo]. Anybody can put anything on wikipedia. You shouldn't have quoted it. Boorama Magaalo maaha kulahaa :rolleyes: Boorama waa magaalo waxna boorama ka garan mayside adigu xamar iyo dhulkaa ka sheekee.....
Originally posted by Lois Lane: Balla Chick, Are you joking when you say this quote: Wroooong! Yaa Rooble The capital city of G. Awdal is Baki. The capital is city of Awdal is Borama. Please show us where you found your claim above. No sister Lois I am not joking. The capital city of Awdal is Baki see it here. No you can check it here saylici
Originally posted by roobleh: quote: I am afraid you did not get it right this time. If this was a guess, then you guessed it wrong. Borame is a not only a city, but is the capital city of Awdal. Wroooong! Yaa Rooble The capital city of G. Awdal is Baki. Nice pictures
“Even those soldiers we pay who wear our military uniform joined (natives)”
Lame Radar replied to Liibaan's topic in Politics
Where have you been Mr. Castro? Welcome back -
Nice clip...Must see TV...LMAO
^ I'm not even going to go near that one. :rolleyes:
I wonder if Somalis realize they are blacks as well? :rolleyes: (In another thread I read someone refer to other blacks such as Jamaicans and Nigerians as 'them San kadudus') :mad: Here is a little girl who is trying to raise the spirit of her people with words. http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/60921.htm BETTER OR VERSE By DAVID ANDREATTA Education Reporter March 13, 2006 -- YOUNGSTER'S BLACK-POWER POEM RILES SCHOOL A 7-year-old prodigy unleashed a firestorm when she recited a poem she wrote comparing Christopher Columbus and Charles Darwin to "pirates" and "vampires" who robbed blacks of their identities and human rights. Hundreds of parents of Peekskill middle- and high-school students received a recorded phone message last week apologizing for little Autum Ashante's poem, titled "White Nationalism Put U in Bondage." "Black lands taken from your hands, by vampires with no remorse," the aspiring actress and poet wrote. "They took the gold, the wisdom and all the storytellers. They took the black women, with the black man weak. Made to watch as they changed the paradigm of our village. "Yeah white nationalism is what put you in bondage. Pirates and vampires like Columbus, Morgan and Darwin." Autum was invited to speak at the Westchester schools on Feb. 28 by Melvin Bolden, a music teacher at the middle school who advises the high school's Black Culture Club and is a member of the Peekskill City Council. Autum, whose résumé includes several television appearances and performances at the Apollo Theater and the African Burial Ground in Manhattan, told The Post that her poem was meant to instill pride in black students and to encourage them to steer clear of violence. "I don't think there's anything wrong with my poem. I was trying to tell them the straight-up truth," Autum said. "I'm trying to tell them not to fight because they're killing the brothers and sisters." Autum, who is home-schooled in Mount Vernon and speaks several languages, prefaced her performance at the high school with a Black Panthers' pledge asking black youngsters to not harm one another. It did not sit well with parents. In a telephone interview with The Post, Bolden said Autum has been "unofficially" banned from performing in a district school again and that school officials would review transcripts of future speakers. "It's unfortunate, because some teachers said they wanted this little girl to explain the things she said to their students, but some parents don't want her on school grounds," Bolden said. "[The poem] might have been a little too aggressive for what the middle-school kids are ready to handle," Bolden added. Kimberly Greene, a mother of children in the high school and middle school, said she was shocked when she got the recorded phone message. "If there are people who are upset about what she said, the schools should have talked about and analyzed it rather than send a message to everyone saying this little girl was offensive," Greene said. Autum's father, Batin Ashante, said he can't believe the fuss over his daughter's poem. "She's a little girl who does poetry about real things. She doesn't do poetry about cotton candy," Ashante said. "She's a serious little person." david.andreatta@nypost.com
I would love a Macawiis :cool: if I could find one that has 3 or 4 different shades of Blue -- baby blue, royal blue, navy blue and so on. I have asked 10 different Macawiis importers to find me that kind and the women only tell me they will :rolleyes: but I guess they don't want a Somali girl getting a macawiis. :mad: Anyone know where I can get one that has blue colours without the pleated pattern? :confused:
Castro is the Unofficial SOL I would ask for a status raise effective immediately
Since when is music Pornography :eek: and you are kinda behind, we already have porn stars.... :rolleyes: Don't confuse things, Music is Music, and unless one is tone deaf, all have listened to and enjoyed it at one time or another. And some of us continue to enjoy it as it doesn't threaten our faith in Allah.
I can't believe all the Hating going on in here, she poses like that cause she is an R&B artist doing a photoshoot. Now let's try to be happy for the brothas and sistas that are making it, maybe go out and buy the CD, send fan mail, attend a concert not talk about how she is posing in a picture. Leave the religion out of this, Music is not Haram as you listen to your Somali or Arabic Music claiming it is not Western Hell bound, God is gonna fry all of you, type of music. Try not watching BET UNCUT at night and then beating everyone down with excerpt from the Holy Quran or a Hadith.
The four items cost 1.20, 1.25, 1.50 and 3.16.....Not bad, You got anymore?
Peaceful protest rally against cartoons in Toronto
Lame Radar replied to Haneefah's topic in General
I second that commotion, wow! I thought I was the only one wondering where the punchline was :confused: Bravo Naden -
I happen to like sour grapes, true love is for suckers, unless you have sh*t loads of money to support my many habits/addictions. Then I will be a card carrying romantic who believes that TRUE LOVE will conquer all. P.S. Don't forget the shoes... P.S.S. And if you look like him ---> , then I will never ever complain about a single thing ever again.
You can leave it at the Ottawa Airport, with the security people.
.XOHS EKIN WEN EHT EVAH I NAC, TNESERP YADHTRIB DETALEB YM ROF My reply: yes you can. What size? Socod_Badne, that is so sweet of you... 41 EUR, 8 US----same color as my avatar.
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